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  • Let's come up with a solution to…
  • Smee
    Free Member

    ..Climate Change. What's your solution? Mine includes World War 3 and rationing.

    Free Member

    Environmentalists stop posing and start lobbying for nuclear power, particularly in China India and Brazil.

    Free Member

    Ban cars and lorries. Return to canals and horse power.

    Full Member

    Jesus H Christ Goan – you really do have a bit of a hard-on for posting climate change threads at the moment.

    Let's come up with a solution to… – Started: 3 minutes ago
    What exactly is your view on Climate Change and Resource Depletion? – Started: 21 hours ago
    Climate change… – Started: 1 day ago
    The trouble with climate change is that…. – Started: 1 day ago
    Is this shocking disaster a natural cycle or down to the actions of humans? – User last replied: 17 hours ago
    Climate Change protesters at the UN Climate Summit – User last replied: 1 day ago

    Can you not stick with one or have you just discovered the perfect troll-bait?

    Free Member

    GrahamS – if you dont like it dont post. You can see who has started the thread before opening it you know. Plus, I didn't start all of those threads, and it is quite topical at the moment you know….

    Full Member

    Nuclear power.
    Thin-film photovoltaics for power in sunny countries

    And a new plague to wipe out 80% of the world's population.

    Free Member

    It used to be called Global Warming – easy, turn the fridges and air con up a bit. It's a bit trickier now though

    Full Member

    You can see who has started the thread before opening it you know.

    Yes but given the title is "Let's come up with a solution to…" I didn't know what it was about did I?

    Plus, I didn't start all of those threads…

    You started four of those six threads in the past day – and then abandoned each one as the opposing arguments got too difficult for you. (or as your troll-lust was temporarily sated)

    Free Member

    GrahamS – you knew what was in here when you came back for a second look though.

    Not one of the arguments in any of those threads got too difficult for me. Too difficult for others yes, me no.

    Free Member

    jesus he's started early tonight.

    Free Member

    You too ninky – if you dont like it dont post.

    Free Member

    f the climate change. Its been getting warmer for millions of years before cars & factory's, we had a huge ice age before, you know.

    Free Member

    i don't this thread and i'm posting to say i don't like it.

    Free Member

    >Its been getting warmer for millions of years before cars & factory's<

    Yeah warwick will probably disappear under the ocean but who gives a…

    Full Member

    Its been getting warmer for millions of years before cars & factory's, we had a huge ice age before, you know.

    Wow, great point!

    It's literally AMAZING that none of the thousands of paleoclimatologists working on this worldwide would be aware of the last ice age. You should write to Copenhagen – I bet they'll all facepalm, say "Oh yeah – the ice age" and then call the whole thing off. You'll probably get a nobel prize 🙄

    Free Member

    Massive forced population control. Or it'll happen naturally at some point anyway. Plant massive areas of trees. Obviously have to wait a few years for it to mature, but could leave some prime riding areas for the grand kids too.

    Free Member

    He's right George, you are becoming a bit of a one trick pony. Why not describe, in detail, your thoughts regarding the whole issue, then we can read it, then it will be Christmas.

    Free Member

    Crikey – I have done that many times, but your anally retentive attention seeking self would appear to have missed it – probably because you chose not to read it.

    Free Member

    oh so you just want to insult people then. 🙄

    Free Member

    I thought all the climate w**kers in Copenhagen were meant to be doing it this week. They were meant to w**k over an agreement by tonight, perhaps they're short on the projections. Looks like they are finding it difficult to w**k together though. Different nations have differing w**king methods I suppose.

    Free Member

    Attention seeking?

    I've got mince pie all over me vest now!
    Come on fella, let's leave these things to the egg heads, time for a wee snifter…

    Free Member

    EMP the planet, that should trim the herd alittle….Seriously nuclear power, population control. Not alot more we can do. IMO

    Free Member

    So you're admitting to the anally retentive bit now then – told you I had it bang on the money.

    Free Member

    @grifster. Thats an idea nuke copenhagen…..problem solved.

    Free Member

    Johnboy, you've been reading between my lines!

