I’m on a diet no beer for 3 months!
Is that going cold turkey then?
Well I had given it up for since ’95! but had odd glass of red wine.
Just started drinking sweet Stella and eating $hite as work has been busy and I ended up going to pub for daily food!
Not too bad but I wouldn’t wear my tight roadie gear…my mtb stuff is nice and loose though!
So 3 months of training to get back to slim-ness and then one year of hard training to get fitness up for racing while I still can although doing 7 miles of high speed full wack nearly killed me today.
Just had this:
Actually tastes great.
Funny how I replace GF with beer and now she is coming back to UK in 3 months I have to have a six pack and not look pregnant.
Enjoy your beer though! sweet tasting beer doh!