The key thing with gas stoves (and probably most others) is the wind. Trangias comes with a heat shield which may be why sometimes they cook better.. all the heat gets blown away and the pan gets cooled in even a slight wind if you don’t protect it. If you have a shielded gas one like the MSR one, it’ll be loads better than a trangia and more controllable.
For the winter i have an MSR Whisperlight. It is an amazing stove as long as you have good fuel. The only downside is when your water is boiled the stove will not turn down to a simmer. You have to turn it off. Not a real bugbear as it really is an amazing bit of kit.
Is your Whisperlight an old one? They originally had the valve on the bottle which was very hard to control – you could simmer it, but it was really hard. The newer ones have a valve right on the burner which is apparently much better.
If you’re going away from camping shops, a Whisperlight would be great since you can burn petrol, paraffin, diesel, white spirit and all sorts. They don’t mention white spirit in the instructions but it does work, tried it.. I would conclude that most flammable things will burn in it but apparently alcohol is out cos it’s too hot.