There is only one man we all want to be. The only men who don’t want to be him, are the ones who don’t know he exists. If you want to know him, say this word three times….
Not sure of the purpose of this thread. Just think he played a really cool ‘character’ in BoB- not sure who close each scene etc was to Winters though in real life?
Slightly touching on the Rachel subject, a gay friend of mine picked up a young gentleman in the toilets and upon retiring to the cubicle discovered he was a she.
Still can’t figure that one out!
Can we have a lady,lady love sub thread for the sake of equality?
I know a few people who know and have met Damian Lewis and apparently Homelands fame has “changed him” – and not in a good way.
Mrs Rusty met him in the Coop in Llandeilo (bizarre I know, but apparently he has a holiday home near there) and said he was ever so nice and friendly.