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  • manals and wheelies
  • SlowJohn
    Free Member

    on another bike related website there is an article about doing wheelies. It says in the article that in order to loft the wheel up you should not pull up on the bars but instead pedal fast in order to get it up. Is this the case with manuals as well. I can wheelie a bit but i normally just yank the bars up so to speak. I would love to be able to manual furtheer than 3 metres should i practice wheelies first until im really gpood at that

    Free Member

    With manuals i was always under the impression you roll your weight backwards over the bike and try not to jerk on the bars, try keep everything smooth. 😕

    Full Member

    The way I try to teach this is as follows….

    Rather than trying to make the bike picot about the rear wheel, imagine it’s pivot point is the centre of the main triangle.
    Thus, as well as (smoothly) pulling on the bars, you want to be ‘ushing’ with your legs to move the rear wheel ‘forwards’.
    This gives much more control.

    Also, the rear brake is your life line!

    The best way to practice is (without spds) just riding along and aiming to ‘flip’ the bike so you have to jump off the back.
    Once you can do this with ease, then you just add in ‘control’ and aim to stay on the bike!!


    Free Member

    Can’t talk from experience as I am pretty cr*p at both, but all the articles I have seen say get wheelies nailed first before going on to manuals

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