    Free Member

    Even your insults are recycled, are you going green for Xmas?

    Free Member

    Not recycled – reused. Recycling would involve breaking then down into their constituent parts and turning them into something else. I thought you would have known that though.

    Free Member

    You seem to be more interested in scoring points than solving the climate issue, are you feeling a bit lonely?

    Free Member

    Projecting again Crikey?

    Full Member

    All this call for nuclear power, you do realise there's only enough world supply of uranium around for one more generation of nuke plants, ie, 30-40 years? [edit:prob less] Handy to have as a stop gap, but not a long term thing unless someone sorts a new process out quick.

    Free Member

    running all range rover classics, with carbs, without the chokes on , planting some more trees. ( gose out to find and hug a big tree )

    Free Member

    All this call for nuclear power, you do realise there's only enough world supply of uranium around for one more generation of nuke plants, ie, 30-40 years? [edit:prob less] Handy to have as a stop gap, but not a long term thing unless someone sorts a new process out quick.

    Have you got figures for this? My copy of MacKay reckons we have hundreds of years of mineable Uranium at the current rate of usage. So you're assuming a 10 fold increase in nuclear power? Also, fast breeder reactors would produce most of their own fuel, there's probably more uranium in the ground to be found, there's uranium in the ocean, and there's also plenty of thorium.

    Free Member

    We need to change the way we rely on cars for everything. A colleague walked to a meeting yesterday less than 2 miles away, everyone around was shocked that this person would do that. It wasn't even 2 miles ffs.

    Is it just me that thinks a driving instructor who drives 1 million miles a year and posts endless 'what can we do about climate change' threads slightly hypocritical?

    Free Member

    Not one of the arguments in any of those threads got too difficult for me. Too difficult for others yes, me no.

    really can you talk to me about Urban Heat Islands again Mr understands it better than 99% of us 🙄

    Free Member

    "it is quite topical at the moment you know"
    yeah, course we know, your the one keeping us informed…

    Full Member

    Try here for a layman's guide to running out of Uranium, there are links to the more authoritive papers.


    I did say, unless we get cracking on a new process. Fast breeder reactors are not common, and once-through is the current norm, so stocks are dwindling, and re-use technologies could take a while to get up to speed.

    Full Member

    There's heaps of Uranium in the ground in Queensland and Northern Territory. The political will to mine it may be another story.

    Free Member

    Uranium is very common, but, same as with tar sands, it isn't always a sensible power source. Then there is the minor issue of how you ship ore from Australia to Europe when you haven't got any oil to power the ships? I guess nuclear container ships, but seems rather wasteful to use limited supplies to power a ship to transport a limited supply.

    Secondly using Nuclear doesn't get away from the massive reliance on fossil fuels to provide fertiliser.

    The only good solution is cut down on the use of energy, talking about alternative supplies while we waste huge amounts is stupid. How much food do we throw away, why do we build such crap energy inefficient buildings, why do we drive metres rather than walk or cycle.

    Cut down resource waste and look to longterm energy security. Look at the sources of power in the UK not to nuclear, oil etc,

    Full Member

    Thin-film photovoltaics for power in sunny countries

    Making 400t of film as we speak 😆

    why do we build such crap energy inefficient buildings,

    Just thinking that yesterday morning whilst sat in my new doctors surgery. Nice big waiting room with a double height ceiling, WHY? Totally wasted space being heated. Then just down the road from there and locally there are new schools being built with huge glass fronted reception areas, again WHY? I would rather have more teachers employed than some fancy architects dream of a building wasting valuable resources.

    Prince Charles is sometimes right on some issues!!!!

    Free Member

    how you ship ore from Australia to Europe when you haven't got any oil to power the ships? I guess nuclear container ships, but seems rather wasteful to use limited supplies to power a ship to transport a limited supply.

    Leaving aside the obvious points about scale and energy density, how do you think they get oil from one side of the planet to the other at the moment?

    The only good solution is cut down on the use of energy

    This is code for stopping the third world having what we take for granted. Pulling the ladder up behind us. We need energy. Saving 10% here or there in rich countries when most of the world's growing population is dirt poor is missing the point.

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