Home Forums Chat Forum Lump of asbestos(?) sheet in the garden…

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  • Lump of asbestos(?) sheet in the garden…
  • munkster
    Free Member

    …at least I think it is. Like a piece of corrugated roof but not made out of metal. Probably about 1 foot across by 3/4 foot long.

    Best way to dispose of it is…??

    Full Member

    take it to the tip. dont break it up.

    Free Member

    Clearly the reason I have posted this is precisely because I am wary of taking it to the tip. Or rather, getting it from the back of my garden to the car, driving it 6 miles in a confined space, then dealing with the operatives at the other end. With no experience of handling such things I am understandably (I think) reticent to be blasé with it… Thanks though!

    Free Member

    Put it in a bag, wrap it up well with loads of tape then take to the tip.

    Full Member

    Check with you local council but tip should take it if double wrap in thick plastic. Good chance its concrete with asbestos (mostly contrete), so reasonable safe if unbroken. Asbestos “dust” is only a issue if you break the sheet up (most advice for removal from garage roof’s is to wet the sheets thoroughly, so that dust cannot be generated if broken), otherwise it’s pretty safe (for asbestos), it won’t just disintegrate in your car as you drive and cause you issues.

    Free Member

    Find out which local CA sight take Asbestos, local authority will tell you. Double wrap in plastic sheeting is the usual way.

    Oooops beaten to it

    Free Member

    Mate does maintenance for a few blocks of flats, helped him remove some asbestos gutters and replace them with plastic. We were suited and masked up, everything (gutters, suits, gloves, goggles) went into special bags we got from the council and then they were collected for disposal by them. Would give your council a ring to see if they do the same.

    FWIW the bags were much thicker than normal rubble bags

    Free Member

    While not trying to flippant or dismiss the dangers of asbestos, I don’t reckon a homeowner getting rid of a few bits of it as a one off is anything to be overly concerned about. Of course wrap it as required, but it’s not the same as folk who were working with it for decades or spend all day removing it.

    Free Member

    Great, thanks guys. Will call council. Cheers.

    Free Member

    If its ‘asbestos’ roofing then the risk is actually quite low (as long as its intact).

    If its damp (from being underground) then even less chance of fibres detaching (this is the health risk).

    The answer is encapsulation. If its been disturbed then it would be best to leave it clumped with earth, wet or soak it, and stick it in a heavy duty plastic sack (clear preferrable) and tape it air tight. its then probably safe to store temporarily. Use of mask and riubber gloves if you feel the need…

    IIRC correctly you need to be licenced to dispose of an ACM so you could try googling for a local contractor and ask for a price. They ain’t cheap though… see here: http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/guidance/a0.pdf

    Or try googling for ‘what to do if you have asbestos’ on your local council website (they should have details there). A typical example here: http://www.google.co.uk/url?url=http://www.reading.gov.uk/documents%255Cconsumerservices%255Cpublichealth/14438/Asbestos-FAQ-Mar-2011.pdf&rct=j&frm=1&q=&esrc=s&sa=U&ei=XHDfU7TVGoO57AbsyYDQCw&ved=0CD8QFjAE&usg=AFQjCNF2ubV96yX0Mp9rTlHiWqf8j4TOxw

    Free Member

    Just checked. My local tip (Raynesway Derby) accepts small amounts of asbestos by prior arrangement and cites precautions totally in line with the above so will go get some heavy duty plaggy bags and get suited up.

    Amusingly the phone number to call to check they can accept the particular item is a fax machine though – Catch 22 anyone? 😉

    Free Member

    Local council tip will take it, you don’t need to be registered. As said above wrap it stick it in the boot and explain to them when you get there.
    Just don’t turn up in a van as they’ll make you go away and turn up with a time slot 😕

    Free Member

    Not all household recycling centres will take asbestos. Our local one won’t according to the website, but there are some further afield that will. It’s worth checking.


    Free Member

    As others have said above, local tip will take small amounts.

    Spray with a garden hose before moving it or if you’re really keen, water down some PVA and spray that via plant sprayer to stop any fibres falling off. Rainy days are best. Asbestos content will be max 10% if its sheet. White coveralls from B&Q and FFP3 mask. Double bag the asbestos and zip tie the tops then take off your kit and bag that too.

    We dispose of it but are not licensed removers. Had to price a job up and was gob smacked at what they quoted. Its stupid £’s. Take your time and be methodical and you’ll be fine.

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