Thanks again everyone, yep a new challenge for sure. I was just saying to the wife this’ll be the thing to kick me up the arse and get me really fit again. Been a slack ish couple of years really with the little one and a house renovation but still managed, amongst other bits and pieces, the RatRace coast to coast last year and a 3 Peaks Yacht Race this year all be it very slowly! We think it was just starting\lingering then, I hadn’t trained enough as I’d been ill on the run up to it and it took ages to shake the bug but I really struggled far more than I expected. I felt so guilty for my running partner as I held him up so much, but we finished which was the main thing.
I can’t imagine how you guys get through it with your kids, bdg, muppet4 and anybody else. I really don’t think I’d be coping so well if it was him. You guys have my utmost respect for keeping positive and your well wishes as well as everybody else’s really do mean a lot. Hope your kids kick their conditions too and lead a full and happy life.
In the grand scheme of things it sound like I’ve got it easy and should be absolutely fine.
I’ve always donated whole blood and for several years I went almost every month and donated platelets too and have always raised cash with my events for hospices and cancer charities having been affect by it with family. I had to call the blood people the other day to get them to take me off their list but I know for sure I’ll be back doing events again and doing my best to raise a much cash as I can for those important causes.