Home Forums Chat Forum If you find an injured cat in the road….

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  • If you find an injured cat in the road….
  • hilldodger
    Free Member

    You don’t have to report anything less than a dog legally. So I assume you can hit/run over a cat.

    Yup, just as cat owners aren’t responsible for their creature’s actions, so you’re not responsible for anything if you accidently mash one 😆

    Free Member

    There really are some sick ****s on this thread, oh look there’s one just above me.

    Free Member


    Calm down dear

    Free Member

    Hora earlier:

    Free Member

    So a poster is showing compassion for a potentially badly injured animal and hes lambasted?

    These are the same animals that are stone-cold killers/are programmed to hunt, toy then kill pray. 😐

    Free Member

    lmao at some of the comments but what gives you the right to stamp on an animals head to put it out of its misery. if you see an animal injured & think ‘oh i will put it out of its misery’ then just keep **** walkin. let the next more humane person deal with it. i would like to see a smackhead run over & crying on the floor so i could get a spade & put the thieving waste of space out of his misery but i am not allowed so i would ignore him & keep walking

    Free Member

    I think you are taking these a little bit out of context.

    Free Member

    Lamb basted – just like hora is being 😆

    Free Member

    I think some of the catophiles need to distinguish between legal responsibility and social responsibility 🙄

    When neighbour’s creature sh!ts all over my garden he bears no legal liability, if his creature doesn’t get out of the way of my car/bike in time then neither do I.

    Free Member

    If you have Chinese neighbours you could always wrap it up and pop it in with them. Not as good as the Vets but cheaper.

    Free Member

    but cheaper

    and tastier 😉

    Free Member

    if his creature doesn’t get out of the way of my car/bike in time then neither do I.

    Like I said, sick ****

    This thread needs putting out of it’s misery.

    Free Member

    “Any injured pets in ‘ere?”

    Free Member

    schrickvr6 – Amazed how you can take another human beings compassionate take on a badly injured animal and basically turn them into a Genocidalist?

    Bizarre. As I too am fond of cats and dogs but I wouldn’t want to suffer.

    I’d be more likely to take it to the Vet’s and say could you kindly put it to sleep for me (at my cost) than say ‘look I’ve no idea whose cat/dog it is but can you save it at any cost’.

    Not ALL dogs or cats are microchipped and here in Manchester I’ve come across alot of dogs without tags that are thrown out at night to ‘walk’ themselves. Normally bloody big dogs.

    What should I do if I hit one? Drive on or ensure it didn’t suffer?

    Stop the ‘what if’ handwringing.

    Free Member

    here in Manchester I’ve come across alot of dogs without tags that are thrown out at night to ‘walk’ themselves. Normally bloody big dogs.

    What should I do

    move to a nicer part of the country 😛

    Full Member

    Hilldodger, the cat has no sense of moral responsibility.
    You do.

    Free Member

    Hora read the quoted text in my post.

    Full Member

    Hilarious thread, I was laughing out loud in the office at the first page and a half (no, not at the thought of an animal suffering).

    OP, without the means to get it to a vet in reasonable comfort it’s a tough call. Not sure I could have put it out of it’s misery – I’ve killed stuff before but someone’s pet? That’s a hard one.

    Free Member

    Something was in the dark part of my garden once- I went out and suddenly a full grown Alsation came into view…

    Then jumped into my arms (as though you were holding a person sat in your arms).

    Utterly bizarre and happened in a flash. It was in quite a poor state and had obviously been thrown onto the streets. 🙁

    Full Member

    I’d be more likely to take it to the Vet’s and say could you kindly put it to sleep for me (at my cost) than say ‘look I’ve no idea whose cat/dog it is but can you save it at any cost’.

    You tight, lying Yorkshire git. I’ve never seen you buy a round in the whole time I’ve known you. There’s no way you’d put your hand in your pocket put someone else’s pet. You’d probably take it home and cook it!

    Free Member

    I always buy you pints binners. Your never there to drink them though 😆

    Free Member

    Hilldodger, the cat has no sense of moral responsibility.
    You do.

    Obviously not.

