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  • Is May about to call an election?
  • DrJ
    Full Member

    Darn – my hypocrisy filter just melted 🙁

    Free Member

    Theresa May:

    “I’m going to pull you up on describing Type 1 diabetes as a health problem.

    “People who have it can do whatever they like.

    “What is important is that, when you sit round that table, you know what you want and have the strength and determination to make your point and make it clearly.

    “Yes, Type 1 diabetes brings a change in one’s life – I have to inject, test my blood sugar and so forth – but it doesn’t mean there are things I can’t do.

    “You just build that into your life.”

    Free Member
    Free Member

    She is ill – and as a result has to inject herself with insulin five times a day

    Yes, but I think people are saying she looks ill compared to a few months ago (as in the election campaign is making her ill)

    Not sure what the hell that has to do with lefties, disabilities and so on but you carry on linking it all together.

    Full Member

    My girlfriend has Type 1. Shes had it for 25 years. I see it every single day and the impact it has on her life. She also has an extremely high pressure job and works long hours.

    She looks significantly better and healthier than Fuhrer May (thankfully)

    Full Member

    The picture I posted is one of the first that appears in a search for ‘May Zombie’.
    It has nothing to do with her diabetes, which I’d forgotten about, tbh.

    But seeing as you brought it up, she’s not just been diagnosed as diabetic, she has been living with the condition for a while and has said herself it’s not an issue.

    So that’s a blue herring.

    As is Manchester.

    If she’s incapable of dealing with affairs of state as well as the election (which she called), perhaps she’s not up to the job?

    The Tory side of this campaign has been almost solely based on personal attacks on Corbyn, so less of the hypocricy please.

    Full Member

    Regardless of her illness she is still a horrible bitch.
    Edit. If she is not physically capable of doing the job she shouldn’t be doing it.

    Full Member

    Another article linking May and Zombies, from those notoriously left wing commie bastards at the New Statesman.


    Makes you think.

    Has she ever been to Haiti?
    I think the public has a right to know…..

    And for balance, here’s a NS article doing a similar thing to Corbyn:

    Perhaps this whole election is just a distraction from the forthcoming apocalypse?

    Free Member

    [tannoy]Right Wing Virtue Signalling Snowflakes to the thread please.[/tannoy]

    Free Member

    She is ill – and as a result has to inject herself with insulin five times a day

    You what? I’m diabetic and I’m not ill thank you. Although I only inject myself four times a day so maybe that’s the difference.

    Mind you I’d be a rubbish prime minister too, so it might be down to her knackered pancreas after all.

    Full Member

    I’m not diabetic but usually look terrible, and would also make a rubbish prime minister. It’d be free long lunches of beer and steak bakes until we were all Ill and the country was bankrupt

    Actually…. thinking about it….

    Free Member

    I am not diabetic and would make an awesome Prime Minister. How do I apply?

    Full Member

    Can you do both strong and stable but at the same time?

    Free Member

    I can claim to be strong and stable – is that good enough?

    Free Member

    #1 qualification for being prime minister: not wanting to be prime minister

    Full Member

    Hmm, here’s a couple of questions.

    Does Brexit mean:
    A) Brexit.
    B) Whatever you want it to mean.
    C) Independence for Scotland.
    D) A chance for your mates to trouser some more cash.
    E) Corbyn smells.

    Send answers on the back of a fag packet in green crayon to:

    Theresa’s bottled it.
    Conservative Headquarters,
    That London,
    Little England.

    Free Member

    doing all sorts of complicated mathematics on the results to make it truly reflective.

    Nope. They manipulated the results to generate headlines/clicks/advertising revenue/yet another poll contract

    We’ve seen with Indy Ref 1, GE2015, EU Ref, US Presidential Election the polls are for headlines not for predictions. They have been become a dark art for headline grabbers and clickbait ad revenue

    Free Member

    Can you do both strong and stable but at the same time?

    I can do strong, stable AND awesome. What we are in desperate need of is a Prime Minister that is awesome.

    Free Member

    I can also claim not to want to be PM.

    Full Member

    There is something wrong with her face though.

    And that isn’t diabetes.

    The stroke comment might actually be closer to the truth looking at the photos. I wonder if that’s why she’s stage managing her appearances so much.

    Just curious. Makes no difference to me either way in terms of her being PM.
    I always thought she was incompetent.

    As a human being however I wish her no ill- but she does need to take it easy before she kills herself.

    Full Member

    I wonder if her hectic schedule of being hurriedly ushered in and out, silently unseen, from northern towns has interrupted her usual hourly routine of sucking the life force from babies? Hence the grey face?

    Full Member

    Has anyone got the Palpatine Kenobi / May Corbyn picture handy?

    It does seem to be more apt every day.

    Free Member

    I wonder if her hectic schedule of being hurriedly ushered in and out, silently unseen, from northern towns has interrupted her usual hourly routine of sucking the life force from babies? Hence the grey face?

    Don’t see why, her favourites are poor northern one so supply isn’t an issue

    Full Member

    Have you not heard? We eat our own young up here. It’s character building

    Free Member

    We eat our own young up here


    Oh, so you’re probably claiming benefits on that child you’ve eaten. No wonder this countries gone to shit! Benefits SCUM!!


    Full Member

    Here we go

    Full Member

    I wonder if her hectic schedule of being hurriedly ushered in and out, silently unseen, from northern towns has interrupted her usual hourly routine of sucking the life force from babies? Hence the grey face?

    Full Member

    My own delightful Tory MP has just put a campaign poster up on social meedja proudly proclaiming he’s ‘Standing with Theresa May’ and a picture of their two grey soulless faces staring out at you, like the dementors out of Harry Potter

    There’s also a picture of him stood up talking in parliament. That picture is from when he filibustered the bill to give free hospital parking to carers. It’s the one the papers used anyway

    Obviously a proud moment. And why wouldn’t it be?

    …. and they say that Tory’s are dead-eyed, frozen-hearted sociopath’s, utterly devoid of empathy or compassion? I don’t know where that idea comes from

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Maybe we could all wear a grey ribbon on our lapels to show Enola that we are all feeling her pain. 🙂

    Full Member

    Is it just me, or is this Chairman May’s bacon sandwich moment?

    Full Member

    Did she wet herself?

    Our boys used to look like that occasionally during toilet training.

    Free Member

    story please re this?

    Full Member

    dazh – Member

    Is it just me, or is this Chairman May’s bacon sandwich moment?It’s just karma. You can’t use personal attacks week in week out in the way she did without people feeling pretty good when she has a taste of her own medicine.

    Full Member

    JY it’s a shot from yesterday when she was trying to defend her debate no-show.


    Full Member

    My local tory hopeful (Clark Vasey) has some awesome paperwork – two thirds May and one third pictures of himself with May!
    He has helpfully reminded me that ‘like most people in my area he voted leave’ but it is now all about ‘uniting’. ffs.
    At least the local UKIP candidate, George Kemp, is amusing (he is the current holder of the ‘Worlds Biggest Liar’ contest).

    Free Member

    That photo of May reminded me of Blakey from On the Buses.

    Free Member

    Are we just posting funny pics now? 😆

    Don’t get me wrong I totally love posting pics me. 😛

    I mean I really want to join in to post all sort of pics but I wonder if the mods will see my jokes or if anyone of you will accept my jokes about opposition members? 😛

    Full Member

    chewkw – Member
    Are we just posting funny pics now?

    What do you mean, now?

    You lot started with the media manipulation, very proud of yourselves too:

    Don’t start getting all moral now Theresa’s bottled it.

    Free Member

    Maybot having a rest

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