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  • I'm a bird-murdering, sheep-worrying, landscape wrecker.
  • rickmeister
    Full Member

    A pen?

    Perhaps your right.

    Remove it and then ” Please stick to Paths and Bridleways” written on the gate in permanent marker …

    I like pens, me …

    Free Member

    Touching on something mentioned above. How can someone find out if there is a specific local bye law related to a footpath ?

    Free Member

    That sign looks unbalanced, the Holcombe Moor Commoners Association need a snazzy logo like the National Trust have
    Maybe something like the NT’s leaf but drawn really badly so it accidentally looks a little bit like a pen!s

    Free Member

    I’d question whether that really comes from the NT

    Oh trust me, that is in line with much of their approach to ‘access’.

    Free Member

    No crowing Scots yet? 😀

    Free Member

    I am just a resident of Scotland, not Scottish… 🙂

    #itwouldneverhappenhere 😉

    Full Member

    Weirdly, the NT has just put in a MTB trail on their land near me, no sign of a “use this & no where else” campaign yet either

    Free Member

    it’s not the desire to keep out bikes that causes me to question it, just something about the way it’s written.

    Free Member

    I’d be asking myself if any of those “claims made” are really being contributed to by me then I’d probably stick to the Bridleways only and not be contributing to the “claims”

    Just a thought.

    Full Member

    I’ve been accused of ‘eroding a footpath’ when I was riding across the clifftop on my way home. Fair enough I was riding on the Cleveland Way footpath with plenty of foot based erosion visible. I doubt my fatbike with 8psi in the 4.25″ tyres would be causing much/any erosion & told the bloke as much.

    Full Member

    I’d be asking myself if any of those “claims made” are really being contributed to by me then I’d probably stick to the Bridleways only and not be contributing to the “claims”

    Just a thought.

    Heres another thought. Read my post. That’s pretty much the gist of it? 🙄

    Full Member

    Near me on Greenham Common there are signs warning about ground nesting birds being disturbed during nesting season… by dogs. They have sections of the common which are marked as being off limits to dogs where they shouldn’t be allowed to roam, and dog friendly sections where they can be let off the lead.

    Nothing about bikes. Strangely the bike riders prefer to stick to the trails and paths rather than charging across the heathland randomly and hence aren’t seen as a threat to ground nesting birds.

    That sign looks like a “I don’t like bikes so any random reason will do” rather than actually caring about the birds, as they’d be banning dogs and walkers too.

    Free Member

    I’m planning to make an approach under PMBA to discuss the issues,already emailed the Chair

    The sign has been up a few weeks, there is second one at the top of Robin Hoods Well.

    I would suggest not broadcasting group rides through a local NT wood for a while might help as well 😉

    Free Member

    A second aspect is that there are probably a few footpaths on the Moor with a good chance of a higher rights claim.

    Full Member

    My main worry – isn’t that the commoners don’t like us, or even the NT, it’s that all the bloody self-righteous moaners will read it and it’ll give them even more reason to hate cyclists and have a rant – even though it’s all completely unfounded (as always).

    You can just picture them saying ‘see’ and practising their rant to include ‘ground-nesting birds’ which they previously hadn’t thought of.

    Full Member

    I would suggest not broadcasting group rides through a local NT wood for a while might help as well

    The thing is BnD, we’re pretty sensible. We stay off the tops, out of the woods, and on the hardpack when the conditions aren’t ideal, and we know we’d be churning it up. We’re not idiots! That why I really object to the tone of that sign.

    As for the other issues: just spurious nonsense IMHO

    Free Member


    We maintain 10 kids delivering the Daily Mail for you – please stay on your High Horses.

    It is illegal to consider any else’s point of view other than your own. By doing so you can seriously disturb your smug superior self worth, cause cows to miscarry and cause soil erosion which causes cancer.

    We all value your elitism, please continue to shit on anyone who disagrees with you.

    Thank you

    National T@s

    Holcombe Moor
    We’re not ‘common’ at all

    Free Member

    kayak23 – Member

    Sign says bridleway. Makes him a legitimate user no?

    It does, it also mentioned sheep. There is no complaint on the sign about him riding either of those.
    In relation to the sign it *is* complaining about the riding of footpaths, where cyclists are not a legitimate user.

