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  • is your bike just a tool or an old friend?
  • rOcKeTdOg
    Full Member

    I need to make space but I'm having trouble deciding to sell stuff on, I get too attached to bikes, remembering the fun I've had on them and where I was in my life when I got them, the thought of someone else possibly abusing them makes me shudder…do I need therapy, am I too sentimental?

    Is it just me?

    Free Member

    i love my bikes, which is why they live in the house. 🙂

    Free Member

    Not quite an 'old friend' but it has to be said my 853 Inbred has been through a lot with me (I keep breaking it) I've sort of bonded with it and nearly 4 years old now I have no need or want to get rid of it and can see me keeping it for a very long time indeed. It suites me perfectly, fits perfectly and rides perfectly. It would certainly be the last bike I'd sell in the event of disaster….. 🙂

    Free Member

    my bikes are friends infact there even named!
    I have:
    Annie the anthem she loves to be road hard for hours upon hours and always looks after me.

    Extacy the carbon Giant XTC now she is annies evil counter part, she is nasty, light and gets very angry and fast in short races.

    Sally the Singuler Swift she just likes to be played on every now and then but really enjoyes the winter months.

    Terry the trek 1.2 he just likes to relax on the turbo trainer but is treated every now and then to the odd day rides and long sportives.

    ….. Am i mad ?

    Free Member

    Don't worry, you're not the only one…

    I have an orange Nicolai, know as Ulrika; a blue SC VP-Free, known ans Betty and a new "purple haze" Brompton, still looking for a name.


    Full Member

    Yup. Very attached to mine too. All good friends (except when something daft breaks!).

    Free Member

    Some of my bikes are old friends, some are just tools but may eventually become old friends.

    Sentimental? Maybe but for me, the old friends have memories associated with them and that's why they're special. That's why I always think it's funny that some people talk about some brands/bikes having soul because for example they're built in a bearded old shed rather than a Chinese factory. For me, no bikes have soul when they're new no matter how niche/quirky/unusual they are. They gain soul when you ride them and have experiences on them.

    Right on, man. Peace out 🙂

    Free Member

    My bike thinks I'm a tool.. and that hurts my feelings a bit..

    Free Member

    sort of attached to my inbred ss, but mostly in the way of "its my only mountain bike so if it breaks im f***ed for riding."

    My fixie commuter is a beater by trade, built from rag tag components some of which are nice some of which are awful. That most certainly is a tool and always will be.

    Free Member

    Annie the anthem she loves to be road hard for hours upon hours and always looks after me.

    Not long now…..

    Free Member

    I feel quite connected to my 5 year old 5spot, even with its slightly ovalised bottom head tube, slightly ovalised BB pivot and cracked (and then replaced – thanks Khani) chainstay.

    The SS is pretty new, so I've not done that much on it yet.

    Its like clubber says. Me and the 5spot have history

    Free Member

    I thought naming bikes / cars etc was a woman only trait?

    Yes my bike is my soul mate.

    Free Member

    Just a tool.
    I think it comes from racing; you can't be precious about it, just hammer the bejesus out of it.

    Free Member

    Purely and simply tools for the job.

    Right on, man. Peace out

    Hippy Fag.

    Full Member

    i get very attached to my bikes. that's why i haven't had a new bike for 6yrs as i still use them. even the bottle rocket is 2nd hand so i can try it 🙂

    Free Member

    Definitely not too sentimental!
    I've got Ivan the Inbred, the frame is a tad too big but I suspect I'll be keeping this one for a long time, even if various bits get changed!
    There's Marvin the Myka, had some great times (although now up for sale because my rent is going to pay itself 🙁 )
    And then there's the road bike which is suspect with be known as exactly that "the road bike" for at least the forseeable future!

    Free Member

    Been riding my frame since 2001 until last Christmas when it snapped. Found one on ebay 3 days later, bought it now and performed a front triangle transplant. It was a terrible time but she pulled through.. Me sentimental, never.

    Free Member

    Annie the anthem she loves to be road hard for hours upon hours and always looks after me.

    Not long now…..

    Too late

    Free Member

    I'll not be giving mine names though. Thats just poncy.

    😯 🙄

    Free Member

    Mine have names.

