Home Forums Chat Forum Local chump driving like a d*ck – advice / thoughts / bombers?

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  • Local chump driving like a d*ck – advice / thoughts / bombers?
  • MrsToast
    Free Member

    Contact the police again, and also his parents – presumably they’d be quite concerned that he’s letting his ‘mates’ drive the car irresponsibly, who presumably won’t be insured on the vehicle. 😉

    Free Member

    There’s a lad near me who also feels the need to drive his old M3 at about 50 in 2nd gear round the side streets. I had considered the bonnet drawing myself with permanent marker with the wording ‘I drive like a ….”

    yes, I used to drive like that myself at times but knew when to call it a day, and also had a few instances of that could’ve been expensive and fatal if someone had pulled out form a side road/clipped that hedge, kerb etc

    Free Member

    we were all young once…

    …sadly some of us survive and procreate.



    complaints to the police, until the threshold is reached and some action is taken

    Free Member

    I like the rolling a football out at him idea…

    Take pics of the car and he, post on lamp posts with a Warning! Sign about his speed…

    Send some cute kids round to knock on his door and ask why he is trying to kill them…

    Free Member

    Do you have any of those funny PCSO’s around? I know they do bugger all in real life but if you approach your council they should be able to point you in the right direction. I would always keep reporting this kind of driving to the Police in the first instance then insist they do something about it. If they say “we can’t, we’ve no evidence” then ask them What evidence they need apart from a body.

    About 8 years ago my next-door neighbour had mate who used to drive like a looney in our cut-de-sac, positively come to a screeching halt outside his door. We have a very quiet cut-de-sac with some great neighbours, so one afternoon during a summers day we kinda waited outside with all the kids kicking balls, riding bikes etc. and almost bang on time (about 5pm, after the football finished) he came screeching around the corner only to find us lot outside. I have never seen the whites of someones eyes through a car windscreen before, but we did that day. Then our resident Paramedic walked over to the car, opened the door and promptly punched the bloke on the face.

    He never came round again. Next door neighbour came round to each house individually and apologised to us all.

    Whilst creating a situation that could have turned out bad, it turned out good.

    I wouldn’t recommend you do this though, you don’t know how stable the personality is do you.

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