    I’d be inclined to ask if there are genuinely no dogs on leads/no dogs in nesting season etc signs. Those are about as common place as the gates here, so any new sign wouldn’t mention them, they already have signs addressing that issue, same as the sign doesn’t say please stick to the way marked paths.

    Free Member

    binners – Member
    I’d be asking myself if any of those “claims made” are really being contributed to by me then I’d probably stick to the Bridleways only and not be contributing to the “claims”
    Just a thought.

    Heres another thought. Read my post. That’s pretty much the gist of it?

    Thats good then, seems we think a similar way on this point.

    Free Member

    Try riding round an SSSI that has a trail centre in the middle of it (Cannock)

    Signs all over the place usually a couple of weeks before the area is flattened by the loggers

    Full Member

    Just wanted to check – this is all ‘ooop North right?
    With them northerners who are much more friendly and sociable than us southerners 😆
    or so I keep getting told by northerners…

    Free Member

    It isn’t illegal to ride on the moor is it? Not that I’ve ever done so, I don’t even know where this is. But a trespasser isn’t normally breaking any laws that I’m aware of.

    It’s just as illegal to have a picnic – the rights are (normally) to pass and repass, not to sit down and have a meal. Put up a sign saying “no stopping” and see how long it lasts.

    Free Member

    Holcombe Moor Commoners Association

    I got no serious google hits on them

    Are they real?
    Did the NT really do this?
    Like Binners I ride repectfully and the mapping and the issues are BS

    Some areas I can ride legally would be massively irresponsible and some footpaths locally are old hard packed cart routes now called footpaths
    As the rules are not sensible I dont follow them

    Free Member

    Some areas I can ride legally would be massively irresponsible and some footpaths locally are old hard packed cart routes now called footpaths
    As the rules are not sensible I dont follow them

    Pretty much bang on. I wouldn’t stir the pot by seeking to engage formally – you’ll be on a hiding to nothing and make yourself more ‘known’ to them.

    Accept that you are in the wrong – technically. Accept that the anti-MTB stance has nothing whatsoever to do with the supposed reasons and a whole lot more to do with miserable sods. Carry on riding as normal. If you see anyone who looks like they want a barny just get off and push until out of sight. If they want stupid rules, they’ll have to police it – properly – most people won’t want the rigmarole of doing this.

    Free Member

    centralscrutinizer – How can someone find out if there is a specific local bye law related to a footpath?

    This is something I’d be interested in too

    Free Member

    Soil erosion? I blame all those missing tortoises tortoises rampaging around the moor.
    But at least Buttercup[/url] has now returned home.

    Free Member

    Holcombe Moor Commoners Association

    Altogether now….

    ” It’s fun to fight with the H…..M…..C…A….” 8)

    Free Member

    If you see anyone who looks like they want a barny just get off and push until out of sight.

    Dpends mylast one was – and this was all hardpacked man made footpath

    ” do you know this is a footpath
    ” so you know but you dont care”
    ” I care just like the kinder trespassers cared when they were not allowed

    In general its pointless trying to explain why the “laws” are poor

    I tend to get more comment from non local walkers than locals as well for some reason

    Free Member

    I tend to get more comment from non local walkers than locals as well for some reason

    Presumably because the non-locals have a map?
    Whereas the locals won’t appreciate the difference between a footpath and a bridleway.

    Free Member

    Dpends mylast one was – and this was all hardpacked man made footpath

    ” do you know this is a footpath
    ” so you know but you dont care”
    ” I care just like the kinder trespassers cared when they were not allowed

    In general its pointless trying to explain why the “laws” are poor

    I tend to get more comment from non local walkers than locals as well for some reason

    Yes, but they’re just trying to antagonise you. There are a substantial number of people who go around looking to be offended. What they like more than anything else is a bit of an argument.

    I agree it is not always easy not to rise to it, but it really is best not to.

    On the other hand I have had the following encounter:

    “Can’t you read?”
    “Yes, thanks”
    “Then why are you riding that bike here?”
    “Because I can make my own mind up about stupid rules. By the way, are you the landowner or their appointed agent?”
    “Err, no”
    “Thought not”

    Full Member

    I was put off NT years ago after meeting one of their directors while on holiday. I remember the words mentioned “need to contain mountain biking”. I think sums up their attitude. I do not believe they want to give access to anyone outside their own interest group. In terms of data protection from DVLC number plates, I believe “private car park operators” can buy that information so it is not secure.

