So what do we reckon? Good trails but doesn’t feel like a huge amount of racing. I might take that back on Sunday night! Quite surprised at no Fort descent tbh, I suppose it’s a fine line between classic and cliche but I love it as a stage, especially when it starts on the right hill. I was pretty relieved when we went in to tweak FYP last week since it ruled out The Shit One, not sure that stage needs more pedalling but I reckon it’ll have a good rhythm. Ponduro trail is great but short…
(oh, there’s been a little bit of strava-run-removing, cheatin’ fans 😉 )
Is that community service into final fling? And, uh… One of the wolfs but I don’t know exactly what, haven’t been up there since the SES. But I don’t think it’s old lonewolf?
Re local knowledge… I reckon EWS proves that the best riders can still come and take away the locals’ ball. But, as far as separating the knobbers from the other knobbers, I reckon it makes a big difference! If nothing else I could just practice the golfy stages and stay fresh for the race, that’s a big advantage over non-local also-rans.