Home Forums Chat Forum Is hanging a flat panel TV on the wall "pleberian" (sic)?

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  • Is hanging a flat panel TV on the wall "pleberian" (sic)?
  • yunki
    Free Member

    I think it’s only mainly plebiscopalians that use the wall mounted configuration..

    Free Member

    I think it’s only mainly plebiscopalians that use the wall mounted configuration..

    I’m not religious and would be quite happy to use a wall mount too. 😛

    Full Member

    I think having a TV full stop is pretty chavvy, but wall mounted is definitely 100% chav.

    Free Member

    Feng Sui?

    footflaps – Member

    I think having a TV full stop is pretty chavvy, but wall mounted is definitely 100% chav.

    I love the narrow mindedness of people who choose to detatch themselves from certain aspects of life and cast aspertions on those that don’t.

    Actually, I’m lying, I generally think they are complete tits.

    Free Member

    Well if it’s chavy, I’m a Chav. Victorian terrace with cupboards built into the alcoves either side of the fire place. I’ve mounted a tv on a swing out bracket in one above one cupboard so it pushes flat into the alcove and yet will be visible if we have a room full. Wires drop down behind a false wall into the cupboard where the DVD players, sky box etc sit. Surround sound is achieved by routing cables through the ceiling, and down into the other alcove to avoid any wires being visible. Its as large a tv as will fit without over powering the room. Oh, and the alcoves are painted terracotta red…
    I like being a Chav!

    Full Member

    Gosh I too totally agree with Hora 😀

    Children should not have a telly in their bedroom, it’s a room for rest, relaxation and sleep. It causes them to have short attention span which is not good in the classroom. Telly can stimulate a childs mind. Lots of books in a child’s room is fine.

    Free Member

    I love the narrow mindedness of people who choose to detatch themselves from certain aspects of life and cast aspertions on those that don’t.

    I love how easily some STWers are wound up 🙂

    Free Member

    I love the narrow mindedness of people who choose to detatch themselves from certain aspects of life and cast aspertions on those that don’t.

    Telly isn’t a valuable aspect of life though, it’s more like visual morphine designed to dull the wits and pass the time quicker in the evenings so you don’t have to talk with your family.

    Full Member

    I love how easily some STWers are wound up

    Good, innit.

    Oh, and for all the bores, BIL did say “pleberian”. He’s dyslexic. It made me laugh and I use it lots now.

    I know what I’d like, and no, it won’t be looking cahncil, as Fred might put it.

    Free Member

    Have you considered a projector?

    miketually – Member

    I love how easily some STWers are wound up

    Me, wound up?

    No, I just enjoy arguing with some of the people on here that seem to be disappearing up their own backsides half of the time 😉

    RichPenny – Member

    Telly isn’t a valuable aspect of life though, it’s more like visual morphine designed to dull the wits and pass the time quicker in the evenings so you don’t have to talk with your family.

    Meh, it can be a valuable aspect of life. As a family last week we sat and watched Earth Flight, just as we sit and watch Planet Earth Blu-Rays, just as we watch and comment (and even enjoy) some of the mindless crap and car crash tv too. I work away and as it happens, in my hotel room, never actually turn the tv on. BTW, I hope you are engaged in stimulating conversation with your family whilst posting on here. 😕

    Full Member

    Some people are way too insecure to be posting on an internet forum….

    Free Member

    I know what I’d like, and no, it won’t be looking cahncil, as Fred might put it.



    As a result of this thread, I am going to buy a (knocked off of course) eighty inch plasma telly, to perfectly complement my shoe-box flat. 🙂

    And when I have to move my head quite a lot to see different parts of the screen, I shall be comforted by the fact that several snobs will be outraged by my actions.

    Free Member

    BTW, I hope you are engaged in stimulating conversation with your family whilst posting on here.

    Nah, I wear headphones so I don’t have to listen to the mindless babble. Plus I have actual morphine, so don’t require a telly 🙂

    RichPenny – Member

    Nah, I wear headphones so I don’t have to listen to the mindless babble. Plus I have actual morphine, so don’t require a telly


    Free Member

    I’ve mounted a couple (of lcd monitors) on those articulating arms which are great for swinging them out of the way.

