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  • I'm a Christian, unless you're gay
  • ernie_lynch
    Free Member

    MSP – Member

    Well sometimes the hatred is needed to drive the changes and end the stupidity, the hypocrisy and the lies against the real victims.

    “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred”

    ….as a deeply religious man who tried to live his life like Jesus Christ once said.


    clubber gets it and firmly knocks the nail on the head with this :

    Thing is the original blog made no comment on the right or wrong of being gay. It was all about how you treat people you believe are doing something wrong whether it be being gay, worshiping the wrong god or none at all or even riding a singlespeed.

    That’s the key. Don’t act towards people with hate even if you think they’re wrong. Sadly we see a lot of that sad, lazy, destructive demonisaton of people even down to sillyness of being left or right wing in politics. Demonisation of people makes it easier to dehumanise them and keep people apart.

    Free Member

    Is that quote Mandela Ernie? I also fail to see that hate needs to be the driving mechanism behind social change. Aren’t most injustices caused by hatred and intolerance? Seems more than a little odd that more of the same might be part of the solution.

    Free Member

    No not Mandela ….. the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.

    “Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children. But there is something that I must say to my people, who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice: in the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred”

    Full Member

    “A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble”

    Mahatma Gandhi

    Free Member

    “Free at last,free at last thank God almighty we are free at last” another one from MLK JNR which sends athiests into face palm 😉

    Free Member

    No conflict MSP. the blogger asked people to treat others without hate even if they consider them wrong. He never said that they had to change their mind. Thinking that being gay is wrong doesn’t mean you have to be nasty to gay people.

    Free Member

    I soemtimes wonder what the rationalist,evidence based view on homosexuality is now compared to what it was, say 50 and 150 years ago? 😉

    Free Member

    Yesterday on Box Hill during my 30k walk, I encountered a guy, 30-ish, carrying a big crucifix and accompanied by a boy of about 10 carrying a small basket, both dressed in scarlet t-shirts. I was going to pass by without comment (feeling in a generous mood) but they stopped in front of me and the boy offered up his basket of chocolate eggs and said “Happy Easter”, which seemed to require a response. The conversation went like this:

    Me: “You are both wasting your lives on a superstition” (carried on walking past).

    Older guy (to my back): “Oh well. Peace to you anyway…”.

    Me: (Stopped, turned): “Did I ask you for that?”

    Him (boy stock still with a look of shock on his face): “What?”

    Me: “What you just said. Did I ask you for that?”

    Him: “Well, no…”.

    Me: “In that case, keep your unsolicited comments to yourself in future. You might want to think about that.”

    I turned and walked off, expecting another rejoinder, but none was forthcoming. I was ready to point out that he was using a child to pimp for his ludicrous cult and that IMHO he should be arrested.

    Hopefully, the kid will now be asking a series of awkward questions, if the seed has, you know, fallen on rich ground…

    Peace! 😉

    Free Member

    MSP – Member
    “A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble”

    Mahatma Gandhi

    “Hatred ever kills, love never dies; such is the vast difference between the two.
    What is obtained by love is retained for all time. What is obtained by hatred proves
    a burden in reality for it increases hatred.”

    Mahatma Gandhi


    Free Member

    if you’re not just trolling, you’re really quite a bitter, nasty old man Woppit.

    Free Member

    “Religion poisons everything.” Chris Hitchens.

    Free Member

    “hate poisons everything”


    Free Member

    clubber – Member

    if you’re not trolling, you’re really quite a bitter, nasty old man Woppit.

    Interesting response. I take it you’re quite happy with the Indoctrination of children into religious dogma, then?

    Free Member

    You evidently don’t know much about my views. My comment still stands.

    Free Member

    Oh. O.K. What are your views?

    Free Member

    fundamentally probably not dissimilar to yours though I’d hope without the nastiness.

    Free Member

    Oh well.

