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  • Information about ships please
  • Pigface
    Free Member

    Two questions

    How many crew members are there on your average rig support vessel?

    I am staying just outside Montrose and there have been two rig support vessels just offshore. They move about a bit but have been at sea for the two days I have been here, what are they doing?

    Full Member

    dunno, but you should be able to find them on here:


    Free Member

    How many crew? Varies widely depending on vessel type.

    N Sea Supply vessel or anchor handler – 12 to 15.
    Large Construction vessel – between 50 and 150.

    According to Marine Traffic you are looking at Boa Jarl and Island Variant both Anchor handler’s but can work as construction support vessels. When working construction probably about 50 onboard.

    Marine Traffic

    They are waiting at anchor to try and get some very rare work, cheaper to be there than in port.

    Free Member

    Thanks for that. STW wins again.

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