How strange. I’ve been using Kodi for a while (on the RPi which also gets used for other things), but just to watch iplayer and ITVplayer, which I presume is Ok with the moral police? Had seen there were lots of other plug ins, but hadn’t quite realised the extent of what you could get – maybe I’ll dip a toe into dark side. Can you get Eurosport on it for free?
surely if youre taking money away from people like murdoch, then the moral balance swings in your favour? 😉
FWIW i have no trouble sleeping at night knowing im watching sport that id normally have to pay sky for.
[moral balance] i could also do away with the licence fee too if i chose, as i dont watch much live tv its pretty much all catch up, but i want to pay that for 6 music. [/moral balance]
Plex is based on Kodi (formerly xbmc). A developer left and took the source code and developed Plex. It is essentially a cut down version of Kodi but is not as powerful. The difference you experience is more likely due to the fact you are paying for your streaming service.
Absolutely, but the difference is huge. if i want to watch, say a 3pm kick of, i’m watching a very good stream (reluctant to say HD, but not far off) within a minute of turning the tv on. with KODI it was 10 minutes of searching for a half decent stream, and more often than not failing.
Scratch that, my point was really about the morality of this, but I fear I’m in sparse company on this thread
Frankly, walking into HMV and assaulting the staff before stealing their entire stock is less morally reprehensible that willingly proving this tax-dodging cretin a cent/penny
By comparison, streaming things that are made far too difficult to pay for at a reasonable price (like F1, for example) is quite mild.