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  • Knee seems to be dying. What to do?
  • CrumpledCartlidge
    Free Member

    Well, its not quite dying but it isn’t well.

    May 2009 my right knee started hurting under the knee cap during a long ride. Didn’t feel like a strain or tight muscles, it felt like damage and didn’t go away with rest. It wasn’t really affecting my day to day life but knew it wasn’t right and I couldn’t do any long rides. My chiropractor (a private one who was treating a back problem) tried to stimulate the knee to induce pain in the area but couldn’t although she still did a knee drop each time I visited in case it just needed realigning. She thought that it could be a bit of cartilage.

    Best part of 2 years later and it pretty much the same, still know its there, not really affecting day to day life but want to starting training and riding properly again as I’m missing it (used to race and ride for 6+ hours from 2005-2007).

    So what to do?

    NHS, private, other?

    I just want it sorted

    Any help much appreciated


    Free Member

    Get yourself to the doc to get it properly diagnosed. Going on what you’ve told us the Chiropractor needs shot to be honest.

    Free Member

    Any history of running or fell walking or strange cycling practices (seat too low, single speed)? I.E other activities that could be bad for knees.

    Free Member

    So what to do?

    I would talk to my GP as a starting point, they often deal with queries like that.

    Free Member

    Ditch the Chiropratic mumbojumbo and go see your Quack.

    Free Member

    I was having minor irritations with my left knee for several years. Mainly pain AROUND the knee cap, Still played footy twice a week/cycled at weekends.

    I try stretches/rest etc didnt seem to make much difference

    All of a sudden I seemed to start to use different muscles round my knee(may be cos I went to a few of my wifes pilates sessions) and Im shocked my how much of a difference its made. It took about 6 months but all pain is gone now.

    My left knee almost seems stronger than my right and it never aches no matter how long I ride. I can stand up and put the power down on my bike so much more than I used I just used to sit and spin partly cos my knees felt weak.

    I have no idea if this is anything to do with you but I am pretty shocked how a little change can make such a massive difference.

    I find it hard to describe what happened but the muscle on the outside above my left knee cap is much bigger now. I dont know why I was nt using it before or really what I did to trigger its use but made a massive difference. Presumably I had this ->


    Im just saying if its a minor thing it might well be treatable if you see a pyhsio who really understands the problem.

    Free Member

    Had my first knee operation 20 years ago and due to its now naturally weakened state, the muscles especially the quads are visually shrunk compared to my good leg. As scu suggess, try and build up your muscles or things will just deteriate as yor other good leg `takes over’ to compensate. I know after one knee operation i recovered the remaining 75% of leg strength in 2 months through various strength exercises.

    It may be something as simple as torn cartlidge. You can either go and see your GP who will say something like “oh, you knee looks poorly” and stick you on a 6 month plus waiting list. Or you can pay to see a consultant by Friday, and if needs must have an op next week.

    Free Member

    GP first port of call.

    Free Member

    Your GP will refer you, but unless you go private you will probably end up on a waiting list. A good sports physio will probably be able to suggest possible solutions and give you some exercises to help.

    You will inevitably have to do some work off the bike. I have loads of problems with my right knee, it doesn’t affect me badly on the bike but if I don’t manage it I have a limp. A couple of gym sessions a week completely transforms it but it has taken me some time and some different sources of advice (surgeon, physio, PT) to get the right balance of exercises.

    Free Member

    Had what sounds the same as scu98rkr for the past year. The physios I saw were very helpful. The GP was alright but could only refer me and when the specialist realised he couldn’t cut me up he was completely uninterested in providing any sort of help. (I waited 3 months after being referred for an MRI scan and the specialist sent me for an x-ray before seeing me – never had the MRI, which is what’s needed for the soft bits around there.)

    Anyway – point is, the exercises from the physio were helpful and a couple of private sessions could help you sooner rather than later.

    Full Member

    My chiropractor

    That’s your first problem, right there. Go see a trained medical professional instead of a woo-peddler.

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