    I’d genuinely like to see that done in a way that didn’t look like a dentists office.

    Hora – I’ve serious sleep issues, if I don’t absolutely shatter myself physically by the end of the day I’ll easily lie awake (in a silent, TV-less room) until 3 or 4am. If it’s a silent room I’ll eventually go nuts and have to get up, usually ending up with me pulling all nighters. If I have a book I take about a week before my eyes start to suffer, and I stay awake all night wanting to read on. Or a laptop I’ll stay awake until 4am finding something new and interesting to look at on the internetses. I can’t physically shatter myself every day, I’ve tried, I run myself into the ground. So the end results are boring pointless TV that eventually makes me go to sleep while entertaining my mind on some low level, stopping me thinking about interesting stuff, or tablets.

    Free Member

    Projectors FTW!

    Mine’s was far cheaper than tellies with a display half the size at the time I bought it. I realise there’s an issue with bulb lifespan and that it’ll need replacing at some point, but as ‘er indoors and myself both work shifts, there are a great many evenings when no telly gets watched.

    Just need a set-top box of some sort, a home cinema set-up or amplifier, a games console, and you’re all set.

    Also it doesn’t dominate my room, leaving me free to discuss Proust, hold violin recitals and have sex on the rug, without that nagging feeling that all the people I know, who are in my living room once in a blue moon, think I do anything as pleberian as watching television. Pah!

    Free Member

    Mine’s was far cheaper than tellies with a display half the size at the time I bought it.


    Just need a set-top box of some sort, a home cinema set-up or amplifier, a games console, and you’re all set.


    I considered this but HD widescreen projectors are ££££££, and then you need to put all your amps, boxes and players near the projector.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    At the time I bought it, not having Sky, there was next to no HD content being broadcast, so the idea of lashing out £££££ today for jam tomorrow seemed a bit daft.

    As it is, having gone from a 32″ CRT TV to an 84″ HD-enough-to-be-getting-on-with 1080i picture, I was blown away by the improvement.

    And I do quite like having a big screen but not having a behemoth of a telly being the defining feature of my living room/sitting room/lounge (delete where applicable according to how pleberian you are and what part of the country you’re posting from)

    Also, I have all my boxes on the other side of the room from the projector and just run the necessary HDMI and component cables from them to it in a conduit. So my amplifier, set-top box and XBox are all under the “telly”, where you would expect them to be when you’re waving your remote control around.

    Free Member

    Stef what model, sort of costs are you looking at? I’d love to change to a huge screen. Itd need to be in the back living room though so we could sit back far enough!

    I bet…….folk on this thread will have gotten drunk at somepoint and popped on a mtb dvd for non-biking friends… Yes? 😆

    Full Member

    my projector and screen cost £350 second hand. ceiling is do high you don’t notice it when up. already had the pvr and an amp and speakers. great for games. plus it was so cheap, it’s practically disposable when the bulb goes.

    of course the chav-tastic wall-mounted plasma gets most use.

    as an aside, i don’t watch TV, with the exception of the news 🙄

    Free Member

    My projector is an Optoma HD65. It was about 450 minus quidco cashback when I bought it towards the end of 2009. You can probably get better ones cheaper now. I don’t bother with a screen as the room is painted white and the walls are skimmed anyway. Cables were about 10-20 quid off eBay. At the time a half decent 42″ plasma was about £600 plus.

    The downside to my setup is the number of button presses on 3 different remotes you have to go through to switch from one source to another. If I had thought a bit more about the amp I bough and the number of HDMI in and outputs it has, that could have been avoided.

    Full Member

    40″ LCD properly mounted on the wall with all cables properly chased in. All the sources (V+HD, console, HTPC) hidden away in a cupboard with the network stuff (broadband, wireless. Switch, NAS, phone lines)
    Also have an HD projector on the ceiling connected to all the sources and tiny little satellite speakers all with hidden cables.
    None of it is especially dominating if it’s not in use, and it only gets switched on if its getting watched.
    It all fits my requirements precisely, I’ve not spent an inordinate amount of money on it and its great fun to share a film with friends with the full cinema experience.
    What that makes others think about my social class is frankly none of my concern!

