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  • interviews, feedback
  • mrmo
    Free Member

    Missed a call earlier from a place i had an interview this morning.

    In my limited experience interviewers only ring to say they are offering a job. Does anyone have any experience of being rung to say you haven’t got the job?

    Just wondering, they did say they would ring back.

    Free Member

    NHS apparently rings back all interview candidates – successful or not.

    Free Member

    thanks, best not to read it either way then.

    Full Member

    It could also be that they need to follow up some detail- trouble contacting a referee, etc. Not to put a downer on it, but just to say don’t count your chickens.

    And good luck!

    Free Member

    they tend to ring the candidate they want first and same day seems quite soon IME

    like you say we are just guessing.
    Good luck

    Free Member

    Did you perhaps try and call them back?

    Free Member

    CFH i did, but when they rang it was c5:30 and they said they were just leaving, i didn’t get a chance to ring back till 6pm.

    JY, the speed is what has thrown me, i wasn’t expecting anything till next week to be honest. I don’t think i was that bad..

    Full Member

    I’ve rung people the same day. You know when someone is spot on. It’s rare but it happens.

    I’d be surprised if I was turning someone down the same day, as I’d want to get an acceptance from the one I wanted first. Unless you were really just not going to fit in their set up – which doesn’t mean you’re bad of course, just not right for them.

    But they might just be checking details or asking if you had a rail ticket to reimburse.

    Free Member

    Ah, good! Glad to hear it! Was a little worried…! 🙂

    Good luck, chap!

    Full Member

    Bad news isn’t usually that fast- they’ll want to get an acceptance from someone before they tell other candidates to bugger off! (we made that mistake in my last office, sent out “sorry but” letters to 5 of 6 applicants, the 6th decided not to accept the job)

    Free Member

    After a recent interview I was contacted the next day regarding travel costs…I got all excited 🙁

    After a week I contacted the agency and was basically put off for a couple of days. Turned out the employer was trying to contact their first choice, I was the second. Didn’t get it but things have worked out much better!

    Good luck fella…you could always give them a call back?

    Free Member

    In my field the Feckers never call you back with bad news! Twunts!

    Free Member

    I had a call a few weeks ago, from the NHS , to tell me I was unsucessful 🙁

    Free Member

    Well i know it won’t be travel costs, i did tell them i walked and it was 10mins.

    I also know all the interviews were today, i don’t know how many, but my interview took almost two hours, on that basis they couldn’t have been more than 3 people?

    Beyond that who knows…I guess i will find out tomorrow.

    The other question, if i do get offered the job do i want it? similar money, but no travelling, and the pension for the new job is probably the best i am going to get without becoming an MP.i do enjoy my current job just been getting very annoyed by IT, i had a bad day applied for a job to let off steam…..

    Free Member

    So, got hold of them, and i have been offered the job….

    have asked if i can get back to them on Friday.

    So do i leave a job i like (most of the time) for one i know nothing about….

    10% pay rise and no commuting, (10min walk compared to 35min drive/60min ride. )


    Free Member

    Well done. Can I have your old one?

    Free Member

    NHS apparently rings back all interview candidates – successful or not.

    Not with me they didn’t, had to call back and request feedback (I assumed correctly I was unsuccesful), was then told that feedback would not be given. Same from the Police (civilian position).

    Quite odd really, thought they’d at least offer feedback.

    Full Member

    There is no NHS-wide policy, even within an individual NHS organisation it will be down to the appointing manager. In general I’d expect successful candidates to get a same day or next day call (same day for the last three I’ve been offered, and for anyone I’ve been involved with hiring). Feedback is a lot more variable – I’ve been on a panel with a manager who gave same day feedback to all unsuccessful candidates, which I thought was very admirable, but I don’t think that’s commonplace.

    P.S. Good luck with whatever you decide to do mrmo!

    Full Member

    10 minute walk -v- 35 minute drive is probably equivalent to another £2k on your salary pre-tax just in fuel costs. Depending on how often you ride.

    Full Member

    So do i leave a job i like

    If you like it, why are you leaving? 🙂

    10% pay rise and no commuting

    But that sounds good, if you could go car free that would be worth a good few quid on top of the 10% too

    Free Member

    10 minute walk -v- 35 minute drive is probably equivalent to another £2k on your salary pre-tax just in fuel costs. Depending on how often you ride.

    I do try and ride 3-4 times a week,and i do have a small car, but the saving would be noticeable, even on things like car tyres. I would miss the ride to work in good weather, but then i would gain 2hours a day not travelling so could ride more for fun,

    new job is also flexy hours so might be able to gain more riding time that way as well.

    Just need to do some thinking tonight and tell my boss tomorrow( well my bosses boss, as my line manager is on their honeymoon)…

    Free Member

    If you like it, why are you leaving?

    I had a very bad day and to vent applied for a new job…

    My job environment is fine, the people etc, just a little politics starting to creep in and a lot of broken promises that make simple things very frustrating.

    Full Member

    Don’t over analyse it and trust your instincts

    Change can be a good thing.

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