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  • Makes you proud to be British (German?)
  • MSP
    Full Member

    True, but I think its the intangible finical value that needs to be considered too. A trickle down affect to other businesses perhaps?

    LOL make believe finance and trickle down economics in one paragraph. That’s really clutching at straws.

    Full Member

    According to this, and other sources going back to 2007, London is the most visited city in the world. As someone who has worked in high end tourisim and travel, a Royal approval/visit counts for serious kudos with overseas and UK based people alike.

    And yet the page you link to also states

    Paris is the most visited city in the world,

    Free Member

    LOL make believe finance and trickle down economics in one paragraph. That’s really clutching at straws.


    In fact Im being perfunctory, as the rationale behind how the Royal Family has a trickle down effect is in that link & is about a page long. Go read it. Again?

    Full Member

    It says nothing to prove the “intangible benefits” it’s as make believe as everything you have said.

    Free Member

    Yup pure conjecture, unless you can find actual figures to the extra income companies get from having ‘by Royal Appointment’ on their packaging. And while your link says:

    Brands like Fortnum and Masons and Berry Brothers clearly benefit from the luxury connotations of a Royal Warrant.

    Isn’t that luxury connotation kind of diluted by brand such as Autoglym, Castrol, HP Sauce, Kellogs having the same Royal Warrant? And this benefit is so clear that there is no need for figures?

    Free Member

    Its funny how the majority of economic opinion & financial reports have a strong tendency to state that the Royal Family has a positive benefit to the UK economy, yet the STW financial experts all disagree.

    I know who I’m placing my faith in & it aint you lot.

    On that note, thats my last word on the subject.

    PS awwwwwwwwwwwww

    Want a hug?

    Free Member

    The Royals DO have a [net positive] financial value to the UK economy, Anyone with any understanding of economics knows this to be true.

    Bollocks, and your repeated assertions that they do don’t make it so. I inserted a couple of words in there to give your statement meaning, as anyone with any understanding of economics would. Maybe we can get together sometime and willywave about our economics qualifications and experience, it’ll make the world a better place.

    In any case, if the Royals add such value to industry and this is immediately obvious to anyone with the slightest understanding of economics, then captains of industry across the UK will be falling over themselves to pay them to show up at their trade missions, receptions and other functions, just like supermarkets would pay Jimmy Savile and Hear’Say to cut ribbons at new stores. There would be nothing to stop a disestablished monarchy to sell its wares on the free market.

    PS do you want to buy some intangible value? 50 quid to you.

    Free Member

    On that note, thats my last word on the subject.

    You do flounce from threads quite a bit.

    Full Member

    The whole republican movement just seems to smack of nothing more than misguided jealousy to me. Ridiculous statements like: ‘She’s never done a day’s work in her life’ simply couldn’t be further from the truth. How many people would like to have no choice in their future career and also have to do it from early childhood until the day they die, while having your every move scrutinised?

    Would anyone rather the Prime Minister was Head of State? Why? The Prime Minister is the elected figurehead with the political power anyway, and it has been so since the end of the Civil War. What’s the other alternative? An elected President? That would just be another person being driven around in limousines under heavy security and holding lavish banquets at the nation’s cost – but without the merit or respect that a thousand years of history can bestow upon them.

    Without the Monarchy, we’re just even more of a washed-up has been nation that we already are. It is what makes us unique and respected. Why anyone would want to get rid this is beyond me. Just so we can all be about a tenner better off? Big deal.

    Full Member

    In any case, if the Royals add such value to industry and this is immediately obvious to anyone with the slightest understanding of economics, then captains of industry across the UK will be falling over themselves to pay them to show up at their trade missions, receptions and other functions,

    I think you’ll find they do fall over themselves to gain a Royal Warrant, which is hugely respected, especially in the Asian markets.

    Free Member

    According to this, and other sources going back to 2007, London is the most visited city in the world. As someone who has worked in high end tourisim and travel, a Royal approval/visit counts for serious kudos with overseas and UK based people alike.

    It also says that Paris is the most visited city in the World. Great report that.

    The whole republican movement just seems to smack of nothing more than misguided jealousy to me.

    That a group of people through birthright have access to rights and privileges that far exceed everyone else? We do labour under the impression that everyone can have a fair crack at being successful, even though the middle classes are camping around the best education establishments that house buying money can get them, forcing the proles out, or politicians and in particular the current cabinet is stuffed full of the privileged few, the monarchy is the symbol of this privilege.

    Would anyone rather the Prime Minister was Head of State? Why? The Prime Minister is the elected figurehead with the political power anyway, and it has been so since the end of the Civil War. What’s the other alternative? An elected President? That would just be another person being driven around in limousines under heavy security and holding lavish banquets at the nation’s cost – but without the merit or respect that a thousand years of history can bestow upon them.

    What, you mean someone who we can democratically elect as our head of state?

    Without the Monarchy, we’re just even more of a washed-up has been nation that we already are. It is what makes us unique and respected.

    Backward more like. We need to grow up and move on.

    Free Member

    I think you’ll find they do fall over themselves to gain a Royal Warrant, which is hugely respected, especially in the Asian markets.

    Well, there you go, then – with all the cash that they could be making from celebrity endorsements, there’s no need for them to be sucking on the teat of the state.

    Full Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    If it wasn’t for Her Majesty no one would bother coming at all.

    They see you trollin, they be hatin. I’ve been to that london a few times as a tourist and the queen’s never had anything to do with any of it. Oh yeah, I hear we had an olympics, I think some people might have come to that too…

    Free Member

    with all the cash that they could be making from celebrity endorsements

    Her Majesty doesn’t issue Royal Warrants for money.

    Don’t be so vulgar.

    Free Member

    President Blair, or King Charles. You choose…

    Free Member

    On monarchy, to paraphrase Churchill, it’s the worst way of getting a head of state – apart from all the others.

    Fundamentally, it’s not all that much money.

    Full Member

    bencooper – Member

    Fundamentally, it’s not all that much money.

    True- but there’s no reason it couldn’t be less.

    Free Member

    Fundamentally, it’s not all that much money.

    It’ll be easy for them to earn it, then.

    Free Member

    If the monarchy provides a net value to the UK economy, then it’s about time they went fully privatised and the state stopped subsidising them and drew there income from this net value.

    To be honest, the financial element is not something I consider important. The unelected nature of the whole situation is the concern for me. Who the **** are these inbred nobs, they are not my superiors? Why the **** would I ever swear any sort of allegiance to them? (Not that they are the only gripes I have have with the UK democracy)

    Never did join the Scouts. To be honest, I would not care if they disappeared overnight. Why would I? They have no more relevance to me than the guy over the road who drives the VW Passat.

    Not that it matters, public opinion seems to favour the Monarchy. Although I am curious as to how much is “better the devil you know” support.

    Free Member

    Is it really any odder than swearing allegiance to a flag? Really, the whole idea of nationalism is a bit odd when you think about it.

    But no, I’d never swear allegiance to them either.

    Full Member

    bencooper – Member

    Is it really any odder than swearing allegiance to a flag?

    No, that’s weird too.

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