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  • Is there such a thing as a regional haircut?
  • Harry_the_Spider
    Full Member

    For example,  the “Johnny Marr” could only ever come from Manchester.

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    Free Member

    I teach in the Highlands and The Mullet appears to be making a comeback with teenage boys. Of all the styles that could come back, why that?

    Is this a phenomenon elsewhere or just out here in the sticks?

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    Full Member

    I teach in the Highlands and The Mullet appears to be making a comeback with teenage boys

    Seems that student mountainbikers in the ‘burgh are also opting for this at present – with or without ‘tache. Or maybe it is just my sons house…

    Full Member

    Is this a phenomenon elsewhere or just out here in the sticks?

    I’m afraid that this appears to be a nationwide phenomenon

    Full Member

    Probably also an age one too. A lot of the younger set in the office have this odd hairstyle with a very long fringe.
    People in the south tend to have shorter hair than the north. IME

    Full Member

    People in the south tend to have shorter hair than the north.

    Warmer dahn sarf, innit.

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    Free Member

    When we first moved up to Shetland half the women seemed to have the same haircut, we called it ‘The Shetland Bob’.

    Yesterday I noticed my wife is going to get her hair cut tomorrow and told her not to come back with a Shetland Bob’ again; God no she said 🤣

    Massive amounts of beards before they were as popular as they are now (men not the women). I was never going to fit in with my facial follicle paucity, even at 53 I only need to shave a couple of time a week.

    Free Member

    I’m afraid that this appears to be a nationwide phenomenon

    This upsets me. Mullets are awful things.

    Free Member

    Pic needed of Shetland bob pls.

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    Full Member

    Is anything purely regional anymore? Everything is online. New trends come from TikTok.

    Full Member

    People in the south tend to have shorter hair than the north.

    Warmer dahn sarf, innit.

    I thought it was because us northerners have hair (well… those of us that still have hair) that grows faster, like plants, because we’re always being rained on?

    Full Member

    Mullets are everywhere – I’m sure if you’re a teenager that it looks cool but to my eyes it looked **** in the 90s and nothing has changed. If anything, they look worse now as no one has learnt anything.

    Full Member

    I predict a curtains revival within about 3 years.

    Even worse than the mullet

    Full Member

    The Hoxton fin

    Free Member

    The Crewe cut

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    There are certainly different haircuts amongst the youth of Pilton and Drylaw ( schemes) compared to the youth of morningside ( posh bit)

    Full Member

    I thought it was because us northerners have hair (well… those of us that still have hair) that grows faster, like plants, because we’re always being rained on?

    Well I’m Irish and like a lot of people in the south west of Ireland our hair grows at a terrific rate. I’d be a rich man if I didn’t spend all money at the barbers.

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    Castle Combe-Over

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    The last time I was in the Basque country, there seamed to be a trend for a mullet, but instead of the back being a perm  it was “white boy dreads”. It was truely the most god awful thing I have ever seen, and once I realised it was not just one person popping up at various locations I visited, I certainly started to wonder if the gene pool is getting a little weak in the area.

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    There used to be such a thing as the Fleetwood fringe

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    Not to stereotype, but north of that border…


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    Out of all hairstyles the mullet is the one that should never have been revived. God awful haircut.

    I remember going to Manchester in the 90’s and being utterly confused by the shitty 60’s throwback hair. Then I saw an Oasis video and it clicked. Just like when you attach the hair to a Lego man.

    Full Member

    I have mine cut in the region it actually grows, more in the back and sides these days.

    Full Member

    I teach in the Highlands and The Mullet appears to be making a comeback with teenage boys

    Been and gone in Stirling.

    Thump’s mullet has been replaced with dyed blonde crop.

    Thud has a bushy fringe, shaved at the back.  It’s funny to watch them come into the house with their hoodies up as all you can see is the fringe.

    To quote a local police officer – all the kids look the same.

    Free Member

    The Croydon facelift? (Hair pulled into a really tight ponytail on the top of the head).

    Full Member

    I was in rural Western Australia recently and it looked  like the mullet never went away.

    Living on an island and Mrs DB is reluctant to go to the only hairdresser here as she can only really do one style (badly) – I expect that’s why the Shetland bob is so prevalent 🤣

    Full Member

    I was wondering if the youth mullet was just a Cumbrian thing, appears not.  It was getting to the stage the life mullets going to go extinct.   This will top up the gene pool until the next great mullet resurgence – 2050’s?  Maybe there’s some genetic trigger when mullet populations drop below a certain level.

    Free Member

    As with most fashions, if you are old enough to remember it the first time around you are too old to understand it now.  For teenagers it is a new thing.  Telling them they look stupid is like your parents telling you the same when you were a teenagers and what did you think about that.

    Full Member

    I suppose in reality there’s not that much you can do with hair which is practical for day to day and lasts x weeks before you need it doing again, something long something short something braided etc.

    Before you know it we’re all sat with 70’s long hair and moustaches with flairs again.

    I suppose punk was probably one of the more different things using glue to shape the hair was pretty rad.

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