Bike gets scooped approximately at the peak, mid air. Scoop happens in a bunny hop after you’ve taken off too.
For me it goes –
1. compress into the bike before the bottom of the lip with a forward weight bia
2. weight shifts rearward as i push out through my feet, pulling gently off the bars
3. take off
4. look for landing, peak and scoop
5. i peak, bike is somewhat tucked
6. body uncompresses, legs either extend if it’s a mellow landing, if it’s steep i lean forward
6. landing, weight starts forward and low, moves rearward and upwards, pumping whatever transition is there.
I’d say 1 and 2 feature in jumping, pumping, manualling and bunny hops, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and sometimes 6 all apply to jumping and bunny hops.