A single lady never married ex nurse recently died in Bristol leaving £520k in her will “to the government” the Tories decided that mean £420k for them and £100k to Lib Dems. After predictable up roar that government didn’t mean political party Lib Dems have given their money back. Labour have started a campaign as to what to do withJoans Half Million
So what’s the view here as to what to do with the money ?
Mine is simple, she had been living in a 3 bed council house for most of her life so that £500k should go to providing more council houses for people that actually need them. What I cannot fathom is how you get to live in subsidised council housing and have 520k to leave in your will. We have all this outrage at “bed room tax” when we have single pensioners with £500k living in 3 bed council houses