    I’m quite animal aware, had dozens and seen dozens injured/die (all animals both wild stray used to get brought to our house as the local “family who knows what to do with animals”), and fairly capable of realising what’s going to survive and what’s unlikely. In most cases animals that will survive will drag themselves away unless they have many broken limbs, so those that remain in the road are usually either JUST hit that second or pretty much for the chop, but it would still be a tough call and I’d usually take the cautious side and take it to the vet.

    If I were out on my bike I’d call a family member to come and collect me and it and would happily stump up the cash for it being repaired, whether the owner re-payed or not – I can’t understand anyone who wouldn’t/who’s mind thinks about costs before helping an animal in pain. If it was clearly near it’s end (I’ve seen a few cats with large parts of skulls missing meowing silently to the sky, haunts my dreams sometimes) I’d dispatch it with whatever I had to hand, car wheel, seat post, penknife, rock from someone’s garden – jesus, Id knock on someone’s door and ask them for stuff.

    It’s just common sense and empathy.

    Free Member

    Well said coffeeking

    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner – Member
    Hilldodger, the cat has no sense of moral responsibility.
    You do.

    As does the cat’s owner.

    TBH I regard cat’s as semi-domesticated vermin, and although I wouldn’t deliberately harm one neither would I be too upset if I accidenly killed one, it’s an inbred companion animal subject to no environmental or evolutionary pressure and a biological pest.
    Vanity creatures and nothing more in my book, sorry if that offends but that’s the way it goes…….

    Free Member

    hilldodger – I have two cats.

    However – I agree 100% with your observations!

    Free Member

    it’s an inbred companion animal subject to no environmental or evolutionary pressure and a biological pest.

    Like any creature that hasn’t become extinct, It’s just evolved to exploit it’s environment in a successful manner and is subject to evolutionary pressure in the same way as anything else.

    Full Member

    Hilldodger, I take it you feel the same way about non working dogs?

    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner – Member
    Hilldodger, I take it you feel the same way about non working dogs?

    No, I can see the value of the companionship etc that a family pet dog can give, I can also see that cage/garden animals are useful for teaching children about animals and giving them fun, responsibilty etc.

    I would say if you want to keep a pet confine it to your property as far as you can or keep it under close control, if not I consider it like any other destructive garden/domestic pest – a few occasional problems then not too bothered but regular issues then it’s liable for eradication…….

    Free Member

    What did you say about my pussy?

    Free Member

    derek_starship can you bob round to ours and sort out this magpie infestation, really hacked off by their constant chattering etc. The cats around here are useless. 🙁 Willing to pay going rate for services rendered.

    Free Member

    Sorry atb – I gave up shooting a couple of years ago and sold all my rifles.

    You need a small SAM system with a dozen or so laser designators and then just light them up and press PLAY.

    Full Member

    Elfin’s ‘if it’s big enough, you might not be able to kill it, but you should at least try’ reminded me of this:

    Let us assume a fully grown, completely healthy Clydesdale horse has his hooves shackled to the ground while his head is held in place with thick rope. He is conscious and standing upright, but completely immobile. And let us assume that—for some reason—every political prisoner on earth (as cited by Amnesty International) will be released from captivity if you can kick this horse to death in less than twenty minutes. You are allowed to wear steel-toed boots.

    Would you attempt to do this?


    You meet your soul mate. However, there is a catch: Every three years, someone will break both of your soul mate’s collarbones with a Crescent wrench, and there is only one way you can stop this from happening: You must swallow a pill that will make every song you hear—for the rest of your life—sound as if it’s being performed by the band Alice in Chains. When you hear Creedence Clearwater Revival on the radio, it will sound (to your ears) like it’s being played by Alice in Chains. If you see Radiohead live, every one of their tunes will sound like it’s being covered by Alice in Chains. When you hear a commercial jingle on TV, it will sound like Alice in Chains; if you sing to yourself in the shower, your voice will sound like deceased Alice vocalist Layne Staley performing a capella (but it will only sound this way to you).

    Would you swallow the pill?

    and, back to cats:

    For reasons that cannot be explained, cats can suddenly read at a twelfth-grade level. They can’t talk and they can’t write, but they can read silently and understand the text. Many cats love this new skill, because they now have something to do all day while they lay around the house; however, a few cats become depressed, because reading forces them to realize the limitations of their existence (not to mention the utter frustration of being unable to express themselves).

    This being the case, do you think the average cat would enjoy Garfield, or would cats find this cartoon to be an insulting caricature?

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