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  • Insanely stupid products
  • gobuchul
    Free Member

    CD junior lives in London where the water is undrinkable

    I feel like this is an exaggeration.

    Maybe. Depends on your take on “undrinkable”.

    It will be drinkable in that you won’t get ill from an infection but it’s very possible it has quite an unpleasant taste.

    Free Member

    Pah! That’s the plebs fuse, what sir wants is the Silver Extreme edition for a cool £4,200 – https://www.futureshop.co.uk/quantum-science-audio-silver-extreme-level-uk-mains-fuse

    Bloody hell!

    However, is a £1500 wall socket even sillier?


    Free Member

    “…the water in UK toilets is of drinking standard…” for dogs.

    Free Member

    On the subject of insanely stupid products, fake meat is …


    Free Member

    One of my ex colleagues used to be deep into the audiophile rabbit hole. Spent every waking moment doing audiophile stuff. Even did some articles and reviews for some of the magazines/websites.

    All came to a screeching halt when he got a girlfriend in his 30’s. Had an epiphany, sold the lot.

    Bought himself a new 911 with the funds from selling all his second hand audio kit, and redecorated the “listening room” to a living room…
    And got himself a rather tasty home entertainment system for about 15000 quid.

    Had to sell the 911 when the second kid arrived and they moved house.

    I reckon he still gets palpitations when he thinks about how much he spent on audio kit.

    Free Member

    And got himself a rather tasty home entertainment system for about 15000 quid.

    If he spent £15k after his epiphany, how much was he original stuff?

    Does he still think it sounded “better” than the £15k set up?

    Full Member

    Synergistic Research stuff says “Shipped in discrete packaging.” 😆 so the even postman won’t know what a dickhead you are.

    Free Member

    Does he still think it sounded “better” than the £15k set up?

    I didn’t dare ask at the time.

    If he spent £15k after his epiphany, how much was he original stuff?

    He spent about £100k, bought a 911 too (this is 8-9 years ago).
    All i can remember is that he sold his “main” pre and power amp set up for over £25 thousand. (300 thousand sek at the time) and one of his older sets of speakers to the same guy for £15k give or take (About 180 thousand sek)

    Basically every spare penny (or sek) he had, went on audio kit.

    Free Member

    When I was scrolling through this thread the Lezyne megasack bundle appeared in between the posts…..which I felt quite appropriate.

    Full Member

    Have we done Gwenyth Paltrow’s line of overprices shit yet?


    Full Member

    Wasn’t there some ebike specific shoes?

    Full Member

    I always buy bags of ice cubes, a quid a time as I don’t have ice trays, or anywhere big enough in the freezer to balance them while they freeze.

    Balance them? ¿Que? What the heck sort of ice cube TRAY needs to be balanced? I have two, from B&M, they’re rigid plastic with a rounded silicon bottom; once frozen, you press the bottom and they pop out. What’s even better, is they’re cylindrical, and exactly the right diameter to drop into the neck of a stainless steel insulated drink bottle.


    My upright freezer has a little drawer halfway down that’s designed specifically to put several trays for ice cubes in. Honestly, how much room does a couple of plastic trays take up compared to a bloody great bag of ice cubes?

    Full Member

    Lighting up the outside of a house just seems mental to me

    There are no streetlights here, plus my house is about 150m down a gravel track and is black – if I didn’t have lights on the outside, we’d never find it in the dark 🤣

    We have some LED floodlights for taking the dog into the garden at night or making sure you don’t step outside into a herd of deer. Maybe we need to fit some hi-viz vests and torches to the deer?

    Full Member

    Maybe we need to fit some hi-viz vests and torches to the deer?

    I’d pay to watch that….

    Full Member

    The Metaverse, what a terrible vision for the future.

    Although you will probably be able to light up your virtual house to your heart’s content. Complete with bioluminescent deer if you so wish.

    Full Member

    Wasn’t there some ebike specific shoes?

    There’s definitely eBike specific grips and saddles.

    Full Member

    What the heck sort of ice cube TRAY needs to be balanced? I have two, from B&M, they’re rigid plastic with a rounded silicon bottom; once frozen, you press the bottom and they pop out.

    And before they’re frozen, they’re an open container full of water.

    Depends on how full your freezer is I suppose. Over Christmas it would have been a lot easier to stuff a bag of ice into the freezer than try to Tetris a flat surface.

    Full Member

    rigid plastic with a rounded silicon bottom

    Not recyclable due to two plastics fused together, my experience of similar products is the silicone perishes eventually and they are landfill. I put that in the stupid product category.

    Full Member

    I think the daftest thing I have seen in the supermarket is pre prepared mashed potato.  Yes thats right – you can buy spuds that have been boiled and mashed.  and stored in the chiller

    Free Member

    Either of these

    Car: Get an old car, not very practical car and make it even less practical and look even older.

