Across the road from me there’s some chump who drives like a right c*ck in his little 100bhp Mercedes A class diesel. Mummy and Daddy bought him the house and the car, he’s about 19 / 20. As it doesn’t have much power it goes everywhere at full revs. We live on a normal housing estate area, houses everywhere, cars parked everywhere, kids playing out on bikes etc.Whilst i don’t have a speed camera, i can see he’s driving quicker than the law states.
I’ve had a polite word with him once about his speed on the road through the estate and he tried to fob me off saying it was another car that “lives up the road” (not the car, the driver i assume he meant!) . I told him not to be stupid as i’d clocked his reg a load of times. Another neighbour has had a word too.
Today my other half was driving back from the shops and gets to a give way on our estate where you turn right towards where we live. Not wanting to wait whilst she give way (he followed her in to the estate ) he overtook her on the wrong side of the road of the give way and cut down the inside and sped off obviously in a hurry to get home to play with his lego.
She knocked on the door and he said it wasn’t him driving and said it was a mate. Regardless and based on past history the car is being driven erratically and irresponsibly.
I’ve spoke to the police once and nothing was done. My fear is some poor so and so gets squashed or a RTA. I couldn’t care less about him, he’s a waste of space. I’d obviously care about the poor paramedic who had to work on him once he gets cuts out of the car, but overall he’s a dick and he boils my P*ss with his attitude.
Police again? Or the old faithful bombers?