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  • Is sex the most important thing
  • 3dvgirl
    Free Member

    Bouncy as hell and will have you off in no time at all?

    yea its all in the wrist action.

    Free Member

    temperamental, overcomplicated, and not generally considered to have much of a grip on their surroundings?

    Edit – yes that may be a little cutting, but not something she isn’t familiar with herself so i’m sure she’ll understand 😀

    Free Member

    yea its all in the wrist action.

    I bet you’d be quite good at polishing cars?

    Free Member

    temperamental, overcomplicated, and not generally considered to have much of a grip on their surroundings?

    Edit – yes that may be a little cutting, but not something she isn’t familiar with herself so i’m sure she’ll understand

    I want to make it clear this bike is a 26er

    Full Member

    like a fat bike with 30 gears and slicks

    Bouncy as hell and will have you off in no time at all?

    requires copious lubrication and special order rubber?

    Free Member

    Surprisingly good fun to ride but you would be embarrassed if your mates saw you on it?

    Free Member

    If any of you lovely lads are coming to the peaks pootel let us know..

    Surprisingly good fun to ride but you would be embarrassed if your mates saw you on it?

    Just tell em you did know.

    Free Member

    I am but I’ll be keeping quiet and out of trouble.

    Full Member

    No it isn’t the most important thing, but it is one of the things that’s easiest to get wrong

    Not in a “you’re doing it wrong” stylee, more of the gulf between two people who really should be able to commincate but lack the awareness, understanding, or even willingness sometimes to care very much.

    Free Member

    How is it uninformed if I’m getting it myself?


    Free Member

    DrJ, Unfitgeezer + me. Not had any “physical relations” with the missus since Little MissG was conceived. She’s 7 in May

    Crikey! I do admire the honesty of STW sometimes….

    Free Member

    *Awaits banhammer.


    DEF NSFW – DO NOT SEARCH FOR IT!!!! though it may save your marriage.

    Free Member

    DEF NSFW – DO NOT SEARCH FOR IT!!!! though it may save your marriage.

    I’m not sure how it would help, as a wife/girlfriend who doesn’t want to have sex won’t suddenly want to have sex just because your holding what looks to be (from Google search) an industrial strength dildo!! 😯

    Free Member
    Full Member

    techsmechs knows his power tools!

    Free Member

    Said tool always appears in every Japanese porn vid (I imagine/guess). I always thought they must be a 70’s throwback/early incarnation of pleasure toys being used still today by thrifty Japanese porn directors…how wrong I am.

    Free Member

    Some strange views here.

    People who think sex stops at retirement (I know people in their late 80s who still enjoy it, male and female).
    People who think it is automatically the OP who is “to blame”

    There’s a sort of checklist

    1) Is this about your relationship as a whole? Does that need fixing first?
    2) Is she depressed or does she have another medical issue which could cause this?
    3) Do the two of you have enough time with each other alone, and when neither of you are tired/stressed/drunk?

    etc etc.

    But some couples do have a big mismatch in sex drive, and that may not necessarily be fixable, if the partner with the lower drive (not always the woman) doesn’t see the mismatch as a problem or something they are willing to talk about or work on. And ultimately it may break the relationship. Been there.

    I think Ton was close to it. For a complete and happy marriage relationship you do need love, respect, friendship and sex – of a frequency and type you can both agree on.

    Dr J this is a real issue – you do need to think about if you can really be happy if the situation never changes. For some of us blokes, sex isn’t just about getting our end away. It is about closeness and intimacy and communication. Are you going to be able to be happy if things don’t change? If not, you need to let her know.

    Free Member

    Like I previously said maybe the OP should try swinging, sex is like food, if you have the same thing every day you will soon get sick of it.

    Free Member

    3dvgirl. Disagree. That I do disagree on.

    Free Member

    3dvgirl. Disagree. That I do disagree on.

    just out of interest why do you say that?

    Free Member

    For some of us blokes, sex isn’t just about getting our end away. It is about closeness and intimacy and communication.

    Yes couldn’t agree more, it’s also a fun activity to do together, but a lot of women (and guys) don’t seem to understand that and that’s probably where it goes wrong.

