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  • leaving young children in the house
  • stevewhyte
    Free Member

    Calm down.

    Free Member

    Mrs CD is a social worker in child protection. The only CORRECT answer to this thread is to REPORT IT TO SOCIAL SERVICES

    that’s like Bernard Matthews claiming that the only CORRECT foodstuff is turkey..

    just saying

    Full Member

    that’s like Bernard Matthews claiming that the only CORRECT foodstuff is turkey..


    Seriously, much as I agree with everyone that leaving young children home alone is utterly wrong, I reckon social services have much bigger fish to fry than a middle class dad popping out to pick up mum from a night out. Mrs Daz is a drug worker and she can’t even persuade social services to go and check on various kids who are living with crack and smackheads cos they’ve got much more serious cases on the go.

    Free Member

    We could all chip in for a taxi to drive this woman around for a few hours and spare her children from her idiocy for a while.

    Free Member

    The mother could presumably driven, and chose not to do so so she could drink. I think she needs to re-examine her priorities, and soon.

    Free Member

    I personally wouldn’t call social services as I despise them with great venom

    It’s a good job it exists though, else there would at minimum be more children around who had suffered abuse for longer.

    Full Member

    I personally wouldn’t call social services as I despise them with great venom,

    Wow, you’ve done well to have enough experience to despise them all

    Free Member

    I’d be less worried about break ins and the like, and more worried about my kid waking up for any of a dozen reasons and realising that we were gone and he was alone. You don’t do that to a four year old.

    That’s the issue right there.

    The mother could presumably driven, and chose not to do so so she could drink. I think she needs to re-examine her priorities, and soon.

    And again.

    The woman is a moron and so is her husband.

    The kids didn’t ask to have simpletons for parents – so maybe they deserve better?

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