    Building : Use price location in the city to build a huge building, way larger than is necessary for the people who will use it, that blots out light for all the surrounding buildings (an the clock was 5 minutes slow when I was there)

    Full Member

    I reckon he still gets palpitations when he thinks about how much he spent on audio kit.

    Mine is a similar tale there, only retro bike bits. Really into it for several years(20 thou plus posts on retrobike and other forums) spent a bloody fortune collecting new and old stock Hope and other bits till one day i said F*** it and sold 2/3 of it all.

    I’m not 100% sure of how much I got back, possibly £4k or a bit over, which paid for the current £5k Ebike.

    But I had a lot of stuff and i was paying horrid amounts just to get one certain bit to fill a gap in my collection.

    Naturally of course I’m still buying bike bits. Old habits and all.

    Full Member

    Large volume xc tyres with a light weight carcass.

    Like riding on a fast blancmange that could be popped on any sharp edge.

    Free Member

    What the heck sort of ice cube TRAY needs to be balanced?

    Funny thing about water in liquid state is that it spills out of imbalanced containers. A level ice cube tray is essential!

    Full Member


    Rich_s I think that the solution to passwords is 1Password app.

    Now the neighbour’s got an ipad, the number of IT queries generally has fallen to… zero. That’s my solution! 😁

    He’s not felt the need to boot up his laptop for a year now, and no more password issues, so I’m guessing he’s using apple’s stuff to do, er, stuff.

    Full Member

    Rich_S yes the iPad is a solution some like for that reason. Apples ios16 version of Safari has some kind of safe log on tokens too.
    Might be helpful.
    The Apple keychain does do saving and creating passwords too, but I’m not sure how one would even access it to manage it on an iOS device.
    I use 1 Password across an iPad 2 phones and 3 macs.

    Full Member

    The Apple keychain does do saving and creating passwords too, but I’m not sure how one would even access it to manage it on an iOS device.

    seriously? Settings -> Passwords 😂

    Full Member

    Yes thats right – you can buy spuds that have been boiled and mashed. and stored in the chiller

    When potatoes are cheap but apparently a growing number of people either can’t afford the electric/gas to boil them, or don’t have the time to prep them for kids who want what they want and you’d do anything for a quiet life at times.. I can see the demand. Dunno about the price per kg or value etc but sadly convenience food just isn’t that stupid for some.

    Full Member

    About 10X the price of the spuds.  its marketed as a luxury product

    Full Member

    About 10X the price of the spuds. its marketed as a luxury product

    you could argue the same about bread/cake/biscuits/pizza/etc etc etc.

    Free Member

    About 10X the price of the spuds. its marketed as a luxury product

    A quick look at Morrisons websites shows that to be nonsense.

    I don’t eat starchy carbs anymore but Mrs Gob likes some mash now and then if we are having a stew.

    So I could spend about 60p per kg on spuds, so about 20p for a couple. Spend time peeling, boiling and mashing said spuds.

    Or I could slash the cash on a £1 prepped package of 450g, microwave half of it, freeze the other half. With no extra washing up. 50p a serving. Makes a lot of sense to me.

    Free Member

    Not after you’ve tasted it it won’t

    Free Member

    Not after you’ve tasted it it won’t

    I don’t eat it!

    Full Member

    Have we just had the e-bike argument in potato form?

    I sometimes make mash from scratch. I sometimes buy pre-prepared mash. It (ho ho!) boils down to time, I can have mashed potatoes in five minutes rather than 40.

    Pre-seasoned oven chips at a premium price on the other hand, that’s weird. Frozen chips are convenient (as above) but do you not have salt in the house?

    Free Member

    Pre-seasoned oven chips

    I bought a deep fat fryer a few years back. It may be less healthy, but makes significantly better (and cheaper*) chips than the oven.

    *to buy the chips anyway, I’ve not considered that oil is now ludicrusly expensive against energy lost from heating the oven.

    Full Member

    Funny thing about water in liquid state is that it spills out of imbalanced containers. A level ice cube tray is essential!

    This may not fit in with the theme of the thread but if you get yourself one of these you really don’t need a level ice cube tray. It’s been a massive improvement for us as we also face the freezer drawers full of lumpy shite issue 99.999% of the time.

    edit, stupid Amazon auto embed thing is not playing nice, try this instead:


    Free Member

    Is that the Ypres Cloth hall? Maybe not the best example of shit big building when it houses the Flanders Museum! Was laid waste in WWI and rebuilt to previous plans…

    See things like Portsmouth council offices built opposite the Guildhall for proper shit architecture (also possible war bomb site so may explain building right on top of old building and I wouldn’t describe any part of central Pompey as prime real estate)

    Free Member

    Yes Ypres

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