Specialized people want to hate the big corporate brand, the Ford of bikes.
But they make bloody good bikes
Agreed, I have owned a few and they are very good bikes. The biggest issue for me is my local dealer for bikes or parts is a Specialized concept store. It is shiny, has bikes hanging from the ceiling and looks very sleek. The problem is they don’t seem to have anything in stock and everything is too much trouble for the staff. Trying to get them to order a shock bolt or similar is like trying to get past my local GP’s receptionist in order to see the doc, you sort of get there in the end but its hard work and involves a lot of effort on my part.
To answer the question – Hope, I know I am in the minority but I really dislike anodised tat. Yes, not all of their stuff is colured but I cant see the logo without my mind picturing faded purple/orange/red bling ruining an otherwise nice bike.