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  • Lost – holmbury st mary (long shot!)
  • muddyjames
    Free Member

    I think I dropped a bontrager glove in the

    Hurtwood Carpark 9 (Felbury House) about 2/3 of the way in on the right handside facing from the road (so same side as the entrance)

    If anyone is there this weekend (14/15th Dec) and sees it would you mind picking it up for me

    Free Member

    Found it 🙂

    Full Member

    Hooray. I hate losing kit

    Free Member

    I have three right hand gloves lacking a left hand partner. Why is it that I always mislay the left one? I wouldn’t mind wearing odd gloves if I had mislaid one of each, but no.

    Full Member

    So, @muddyjames you’ve called out STW Glove Rescue unnecessarily when all along you had your glove with you? All those folk that left their warm homes to scour the countryside with the sole aim of keeping your digits warm, I hope you reflect long and hard about your actions!

    Full Member
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