    Full Member

    Now woppits arrived, its pointless trying to explain my viewpoint any further.

    Free Member

    Crikey. I have the power… 😆

    Full Member

    You have the power to stifle discussion and debate, just like your religious heroes, you must be so proud to emulate them so strongly.

    Free Member

    I notice it didn’t stifle you, though. Where on earth did you get the idea that I have “religious heroes”?

    I’m not the slightest bit proud. Just grateful.

    Full Member

    Well the reasonable debate has ended with your arrival, so that has been stifled.

    Where on earth did you get the idea that I have “religious heroes”?

    Whoosh! I thought that was quite obvious to be honest.

    Free Member

    Mr Wopppit
    A trifle rude in your dealings with friendly children.
    Ever heard of tolerance?
    And you don’t need religion to be filled with hate

    Free Member

    Not really. I am not religious and do not admire anyone for the sake of their religiosity. I would have thought that was obvious.

    I think you’re being perfectly reasonable, BTW…

    Free Member

    Back to the subject then, some of those lovely, tolerant religious types and what they are doing:


    Free Member

    Bigotry is wrong,hatred ain’t too clever either whether it be from or directed at a parishoner , a punk or a bearded single speeder.

    ****Hating Orange 5s is clearly acceptable though hating their riders isn’t***

    Free Member

    just ban believing in god, dispose of the religious in big camps.. every one will be happy, they will get to see there magic sky wizard a little sooner than they expected and the rest of the human race can build a more productive planet.

    Free Member

    just ban believing in god


    Free Member

    Bigotry is wrong,hatred ain’t too clever either whether it be from or directed at a parishoner , a punk or a bearded single speeder.

    Or indeed a small child who’s offering you chocolate 🙄

    Free Member

    Or indeed a small child who’s offering you chocolate

    In the company of their parent..
    Jesus!(see what i did there?)Have we all become that alienated and suspicious that a gift from a stranger is treated with such contempt?
    Now offering choclate to children you don’t know in the woods is somewhat more problematic…

    Free Member

    Mr Woppit, did you not treat that man and child in the same way religious people treat gay people ?


    Free Member


    ****Hating Orange 5s is clearly acceptable

    😥 😥 😥

    Free Member

    bazzer – Member

    Mr Woppit, did you not treat that man and child in the same way SOME religious people treat gay people ?


    Free Member

    Woppit – what with those two on box hill, and the four outside surbiton station that you mentioned on the ‘we christians’ thread, you seem to be attracting religious folk like some kind of jeebus magnet. My heart goes out to you, it really does, I dont know how you cope. 🙂

    Full Member

    Are you suggesting woppit is telling parables?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Your right nick1962 you did indeed fix that for me. SOME religious people is correct.

    Free Member

    Perhaps Mr Woppit is in fact a closet Christian but too afraid to come out ,hence these stories of his extolling his rabid atheism 🙂

    Free Member

    It’s the pantyhose.

    Free Member

    Nice link Cougar interesting but I assume much mor eof a USA issue thna here tbh
    Your views on gay marriage would never be a huge issue her elike it is in the US of A
    re thread

    RichPenny – Member
    “Fact is – if you believe in the bible you also have to believe that being gay is wrong
    I feel a bit uncomfortable with this statement. Clearly there are loads of Christians who aren’t homophobic. Are you saying that they can’t be a Christian unless they are homophobic? I don’t think that’s a healthy point of view. I’d rather the church evolved with the views of these people influencing it tbh

    Yes you are right many christinas don’t follow the word of god and pick and choose which bits they like and will follow. That does not really escape the fact the bible is unequivocal about it being an abomination and putting them to death/cast them out etc.
    The word of god cannot “evolve” as it is the word of god an a universal truth for all time….assuming you believe of course.

    if you’re not just trolling, you’re really quite a bitter, nasty old man Woppit.

    Aye what was the point he now just thinks you are a **** and you persecuted him for his faith.

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