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  • It’s Christmas!!
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    It seems a properly grim world out there at the moment, so I thought I’d post up this feel good story Christmasy story; it makes a change from the usual RIP threads too. It cheered me up anyway.

    It must feel like it is Christmas every day.


    Full Member

    Meanwhile, wife Susan Holder reassured fans her husband had recovered enough to continue his Christmas Day tradition of waking her up by yelling “It’s Christmas” with the same gusto as Slade’s 1973 hit song.

    magnificent 🙂

    Full Member

    That’s great news.

    Shame they didn’t post a link to the raffle, unless I missed it.

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    I heard that about how Noddy wakes his missus up on Christmas morning – well, you’ve got to, really.
    He’s done pretty damn well out of that song, it started out as something sort of folky years ago, then he re-wrote it after being challenged to come up with a cheerful song for Christmas. Him and Jim Lee are co-writers, they get about £500k royalties every year each…

    Wish I’d been a songwriter.

    Full Member

    That song is Christmas.

    Full Member

    Him  and Jim Lee are co-writers, they get about £500k royalties every year each…

    I think it was RadMac that said that Noddy gives it all to charity every year. What a legend!

    Heres the man himself, and his wife on BBC breakfast news last week


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    It’s not Christmas’til Noddy says so

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    My sister used to see Neville (Noddy) a lot in her local Waitrose, the locals love him and he’s as nice as pie.

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