A mate of mine found these in his mum’s attic. Apparently they used to be his brothers. He was planning to fling them as worthless, but knowing that I like to tinker with stuff he wondered if I might like them instead. 😀
Tamiya Hot Shot II (Kit No 5862)
Tamiya Hornet (Kit No 5845)
Manuals: Copyright says 1987. Amazing how much work people had to put into making these things compared to today’s toys. There are steps for assembling the gear boxes, filling the suspension dampers, pinning together the linkages, and of course painting and applying the stickers.
Decidedly dodgy looking electrics. That charger is literally a transformer and a mechanical cooking timer. But amazingly those Ni-Cad batteries still seem to take a charge!
The big question is: what do I do with them?
I’ve investigated the Hot Shot a bit and it looks mechanically sound. Pretty simple construction really: basically just two servos driven off the receiver. One servo does the steering and the other rotates an arm on a big variable resistor to act as the speed control. A lot of the wires are frayed and exposed though so I wouldn’t dare try to power it up without replacing a lot of them.
The Hornet is pretty much just a shell and frame. No receiver and missing come linkages.
I’m quite tempted to gut them and see if I can get it all working so my daughter’s can play with it (ahem!).
But out of curiosity I had a look on eBay and found a HotShot 1 sold for £170 (and I saw an unbuilt Hot Shot 2 kit go for £500!! 😯 ) So I’m also tempted just to flog them.