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  • It's gonna be a chilly one tonight
  • scotroutes
    Full Member

    We’ve already got -8C here in Aviemore. -13C over at Loch Glascarnoch (not far from Puffer-ville).

    Free Member

    forecast to plummet to -4 here in Oxfordshire. That’s a bed enough start to the commute. Can’t imagine -13 on a bike.

    Free Member

    Hmmm… May just drive tomorrow. Already had one black ice/shoulder interface this year.

    Free Member

    Cold here tonight too, apparently it’s going down to -1. I may still cycle in the morning.

    Full Member

    Snow should be nice and firm in the morning, suitable for some fatbike manoeuvres

    Full Member

    Snow should be nice and firm in the morning

    -9 when I got home last night – drove the van across the virgin snow in the courtyard outside my house and didn’t dent it!

    Free Member

    +1C on the Sarf Coast ATM 😆

    Enjoy the “cruch”

    Stay safe though 😉

    Free Member

    -4 on my ride to work this morning
    Should have put those second gloves on!

    Free Member

    Is it just me or does the difference between -2’c and say -8’c feel pretty similar? I find that once it gets bellow a certain temp then anything colder doesn’t feel much colder. If that makes sense?!

    Free Member

    might get my bike ready for a morning ride on the hills if it’s going to be frozen rather than muddy.

    Free Member

    No snow in the FoD 😥 Bloody cold though. Wish it was like it was in Wales 2 years ago. -18 and 18″ snow in Betws

    Free Member

    Hit minus double figures a few times around Cannock during the winter of 2010-11. As above -15 doesnt feel significantly worse than -5 apart from weird stuff like reservoir tubes freezing, snot freezing and bike instantly freezing when falling through ice into streams during ‘watch this’ moments 😳

    Full Member

    MrsMC spent a year in Russia in the 90s, hit -38 that winter. Her view is that -25 doesn’t feel much different to -5, but the damage it can do as a result is lethal.

    I commuted in 2010-11(?) at -6, then came off on ice and wimped out after that. A mate recorded -15 that winter riding in to Derby.

    Free Member

    Supposed to be -3 when I set off on my bike to work at ten tonight. Dropping to -5 when I finish at 6am. Should be intresting on the way home…..

    Full Member

    flipping hate winter, however picturesque snow covered hills are it pales in comparison to the pleasure of riding a bike in T shirt and shorts when it’s light and sunny till past 9.30pm.

    Free Member

    Minus 7 when I was driving home around 16.00, in a nice well spaced out line of cars doing 50 mph. I think that is the first time I have ever driven that road and not been overtaken, some very sensible driving going on out there.

    Free Member

    We live on a bus route, so almost my entire route to work is gritted.

    Full Member

    Hmm, it’s the only day I can cycle in to work tomorrow, main roads it is then. Yay.

    Free Member

    Just got back from North Finland where it hit -39 in Ivalo/Nellim area. Bizarrely not that bad when suitably attired (excluding the fact you can’t breath through your mouth and the inside of your nose freezes in a tickly icy kind of way). Temps rose to -20s and as above, they feel oddly comfortable. The trick is not to do anything that involves exertion or potential to sweat.

    Despite seeming heroics, I bottled my night road ride for fear of shoulder/road interfaces on icy North Wales passes.

    Edit: I should add, I wasn’t riding in Finland!

    Full Member

    -2.5 this morning on the way into Manc.
    but it was dry so pretty nice.

    I think the secret of keeping you hands warm is not only decent gloves but also keeping your arms/core warm. if my arms are cold no matter what gloves on my fingers get cold.

    Free Member

    Currently -13 on our thermometer at Nethy, just been defrosting the washer jets on the car with a heatgun and filling up with -40 screenwash after a blurry drive home.
    I’m generally fine till -17 when I can feel the moisture inside my nose start to freeze. Its also about where I have to be careful of diesel freezing in the lines.

    Free Member

    Love the cold. Heading out for a night ride. Coolish here in Fort William, but just normal winter weather. Did the GGW to Fort Augustus and back yesterday because I was jealous of those getting exercise at the ‘Puffer.

    Free Member

    I commute by motorbike, as does Mrs PP.
    So far this winter my record low is -6. Which was fine actually as it was bone dry so there was no ice. As long as I can get the 1/2 mile out of the estate I’ll be fine on gritted roads but the other day I rode to the end of our road, 150 yards or so, on the pavement as it looked safer…… Fine after that. 🙂
    It’s bone dry now so I hope it’ll be fine tomorrow when we’re expcting -5
    When I cycle commuted my best was -7 which turned my water bottle into a slush puppie! Snow more than doubled my time more than once, but at least I got in (7.4 miles) when a collegue who lived 2-3 miles away didn’t. 🙂

    Full Member

    You be careful PP when it gets you you go down fast!

    Free Member

    Yeah. It’s a carefully calculated risk. I go out and check the road as soon as I get up.

    Full Member

    In the UK we tend to get colder temperatures when it’s not very windy. It’s the wind chill that’s the real killer (often literally).

    Free Member

    flipping hate winter, however picturesque snow covered hills are it pales in comparison to the pleasure of riding a bike in T shirt and shorts when it’s light and sunny till past 9.30pm.

    +1. We haven’t had a severe winter so far and already I’m sick of it. Crap.

    Full Member

    I recall the times riding to work when my porridge would freeze.

    (No, this is not a euphemism. I used to mix milk and oats in a wide-necked bidon – overnight and into work would soften the oats. Not when it was minus 5..!)

    Free Member

    It’s a bit brisk I’ll grant you but I’m always reminded of this whenever the weather reports turn a bit chilly.

    Oymyakon’s solitary school only shuts if temperatures fall below -52C.

    Free Member

    Another motorbike commuter. Been off all week so not bothered. Train tomorrow as my streets on a hill and its still an ice rink.

    Free Member

    Bugger it. Only -0.5 outside, bike commute it is.

    Full Member

    Had -11 on the dashboard thermometer this AM on the way to Inverness. Baltic.

    Free Member

    flipping hate winter, however picturesque snow covered hills are it pales in comparison to the pleasure of riding a bike in T shirt and shorts when it’s light and sunny till past 9.30pm.

    That’s not the alternative though. It’s between picturesque snow and hard ground or unrelenting bleak mud.. I know which I prefer 🙂

    Anyway, only going to be -2 here in Stockholm tonight and the same up north in Sundsvall. Loads of snow though apparently.

    Full Member

    i love winter……..suits me fine. i think my bodily make up suits the cold. plenty of natural insulation.
    icy cold 10 mile canalside commute for me……stay away from the edge mind…. 😀

    Free Member

    -2 ride at Gisburn tonight, fabulous fun in the snow and ice

    Free Member

    Even -3 in the soft south!

    Full Member

    Lovely crisp ride in the Pentlands this evening. A dusting of snow covering the trails.

    Rode 7km to work in -20 when I was living in Chamonix. That was chilly – had to cover all the skin on my face and couldn’t keep my hands warm even with winter gloves and over mittens.

    Free Member

    Yesterday morning on south coast of mid-Cornwall I had to de-ice my car! Unprecedented.

    Full Member

    Nothing says “**** you” quite like having to scrape ice on the inside of your car windows in the morning. Froze my baws off in the garage last night, getting more than a foot from the heater was not recommended

    Full Member

    I think we got down to -11c. Off to explore the trails in a bit.

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