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  • IT Advice ” Cannot find macromedia flash…”
  • Christowkid
    Free Member

    Hi All,
    I frequently get this little error box pop up.
    ” Cannot find Macro media flash “
    I’ve downloaded ( to the best of my ability ) the latest Adobe things, where I assume Macromedia flash is found, but it seems to have no effect……it still keeps popping up. Perhaps I’m not downloading it!!
    I’m running Vista and Office 2007 if that helps.

    Any ideas from the assembled IT masses?

    Free Member

    Macromedia is not from adobe, so you might not have downloaded it

    Free Member

    Flash is released by Adobe nowadays, I don’t know what that link is but Flash Player is definitely downloaded at

    I don’t think you should get a popup about this in any case, is it a javascript alert box with a yellow triangle exclamation mark sign?

    Free Member

    Hmmmmm maybe not!
    I’ll have a look tomorrow ( yawn… to bed now!)
    davey: It’s just a simple box, ” Error” in red at the top and the message simply reads ” Cannot find Macromedia Flash” wih an “ok” box in it’s middle.

    I’m heading for bed now, will take a look tomorrow, seeing as my ( 1:4) hill has ~1″ of snow on it, on top of wall to wall ice, methinks I might not even attempt to go down it tomorrow!
    Thanks for the hints, will continue later…. night all!

    Full Member

    I think I get this sometimes. have you got Flashdance running, or some sort of script/pop-up blocker ?

    Free Member

    Hi All,
    just had a little play after my pc hung whilst starting – it does that a bit too, again unsure why.
    Anyway, being new to vista, i had a dig around and realised there’s a systems check off from the Control panel. got into that and somewhere it gave a list of things to check, including recommending updating Adobe Flash.
    I uninstalled it and loaded up the latest. Just came back with a cup of tea ” cannot find Macromedia Flash!” arse!

    Scaredy: I run Google tool bar cos I understand that stops pop ups if that’s what you mean….

    Full Member
    Free Member

    The description in the clicky is just spot on – and linking it into an old screensaver makes sense. The randomness of the error box would probably fit in with the screeen saver.
    I have read and applied the instructions for the fix, so fingers crossed.
    Many thanks all

    Free Member

    My home PC has started doing it too, and I hadn’t even changed anything!
    I loaded the latest version but it’s made no difference. 🙁

    Free Member

    find where you installed the software, somewhere like c:\windows\system32\macromedia\flash. Find the file called flashxxx.ocx where xxx will be something like 9e, copy that file to flash.ocx.

    Free Member

    Yes that’s what I’ve done. The clicky above was to a forum, reading down the lists that’s what’s recommended.

    dave: try it as decribed up there ^^^^^^ or follow the clicky for the Adobe link in the forum somewhere.
    Having just returned from a cuppa ( and the screensaver should have caused it to throw the error box) – no box!!!!! fingers crossed.
    thanks all

    Free Member

    ok, completelt uninstall everything, make sure the flash directory is deleted, start again with th einstall, check the file is named correctly.

    have you tried that?

    Free Member

    sorry didn’t make myself clear – I think I’m ok now, after copying and re-naming the newly copied file, but thanks for your continued support!
    Not sure how dave is tho’…….

    Free Member

    I’m ok, well that’s what the doctors tell me anyway!

    Aye, hadn’t actually bothered searching yet for an answer – trust STW to come up with the goods though 🙂
    Cheers guys!

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