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  • Local chump driving like a d*ck – advice / thoughts / bombers?
  • santacruzsi
    Free Member

    Across the road from me there’s some chump who drives like a right c*ck in his little 100bhp Mercedes A class diesel. Mummy and Daddy bought him the house and the car, he’s about 19 / 20. As it doesn’t have much power it goes everywhere at full revs. We live on a normal housing estate area, houses everywhere, cars parked everywhere, kids playing out on bikes etc.Whilst i don’t have a speed camera, i can see he’s driving quicker than the law states.

    I’ve had a polite word with him once about his speed on the road through the estate and he tried to fob me off saying it was another car that “lives up the road” (not the car, the driver i assume he meant!) . I told him not to be stupid as i’d clocked his reg a load of times. Another neighbour has had a word too.

    Today my other half was driving back from the shops and gets to a give way on our estate where you turn right towards where we live. Not wanting to wait whilst she give way (he followed her in to the estate ) he overtook her on the wrong side of the road of the give way and cut down the inside and sped off obviously in a hurry to get home to play with his lego.

    She knocked on the door and he said it wasn’t him driving and said it was a mate. Regardless and based on past history the car is being driven erratically and irresponsibly.

    I’ve spoke to the police once and nothing was done. My fear is some poor so and so gets squashed or a RTA. I couldn’t care less about him, he’s a waste of space. I’d obviously care about the poor paramedic who had to work on him once he gets cuts out of the car, but overall he’s a dick and he boils my P*ss with his attitude.

    Police again? Or the old faithful bombers?

    Free Member

    You need to keep reporting it to the police and keep moaning to him

    Sadly it looks like only an accident will make him consider his duty to society and his own mortality

    Full Member

    Valve cores. Removal thereof.

    Free Member

    Get several friends / neighbours to report him and at least he’ll get a visit from the police

    Free Member

    Let his tyres down, repeatedly, until he gets the message.

    Free Member

    Whilst the valve core removal thing would solve the problem temporarily, it’s still vandalism and is likely to cause matters to be escalated.

    Best thing to do is to ensure that neighbours’ contact the police whenever he drives like the wrister that he is.

    The other thing you can do is to have a quiet work with Wrister Senior, especially if he’s supplied the car and is paying for insurance. A few words along the lines of “You need to calm your boy down before the entire neighbourhood dobs him in to the Fuzz” might do the trick.

    Full Member

    Acid etch a few encouraging messages on his car windows.

    Oh, alright, do what Junky said.

    Free Member


    It solves most neighbourly disputes

    Free Member

    Draw a cock on his bonnet with dot brake fluid

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Draw a cock on his bonnet with dot brake fluid

    Then when he accuses you, say it was a bloke who lives down the road / a mate.

    Full Member

    Just keep on to the police it does work, if they get enough complaints they can even seize the car.
    We had a problem round ours with a couple of lowered Civics with straight thru exhausts and a BMW that drove exactly how you describe.
    You don’t see the cars about anymore.
    We do have some good neighbourhood police officers though.
    Might be worth suggesting to the police as well that when you have brought it up with him and he’s said it was mates driving, you could bring up whether or not they are insured.

    Full Member

    When the clown comes speeding down the road roll a football or similar into the road, they soon whack on the anchors 😀
    Depending on what size your road is have a word with some neighbours and park your cars so its like a slalom so he`s got to slow down 😀

    Good luck, I`ve had similar with scummy neighbours

    Free Member

    repeatedly complaining to the police will work, just
    takes a little while before the trigger levels are reached.

    Free Member

    Think of the poor parents who had to buy the house and car to get rid of their little darling.

    And Police, as many times as it happens. There’s a DLAT law that lets them take his car away, as grey said.

    Full Member

    In-car camera and CCTV camera showing the road outside, record the cockweasle driving like a knob and show the videos to the police.

    Free Member

    Yes, dial the non-emergency number and ask to make a report of a car being driven dangerously. It will be logged and once there are three reports the Police will put out a stop notice so that the next traffic car with ANPR will pull him over. If that doesn’t work they will go round for a word with him. We have dealt with several habitual speeders in our street in this way. Be firm and polite but make a nuisance of yourself. Get some neighbours to ring up and make the same report.