    The difficulty is though when faced with a low sex drive partner is if there’s no sex or not much sex then that’s just fine for them, so they think it’s just normal to do it once in a blue moon, which it probably is for this type of person.

    I’ve had this with a previous partner. She felt in the mood so rarely, whereas I’m a randy old dog, and as I was getting it so infrequently, it was a case of having to take any slight hint of an opportunity and try to exploit it. Normally I’d crash and burn and get the old ‘too tired’ or ‘lets just cuddle’ excuse, but maybe one time in 20 then things would work out good. Felt like rejection big time and got exhausting after a very short while (probably for her too) and despite us trying to talk about it she didn’t see it as a problem, thought we had a great relationship and just wouldn’t compromise. Needless to say we’re not together any more.

    Not heard from the OP in ages – do you think he’s been scared off?

    Free Member

    3dvgirl its about Creativity/putting effort in not ‘box’ ticking routine…
    I’ve had my fair share of average one-nighters or girls with zero imagination in bed.

    As a consumer society we are told to never feel happy until the next new thing…

    Free Member

    3dvgirl its about Creativity/putting effort in not ‘box’ ticking routine…
    I’ve had my fair share of average one-nighters or girls with zero imagination in bed.

    Its like Pokemon to me 🙂

    Free Member

    3dvgirl pre your edit I used to be like that too..

    Free Member

    3dvgirl pre your edit I used to be like that too..

    One day ill settle down, once I get in to 4 digits.

    Free Member

    I enjoy Hora’s bullet-proof confidence in his sexual prowess.

    I feel no urge to speculate on whether or not he is justified, I just find the self-assurance very sexy. 🙂

    Free Member

    I enjoy Hora’s bullet-proof confidence in his sexual prowess.

    confidence is the key to pulling, so maybe hes not bull shiting you.

    Full Member

    I can’t wait for Hora & 3dvgirl to meet at the Peaks Pootle, should be most entertaining!

    Free Member

    I can’t wait for Hora & 3dvgirl to meet at the Peaks Pootle, should be most entertaining!


    Free Member

    It has its place but is not the most important thing, for sure.

    Like others, I have a reduced-to-zero sex life although I have a long term partner. Our problem isn’t kids, it’s medication; methotrexate if all be told. Sadly, because of the high level she’s on, Slackalice’s suggestion is out of the question, too.

    Do I miss it – you bet. At the ripe old age of 41 she’s still hot as hell.

    Has it weakened our relationship – no. I think it’s actually strengthened it somehow.

    Love her to bits…

    Full Member

    hora – Member
    3dvgirl its about Creativity/putting effort in not ‘box’ ticking routine…
    I’ve had my fair share of average one-nighters…

    Hora the thread is about intimacy not your experiences with multiple frames!

    Free Member

    I lower the union jack and raise the Jolly Roger flag…

    That’s nice!! 😀

    Free Member

    Avast! Mi beauty. Unleash a broadside against your flank thrn prepare to be boarded!

    Free Member

    Samuri’s look?

    More like

    Free Member

    Unleash a broadside against your flank thrn prepare to be boarded!

    shouldn’t that be the other way round?? 😕

    Free Member

    It’s not the most important thing, but without it a relationship isn’t really complete, so you kind of need to make an effort at least a few times a month.

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    Avast! Mi beauty. Unleash a broadside against your flank thrn prepare to be boarded!

    You are now definitely riding in front of me! 😯

    Full Member

    Is sex the most important thing? No but it has to be equally the most important thing

    A relationship with bad sex? No thanks, there is nothing worse than a sexually mismatched relationship

    Free Member

    Is sex the most important thing? No but it has to be equally the most important thing

    A relationship with bad sex? No thanks, there is nothing worse than a sexually mismatched relationship

    I once read that nobody walks away from a relationship which has great sex. And that is partially true. I can accept for various medical reasons the physical side becomes tough for some people – but it is part of a relationship.

    If you are young isn, and the physical part of the relationship has gone, then you you be thinking of getting out and how to end it amicably. You will have an affair, she will have an affair (if not already) and the whole thing will turn to shit – and get very vitriolic

    As a doctor once told me, sex drive in 95% mental … if you are not prepared to give, share and enjoy your relationship with your partner then it is doomed

    Sorry – but been there, done that

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