    Free Member

    “it’s more like visual morphine designed to dull the wits and pass the time quicker in the evenings so you don’t have to talk with your family.”

    Is good sht! (used in moderation)

    Full Member

    HUGE wall mounted telly so large you have to move your head to see all of the screen = Chavtelly.

    Seen quite a few on house visits. To me it would always seem right to put the telly off when a visitor arrives but not to a good percentage it would seem.

    26″ on a nice table with all the boxes underneath. Blocked off by coffee table to prevent small child smearing it in anything right now.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t be allowed sky as when I’ve been to the in laws I’ve sat on history/war/documentary/wheeler dealer channels solid.

    Best if I’m not fed the crack-cocaine 8)

    Ourmant’upnorth why not mount your bike on the wall?

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member
    I’d genuinely like to see that done in a way that didn’t look like a dentists office.

    Here’s mine, it doesn’t completely fold away tho:

    IMAG0948.jpg[/url] by alan cole[/url], on Flickr

    IMAG0947.jpg[/url] by alan cole[/url], on Flickr

    My ex GF’s is better as it swung into a press cupboard and so was completely hidden away. We’re on good terms but if you don’t mind I won’t bother her for a pic of it 😀 . If I’d thought mine through (little chance, that wall was put up a year before I got the telly) I’d have made the recess wide enough for the telly to hide in…as it is I’d like to get/make a mount which allows the telly to rotate 90 degrees so it could fit upright in the recess, not sure if they exist tho.

    Are you a student al? 😉

    Free Member

    What is this “TV” you are all discussing? How can I get one?

    Free Member

    Those wires need tiding

    Free Member

    46″ TV on a TV cabinet, slap bang in the middle of the room. Absolutely love it. Too old and wise to care what people think.

    Full Member

    @cynical-al – I’m sure you love it and all; but it’s not doing the ‘hang it on the wall’ bunch of us any credibility at all !

    Here’s mine (in the interest of balance)

    No visible wires anywhere; though I must apologise for the fake tree in the corner….

    Free Member

    TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsSTR – Member
    Are you a student al?

    Worse…unemployed…and a part time student at the same time!

    hora – Member
    Those wires need tiding

    Aye…tis a work in progress…off to buy a wireless keyboard laters.

    stevehine – Member
    @cynical-al – I’m sure you love it and all; but it’s not doing the ‘hang it on the wall’ bunch of us any credibility at all !

    I’d say the same about yours…

    Free Member

    Full Member

    I’d say the same about yours…

    Oh yes … ? I can take crticism; let’s hear it 🙂

    Free Member

    @stevehine – TVs are ugly, I don’t want to make a feature of mine, that’s why it’s low down and there’s a decent feature in the room…tv blends-in-ish to wall colour, centre speaker is dark too…all the opposite of yours..why don’t you like mine then?

    Full Member

    I think TVs on the wall can look neat, IF done neatly (i.e cables chased, perhaps with the AV socket fitted somewhere distal from the TV).
    That said, TVs can also look neat and simple sat on a nice AV unit.

    It’s all (IMHO) about what suits the room, no? Forcing a 50″ TV into a 56″ alcove in a tiny room simply won’t work, as it clearly will be too big, and in a poor viewing position!

    Our TV is on an AV unit because that’s where it fitted best. I’d actually love to have a wall mounted TV (I suspect, mostly for the challenge and fun of making it look pro) but I don’t think it’s fit anywhere in our current living room as WELL as the current position, so I haven’t!

    In the end, it’s your wall, it’s your TV, and it’s your choice.
    Hang the darn thing at 34 degrees with cables coming out of it like octopus arms – less than 1% of people on STW will ever see it if you don’t post pics!!


    Full Member


    Ok; since you asked – imo it’s too low down for extended viewing, the wires are visible and untidy and it overlaps that attractive fireplace (not sarcasm; I like a nice fireplace) whether it’s folded out or folded in.

    As to why mine is high up and in the center of the wall ? Because we like to watch films at a comfortable viewing height and with good quality surround sound. TV’s are ugly; yes – but if you want a good experience when you are actually using one I think you should put it where it performs best.

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