Obviously they have to borrow money from the banks. Do banks really have more money than countries?
Do the banks not think that putting up the interest rates will cause huge problems. Why can’t they just be nice and charge say 2%? Is it feasible that the governments of the world could dictate terms or are the banks running the world?
Can we declare war on the banks?
Why can’t they just be nice and charge say 2%? Is it feasible that the governments of the world could dictate terms or are the banks running the world?
Can we declare war on the banks?
I can recommend an excellent book to help fill in the numerous and obvious gaps in your understanding of financial matters if you like?
It isnt the banks, its investors running scared because they are starting to understand that Italy might not be able to pay back all their debts. So investors (pension funds, sovereign wealth funds ie other countries like Japan, China, Norway) sell and the market price goes down and the yield goes up.
It all comes down to this. Everyone has to live within their means.
Does it have a chapter “McBoo and all like him are evil b4stards who are wrong about everything ’cause they only read the right-wing press and don’t do what TJ TELLS THEM IS TRUE!”?
Does it have a chapter “McBoo and all like him are evil b4stards who are wrong about everything ’cause they only read the right-wing press and don’t do what TJ TELLS THEM IS TRUE!”?
Weesht yersel down laddie.
The problem with the Euro project was the bending of the rules to allow certain countries to participate – Greece was an obvious beneficiary of this. There’s a school of thought that suggests that the best thing Greece (and possibly Italy) could do now is pull an Argentina, default and take the pain for a few years.
mcboo – the issue is you allow your obvious hatred to colour your opinions – and there is a huge amount of “what you want must be true in your position”.
If the euro is such a failure then why does no country want to leave it?
It really is a rather nasty xenophobic bugger my neighbour world view you espouse