    Free Member

    So would it be unreasonable to contact NT

    No, but be nice about it.

    On your FB post you mentioned that lots of trails were reclassified from BWs to FPs? This would be a legitimate grievance IMO. Otherwise, complaining about not being able to do what you want with someone else’s land is not going to get you far.

    “need to contain mountain biking”.

    Then all the more reason to contact them and enlighten them that we’re not all scumbag yoofs tearing the place up.

    Full Member

    Just wanted to check – this is all ‘ooop North right?

    With them northerners who are much more friendly and sociable than us southerners

    Its probably some poncey southerner who’s just moved up with the BBC, cashed in the Equity on his Central London Townhouse, bought a massive barn conversion on the Moor, given himself the title Holcombe Moor Commoners Association, and started issuing dictats, because he thinks he now owns the place 😉

    Its never the locals you have an issue with. I’ve never had grief when riding the footpaths, as we always do it considerately. Just a friendly hello. Which is why I don’t get this. Its not Ambleside, or somewhere. Its a heavily worked post-industrial landscape, full of old quarries and derelict buildings. Sounds to me like the busy-body fun police looking for reasons to stop anything they don’t personally like. I’m seriously dubious about this being an official NT communication, so i think I’ll (politely) get in touch with them and find out what the score is

    Free Member

    Careful now aggrieved Northerner…

    You do have a tendency to blame “southerners”, a tendency to pick on Tories, a tendency to point the finger at BBC types taking hold in your part of the county/country.

    Some might think you start threads just to have a poke at these distinctly different social classes to that that can be found up there.

    Fine line…

    Full Member

    Some might think you start threads just to have a poke at these distinctly different social classes to that that can be found up there.

    To be honest, I start threads to moan. I like moaning. And swearing. Those people you mention are just the ones i deem to be the most deserving of my contemptuous loathing. There are loads more. Its easier to just ask who isn’t, really?

    Come on though. Its a pretty tenuous suggestion that I started this thread so that I could blame the Tories? Though ultimately, it is probably Fatcha’s fault

    Anyway… I’m on my first 24 hours as a non-smoker. Give it another couple of days and I’ll be a seething mass of pent up rage, ready to lash out in the most unhinged way at pretty much everyone

    Just giving you the heads up 😀

    Full Member

    From Foundation for Common Land:

    You may have noticed on that page that the main owner is given as National Trust. A quick look at an OS map confirms that they do indeed own parts of it. As for the Commoners Association though……

    Full Member

    Just ride where you like if you stick to footpaths the bird don’t care if you are on foot or on a bike and the sheep are not breeding at this time of year and are no more scared of you on a footpath than on a bridleway, so where’s the harm.

    Beware the tortoise though, ours is quite nasty and bites.

    Free Member

    Given the location of that sign a better use would be, removing it and clog dancing on it.

    A “commoner” is someone who has certain rights on the land in question (grazing, mining/quarrying, peat cuttingetc) these can by historical connected to surrounding properties and individuals and go back a before the enclosure act to pre Norman times (as the Holme Valley)

    Free Member

    In terms of data protection from DVLC number plates, I believe “private car park operators” can buy that information so it is not secure.

    That’s not the problem here, it’s more that to store data you have to have a valid reason to do so. If the NT are keeping records of reg numbers and (presumably derived from the reg) personal details just because they ‘think’ someone in the car ‘might’ be riding a bike, then I can’t see that being a valid reason. Therefore I’d suggest they’d be in breach of the DPA (even if they’ve just kept a list on paper)

    Free Member

    I have no problem with you picking on any social (or anti-social) group.. Nor picking on those that you feel are endangering Northern Life…

    Just don’t hide it in a thread about Access Rights 😆

    Start a proper whinge about it.

    Anywhoo’s, us Southerners have brought you Northerners all sorts of “good things”. We sent up the BBC lot who were bothering us lot here something rotten, and with it came a huge glass edifice portal for you lot to point at and poke fun with.
    We sent up rocket salad to you, which I’d imagine you thought was lettuce on a stick sent to the ISS once every month in some projectile, or other.
    We sent up hummus too.. and who can’t stop laughing when all your tiles came off the walls..
    We also sent you Rapha.

    Don’t thank us all, all at the same time, thank us one by one eh.. 😀

    Good luck with kicking the smoking habit… feel free to start a thread on it, include Fatcher in there somewhere for balance.


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