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  • Ironman laws?
  • CaptainFlashheart
    Free Member

    Is there a specific set of laws that apply to people who’ve done an Ironman?

    Overtook* a fully aeroed up chap on a fully aeroed up tri bike today. Fluttering behind his seatpost was a race number from an Ironman. Said race number was fairly old, faded and battered, so it must have been there for some time. Is this enshrined in law as a way of making sure that everyone you haven’t already told knows about it?

    *Downhill, I hasten to add. I have lots of gravity.

    Free Member

    They usually have a monster inc tattoo as well 😀

    Full Member

    Don’t forget the M-dot tattoo – whatever they’ve done they do a good job of relieving people of large amounts of money in entrance fees and branded merchandise to race against each other. One of my training buddies is an M-dot officianado who finishes top 5 – the rest of the group often enjoys dishing it out and making him suffer 😉

    Full Member

    Branding brilliance. IM was sold for ~$600 million a while back.

    Free Member

    There’s a guy i used to run into on one of my road loops. He had 5 or 6 of the IM tattoos. Seemed to ride everywhere at exactly the same speed. Block headwind, tailwind, uphill, downhill, everything except corners. Where he’d slow to walking pace.

    Probably not helped by his insistence on always being on the extensions.
    Always wore one of those daft tri bra and panties things. Probably so you could see his tattoos.

    Looked painful when it was below zero and sleeting sideways.

    Full Member

    *Downhill, I hasten to add. I have lots of gravitas. FTFY

    Full Member

    Weird…maybe he’s just very proud of his achievement?

    There’s blokes at work who’ve completed an Ironman in very modest times. They don’t look particularly fit or fast, but at least they put in the hour & the effort to complete one, which is more than I’ve had the balls to do.

    Free Member

    ‘How do you know someone’s done an Ironman?’

    ‘Because they’ll tell you’

    Free Member

    Perhaps he is (justifiably) proud of completing an IM? No easy task – plenty of folk walk around in marathon tee shirts and no one comments!

    I have only ever done HIMs as never had the time to train properly for the full. So can appreciate the incredible effort. Having said that IMO the whole branding thing is way OTT and I never did official events for that reason. I also have a little smile when I see a IM tat. But each to their own.

    Never understood the tri-haters personally.

    (Although just been for a casual swim tonight and couldn’t help having a few secret races with the tri club in the lanes next door 😉 )

    Free Member

    plenty of folk walk around in marathon tee shirts and no one comments!

    If they walked around with their race plate still pinned on to said T-shirt, I suspect there might be more comments!

    Free Member


    Go on to RimmersWorld and the tri section and ask the Pirates. They love have the piss taken out of themselves!

    In defence of the rider, I often forgot about race numbers on bike and helmets 😉 I haven’t done a tri for three years and yet there are still some old race numbers on my frame!!

    Free Member

    Go on to RimmersWorld

    Perhaps not.

    Free Member

    They have fascinating discussions on different types of lube!!

    (RunnersWorld, to avoid any confusion!! 😉 )

    Free Member


    Ex colleague used to do them, reasonably successful but never made the Q for Hawaii. Ironman he tells me is about pace, as above you leanr to go at your sustainable pace (so I am told). Lets face it the endurance required is pretty special not least when you consider the open water swim comes first.

    CFH perhaps he was on an IM distance training ride (speedwise) and the number is his momento, we can all be a bit sentimental from time to time.

    Free Member

    I often forgot about race numbers on bike and helmets I haven’t done a tri for three years and yet there are still some old race numbers on my frame!!

    Sure, you just forgot, Ok bro… 🙄

    Full Member

    I may be a bit biased as I just completed Outlaw two weeks ago, a full iron /long distance race.

    However the level of work and commitment I put into getting to the finish line was in the same level of magnitude as my engineering degree. Hundreds of hours training, 6,000km biked, 1,400km ran and 130,000m swam.

    You can be damn sure the race sticker will remain on my TT bike for the foreseeable future as a memento!

    Free Member

    Do you carry your degree certificate around with you as well?

    Free Member

    However the level of work and commitment I put into getting to the finish line was in the same level of magnitude as my engineering degree. Hundreds of hours training, 6,000km biked, 1,400km ran and 130,000m swam.

    did you win?

    Free Member

    Bravo scruff – bloody good effort!! Did you enjoy it?

    Funnily enough, swimming tonight (and closing down the triathletes in the lane next door) made me a bit twitchy to get back into it. Have also been riding on my road bike for the first time in a couple of years too and that felt good – the aero bars are still attached along with the old “bits” of stickers 😉

    The trouble with IM/HM and the ultra running races I was doing, is that they taught me to go long, slowly. Two years of that screwed my race pace over shorter distances. Not sure I can be bothered with the fag and cost of an Olympic length though – have far too many Human Race tee shirts!!!

    So C’ptn – there’s a quick answer. Long distance triathletes are correctly proud of their achievements!!

    Full Member

    Do you carry your degree certificate around with you as well?

    Chuckle 🙂

    Free Member

    Ironman hurts and it’s something to be proud of finishing but that’s a bit much leaving your race plates on. Was 19 when I did Ironman Canada back in ’93, numbers are in a drawer somewhere.

    Full Member

    Do you carry your degree certificate around with you as well?

    Mine sits in front of my name 😆

    Free Member

    In defence of the rider, I often forgot about race numbers on bike and helmets I haven’t done a tri for three years and yet there are still some old race numbers on my frame!!