    My Kona,
    My Bianchi
    My inbred

    etc 😉

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Of course bikes are tools. I understand fully that people attempt to anthropomorphise bikes (as many items) because it allows them to experience a whole range of emotions as a result of utilising it, and that they wish somehow to recognise this; but to disregard that how one experiences these emotions is entirely due to one's own perception, and not in any way due to the actions of the tool (which is incapable of such), is not only indicative of displaced responsibility, but also of a retarded ability to apply objectivity.

    To ascribe gender to an inanimate object is also an indication of some fairly deep-rooted underdevelopment. Thoroughly ridiculous behaviour which should really make the individual reconsider the nature, meaning and value of all their human relationships.

    Free Member

    To ascribe gender to an inanimate object is also an indication of some fairly deep-rooted underdevelopment.

    Don't tell the French!

    Free Member

    or the German, Spanish, Italians, etc… 😉

    Full Member

    thing is i'm attached to my two frames in my mate's garage that haven't been built into a full bike for more than 5 years and a frame that has sat in a box in my garage unused for over 12 months 😳

    non have names though 😀

    Free Member

    Of course bikes are tools. I understand fully that people attempt to anthropomorphise bikes (as many items) because it allows them to experience a whole range of emotions as a result of utilising it, and that they wish somehow to recognise this; but to disregard that how one experiences these emotions is entirely due to one's own perception, and not in any way due to the actions of the tool (which is incapable of such), is not only indicative of displaced responsibility, but also of a retarded ability to apply objectivity.

    To ascribe gender to an inanimate object is also an indication of some fairly deep-rooted underdevelopment. Thoroughly ridiculous behaviour which should really make the individual reconsider the nature, meaning and value of all their human relationships.

    You know those people that you don't want to sit next to at a party?

    That's you, that is.

    Free Member

    To ascribe gender to an inanimate objectoveranalyse such harmless behaviour so thoroughly is also an indication of some fairly deep-rooted underdevelopment. Thoroughly ridiculous behaviour which should really make the individual reconsider the nature, meaning and value of all their human relationships.

    Corrected that for you.

    Free Member

    They're just bikes. I love riding them, but ultimately, its a bunch of metal tubes and weld.

    Free Member

    I call my bikes 'the DH bike' and 'the XC bike'… am I weird?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Over egged the trolling there. A good attempt but ultimately just pushed a little too far.

    Free Member

    I've recently had a cull. Two bikes gone, I'm pleased they'll be used by their new owners. Ti On One cross bike to go in Oct to fund a USA C2C ride.

    I bought a cheap virtually unused Stumpjumper Comp frame on here about a year ago, built it up with parts I had lying around. I'm finding I ride it more than my Flux and 5 Spot. Riding experience is more about being out on the trails with my mates than what I'm riding.

    I've got a retro Alves that I had custom built back in the 80's, dont ride it much, but woldnt ever sell it.

    Free Member

    The implied anthropomorphism makes me slightly uneasy – it's no more a friend than an imaginary friend or a god, absent of everything that makes a relationship meaningful. My bike has a similar status to a comfortable pair of shoes.

    Free Member

    Riding experience is more about being out on the trails with my mates than what I'm riding.

    I've found this increasingly so in the last 18 months since redundancy means I can't buy spangly bits on a whim. Perhaps my consumerism addiction has been weakened.

    Full Member

    But selling the bike might make you forget those memories

    Free Member

    my bike is an old friend but i ride with tools.

    Free Member

    my bike is not a tool, though it would argue it is ridden by one….
    actuallay becoming a bit of a friend now as i get very slightly fitter it seems I'm riding better – of and a couple of 'tweaks' have helped
    rushing out to ride = not checking tire pressure = riding with lower than my usual 35-40 psi (16 stone rider) = 'oh, doesn't it ride better' type comments
    Ditto inadvertently adjusting the rebound (fox f100's) when locking the fork out = rebound that bitter quicker = much more confidence in the front end of the bike….

    does not stop me wanting to splash out on something new though… 😀

    Free Member

    But selling the bike might make you forget those memories

    Not if they're on fotopic 😉

    That said, nick my Slopestyle and I will find you and kill you! 😈
    (er, not you personally RD)

    wanders off for therapy session

    Free Member

    "Bike, . . . . I'm sorry, . . . but your just a tool".

    Free Member

    My Bontrager and I have been through a lot together.

    Damn right I get sentimental about it.

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