Home Forums Bike Forum It makes you proud to be a Dad when…

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  • It makes you proud to be a Dad when…
  • KevinPP
    Free Member

    …your daughter gets her first Strava QoM! 😀

    Full Member

    Daughters first Ofsted inspection and she gets an “outstanding” as does the school overall 😆

    Free Member

    Yep, probably beats mine. 🙂

    Free Member

    They just make you proud, nothing special just those little things that make you choke a bit and it gets a bit dusty

    3 Girls here 22,19 And nearly 2

    Free Member

    Your nearly 8 year old son finally stands up for himself(yesterday) instead of backing down to the bullies (yes we have been informing school) since September.
    His teacher was warned he was about to explode before the last half term , he ended up taking 5 other kids out in one go !! We also had parents evening last night , His reading age is that of a 5th year and he’s the first on to put his hand up in maths has lots of friends and is popular. The fight was never mentioned.

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