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  • Knee pain that suddenly goes.
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    Full Member

    Anybody else had this?

    About 6 months ago I suddenly developed a knee niggle. Not quite sure how it started but all of a sudden I couldn’t go up stairs without flinching every left step, climb in my van, go up ladders etc. Being male I didn’t get around to seeing anyone about it because it’s the least of my trouble because a wonky hip on the other side. Then yesterday I sat on the turbo for a half an hour nice and gentle. My knee was really sore for a few minutes with some horrible graunching and clicking then it settled down. 18 hours later and it’s fantastic – up and down the stairs and a step ladder no bother. It’s only now it’s (temporarily or otherwise) not hurting I realise how much it was inconveniencing me. What a relief!

    Just thought I’d share 🙂

    Free Member

    Could be a torn meniscus. When I had mine I had excruciating pain for a day or two and I could hardly bend my knee then followed by a week or two of nothing. It depended on if the bone had made contact with the problem area of the meniscus.

    Full Member

    You manage to regain control of your VMO, thus allowing your knee cap to track in is groove correctly?

    Free Member

    +1 for the torn meniscus. When I had mine it was agonising, couldn’t put any weight on it and knee felt ‘locked’ and unable to straighten, had to kind of kick it straight which caused a big click and then everything was fine, like nothing had happened! The first time was pretty scary though, after a while I was having to do a few times a week until I had the op to tidy it up.

    Full Member

    You have healed…hence the lack of pain? I’m no doctor but common sense suggests it is fixed…

    Free Member

    Thread hijack: I find that my knee can pop/snap on steep climbs with each pedal revolution – I can both hear and feel it. Had it with flats as well as SPDs, so not convinced it’s cleat position. Anyone got any ideas?

    Free Member

    Was this the first time you used the turbo since it first started hurting?

    Full Member

    Not first time but not used it much. It’s always niggled, as has riding outdoors, especially putting in much effort. But because of the aforementioned dodgy hip I’ve not been able to ride much anyway. The pain this time on the turbo was a lot more (and more graunching), but the relief it generated was amazing!

    Not sure I’ve healed, but something has suddenly cleared or moved or gone back in place. It’s only now I realise I’ve been placing my leg down with semi load to test it every time (and now it’s weird because it doesn’t hurt) that I’m aware of my learnt cautious behaviour.

    Free Member

    may be in need of arthrocopy and debridement
    not a doctor but sounds like something is floating about in there

    Full Member

    I suspect you are right and probably should do something about it – just revelling in the lack of pain for the moment!

    It’s lasted all day – it’s bloody amazing!

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