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  • KS dropper- sticking when in down position- help
  • hora
    Free Member

    Its less than 10 rides old. Fine for dropping but if you drop it to the bottom of its travel it refuses to pop back up. You literally have to hold the underseat leave and bounce the whole bike/back end to free it.

    Will it help if I ‘oil’/leave a thin film of oil on the stanchion every so often? Is it stiff newish seals and will free up over time????

    Free Member

    Hi Hora,

    There is an article on maintenance for pure race here. I know its new but maybe it will help you?


    Free Member

    I’d return it if I were you. If I leave mine for a few days in the down position, it requires a pull to shift it, but it is fine on the trail. A previous post repeatedly stuck down when riding, and was sorted under warranty.

    Free Member

    mine does the stuck down when left thing, fine on the trail.

    Free Member

    I find with mine you have to keep the area around the small lever under the saddle quite clean, some times mud/grit can limit the movement stopping it from fully working, I usually blast it out with GT85 then apply some water proof grease around it to keep the muck out , this works for a few weeks depends on how muddy it is and if you blast away the grease by mistake. Oh and it sticks down when left but pops up fine after I’ve given it a tug, then works fine out on the trail, only trouble I’ve had is in severe cold it becomes very slow to return usually -5 to -15 degs 😯 😀

    Free Member

    Nothing to do with this then?

    whereas I’m showing a fine physique built on years of bacon and Eggs.

    Full Member

    Mine did that too, was completely fixed on warranty though. Seems to be quite common, though if you bought it from an octopus-related retailer they will of course express total surprise.

    Once they’ve been fixed once, they are very good indeed in my experience

    Free Member

    Cool I’ll contact Wiggle. 🙂

    Free Member

    Extend the post, unscrew the collar, clean the shaft and seal. Put a few drops of fork oil (I use 10Wt) around the base of the shaft. Replace the collar and cycle the post a few times. Additionally give the cable/lever actuation a good clean and lube. Should be good as new.

    Best to do this regularly, especially after riding in dirty conditions.

    Free Member

    Had this a few times with my Joplin. In my case it was that I’d tightened the seatpost clamp to tightly, I’d not long switched from QR to bolt through.

    Worth a check??

    Free Member

    Extend the post, unscrew the collar, clean the shaft and seal. Put a few drops of fork oil (I use 10Wt) around the base of the shaft. Replace the collar and cycle the post a few times. Additionally give the cable/lever actuation a good clean and lube. Should be good as new.

    I’ll try this first before sending off – ta

    Free Member

    What Carlos said. I’ve done the same.

    Free Member

    Extend the post, unscrew the collar, clean the shaft and seal. Put a few drops of fork oil (I use 10Wt) around the base of the shaft. Replace the collar and cycle the post a few times. Additionally give the cable/lever actuation a good clean and lube. Should be good as new.

    Best to do this regularly, especially after riding in dirty conditions.

    ^^ This, I do this after every ride now for the missus, and the post is far better to use. I’m going to try some slick grease on the seal too, to see if that improves things.

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