    Free Member

    Like has been said, keep calling the Police. They will get fed up and do something about it.

    There was a little idiot near me who drove like a clown. I’m not a fusspot but when he handbrake turned into the local petrol station, that was the last straw with me. He had 3 people ring up separately about that one incident. One was on the petrol station (me) another was walking his dog and the last was cycling and got really scared.

    Good job I’m good at accents as the 3 people who called the police sounded completely different……… 😀

    He had his car taken by a section 56 or something.

    Full Member

    Join the neighbourhood watch and requisition a mobile speed gun.

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    Free Member

    We have some losers over the road who were speeding around the estate.
    Basically, you need everyone to complain, as often as possible, until the police have to act.
    I saw some moron this morning going nuts on a blind corner, there was a female cyclist on that corner just seconds before…I can’t wait for self-driving cars to become compulsory.

    Free Member

    Video camera

    Free Member

    Squirt this

    into here

    Problem solved.

    Full Member

    Get together with other concerned residents and keep calling the police .

    Free Member

    Print out a letter addresed to all residents on your estate, pointing out the dangerous driving by mr knobead, along with registration number, and advising them to keep their children in when he is around, now post them with no stamp, you forgot to stick any on, royal mail will then charge each address a fee for them to collect their mail.

    Full Member

    Write a polite note, tape it to a brick, put through window. After introducing the tyres to your friend Stanley of course.

    Free Member

    One presumes he has a chimney?

    Free Member

    Go and complain to his mum. That’s what I Did. The smell of weed and banging choonz outside my house at 0300 soon stopped.

    Thing is we were all young once. I used to drive like a right knobber except I didn’t have a nice car. Just a 1.1 mk2 fiesta. I couldn’t grasp the concept of being an adult. Took too many near misses and friends getting in RTAs and getting done for drink driving for me to calm down.

    Free Member

    Does he work . Follow him there ask to speak to his boss . Say he has been harassing the local children . You as a parent are concerned .

    Free Member

    Knob on the bonnet seems the best idea so far

    Free Member

    I kept a diary of a persistant horn sounder coming to collect her kids. Went mental at her a few times then emailed the community officer and they went round and all was quiet.

    Free Member

    A note suggesting he stop being knobber stuck to his windscreeen with wallpaper paste. Preferably right in the drivers field of view.
    Won’t damage the car at all but is a proper bitch to scrape off.

    After scraping a couple off he may think twice about being a knobber

    Full Member

    Rolling a football into the road (as mentioned) is the best option, if he hits it then point out the fact that it could just as easily been a child running out from behind a car and he’d have to live with the fact that he is a child killer for the rest of his life (bit melodramatic but needs must and all that) – If he’s still an arsey/gobby little shit after that then i’d have zero qualms about giving him a slap or aiding him to fully understand the consequences of his continued antisocial driving habits.

    Full Member

    Something along these lines

    Free Member

    Multiple police reports, if you have video even better. I’d be tempted to go along with a couple of neighbours to your Local Police Station and make sure your complaints are recorded. EG your wifes one from above and anything else. Make sure that you are all concerned that he is a serious accident waiting to happen.

    and tell his Mum.

    Free Member

    Thirty five years ago, I was that “local chump” 😳 my neighbours reported me to the police, the worse part was that my dad was the local police Superintendant at the time 😳 😳
    That did the trick for me.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies, besides sabotaging his vehicle, i’ll get in touch with the local police again and get some neighbours to do likewise.

    I know some of us hear have a heavy right foot ( I certainly do!) but there’s a time and a place I suppose!

    Free Member

    I know some of us hear have a heavy right foot ( I certainly do!) but there’s a time and a place I suppose!

    A race track?

    Free Member

    I only know that I need to find a spark plug and some glass to smash!

    Free Member

    A race track?

    No, there’s big difference doing 60mph on a dual carriage way and 60mph around a housing estate.
    I’m sure you knew this however and won’t want the thread to degenerate into a ‘making progress / speed isn’t dangerous’ type argument.

    A lot of us have been that person in the past. Not sure why I slowed down, I guess I grew up. At 19, your perception of safe is very different to at 40! I’d suggest the police route, and next time he tries to say it’s someone else, tell him to grow the **** up and a pair of balls while he’s at it.

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