After the advent of the highly useful, and I imagine wildly successful, share function. Imagine there are many new exciting features coming to STW. As a result, I was thinking about the features other forums have, that would be genuinely useful on STW.
In no particular order:
1. PM Functions – Would allow easy communications between members, particularly in the classifieds, and would negate the need for paging threads, obfuscated email addresses in profiles, and also may help mods/admins contact users if they have out of date email addresses.
Obviously, it also gets around the issue of some members not having emails in profile, which is not always the case that the member doesn’t want to be contacted. They may have just forgotten, or assumed their account email is used.
2. The option to have absolute dates, rather than relative – When searching through old threads, it would be handy to know when information was posted. As, for example, any thread posted 12-24 months ago, is simply logged as ‘posted one year ago’
3. Being able to quote a users posts via 1 button – Anyone who says its the most efficient way to quote a users post, has never been on any other web forum. It would totes amazeballz to just be able to have a ‘reply” button on every post. You could have it next to the share one.
….I know none of the above will happen, but the thread kills a few mins while I wait for the washing machine to finish.
P.S Oh, and animated avatars, and sigs, of course.