    You can forget about something in a drawer. How on earth do you forget about something attached to an item you look at every single time you use it?

    That’s like saying you forgot you had a tattoo on your hand.

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member

    Do you carry your degree certificate around with you as well?

    picture of my PhD degree on my phone ha ha ha ha

    Mine sits in front of my name

    and on my pay slip, bank card and driving license

    Full Member

    I’ve done it, never got the tattoo though. It’s a bloody hard day out! so anyone who wants to bragg about doing an Ironman has every right to imo 😆

    Leaving your race number on though 🙄

    Free Member

    Easily njee, easily!!!

    Its only a sticky label after all.

    Free Member

    Do you carry your degree certificate around with you as well?

    No need – have letters after my name to remind me 🙂

    Full Member

    How on earth do you forget about something attached to an item you look at every single time you use it?

    if it’s mud i find it easy to ignore…

    Free Member

    Easily njee, easily!!!

    Its only a sticky label after all.

    As someone who’s put a number on bikes/helmets/kit many many times, I don’t buy that one iota. I buy ‘genuinely not caring’ that you’ve left it there, or ‘thinking people will be impressed’, but not forgetting.

    Full Member

    Two time IM-distance here.
    It does seem to attract folk at the geeky end of the spectrum compared to mountain biking, or it lets folk get obsessed with three different sports (and the related kit).
    Always thought when I did my first one (the Outlaw too) that I’d maybe get a tattoo…but then such a huge number of folk have triathlon related tattoos, that I came away thinking that it’s a funny thing to define yourself with that you want to brand yourself up.
    And a very funny (sad actually) thread on a Facebook post recently about the thought that folk give to what previous event t-shirts they’ll wear for the registration of their next triathlon / IM etc?! FFS 😯

    Free Member

    It’s the same as festival goers and admission bands that are now festering , like yawn dirty bastards

    Free Member

    I see the urge to look down on people is strong here, you look down on them cos of an IM tat or race number (seen plenty of roadys leaving numbers on bikes over the years btw) MTB’rs look down on miserable roadys, Ironman people look down on puny mortals, roadys look down on fat middle aged old MTB’rs (me 😀 ) and on and on the piffinness goes..
    We’d be screwed without someone to look down on..

    Free Member

    As someone who’s put a number on bikes/helmets/kit many many times, I don’t buy that one iota.

    Fair enough, thats your perogative.

    I buy ‘genuinely not caring’ that you’ve left it there, or ‘thinking people will be impressed’, but not forgetting.

    BTW, I am not the person that the C’ptn saw and I have no IM branded stuff on my bikes or anywhere else. My simple point was that it easy to forget about race numbers stuck on a bike. That is my experience, whether you buy it or not, and its nothing to do with impressing anyone. As I said, just some old sticky label.

    But congrats on keeping your kit tidier than mine. I salute you!! 😉

    Anyway partly inspired by this thread (and Adam!) I was in the pool at 07:00 this morning for first 2k swim in a while. Need to get back to the old 100 length 2.5ks in the next few weeks.

    In one triathlon, I transitioned next to a guy who had a BA gold card tag on his bag. I wonder why he didn’t take it off, he wasn’t flying anywhere. Perhaps he was trying to impress me that his firm paid him to travel in comfort. Didn’t work as I keep my travel bags tidier than my bike!!! 😉

    Free Member

    But a luggage label achieves something on an ongoing basis. It’s the sort of thing you’d remove and forget otherwise. Telling people you finished IM Austria in 1996 doesn’t get you into an airport lounge… Daft analogy.

    FWIW I look down at anyone with a number on their bike still – be they triathlete, MTBer or road rider. My superiority knows no bounds.

    Free Member

    But a luggage label achieves something on an ongoing basis.

    True, smugness look at me I have a gold card!!

    Telling people you finished IM Austria in 1996 doesn’t get you into an airport lounge… Daft analogy.

    Have you tried it?!?

    FWIW I look down at anyone with a number on their bike still – be they triathlete, MTBer or road rider. My superiority knows no bounds.

    😀 😀

    (goes off with soapy water to clean bike seatpost)

    FWIW, my road shoes are v old tri shoes held together with masking tape. What does that say? Tight arse more than anything else!!! 😉

    Free Member

    FWIW, my road shoes are v old tri shoes held together with masking tape. What does that say? Tight arse more than anything else!!!

    That’s fine, that shows apathy. No issues with that whatsoever!

    Free Member

    Two time Ironman here and I’m proud of may achievements with how many hours of training I’ve put in.

    Agree re race number but it’s no different to all the people entering sportifs and leaving race numbers on or bragging about their “TIME” at Ride London… that isn’t a race! IF you want to do it properly enter a race and step up.

    Free Member

    I have left race numbers on my bike, mainly due to being quite lazy! When I completed some ironman races I bought lots of IM branded kit, and I have an IM tattoo. All of which made me happy! Quite selfishly I did all of these things because of how they make me feel, I am not overly concerned if someone feels the need to judge me for it!

    If anyone were to have a go at me to my face about these things I would simply think they are a little strange, if all they do is keep quiet and then go onto a forum to question it then it really isn’t my problem!

    Free Member

    I have left race numbers on my bike, mainly due to being quite lazy!

    Damn, for a moment I was feeling unique. 😉

    Free Member

    Not much to add, other than as a Pirate we do enjoy a good bit of piss taking. Dishing out or receiving, we’re not bothered. We’re at the less serious end of the tri spectrum. Though some of our lot are actually quite quick…

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