Hilldodger, the cat has no sense of moral responsibility.
You do.
Obviously not.
I’m quite animal aware, had dozens and seen dozens injured/die (all animals both wild stray used to get brought to our house as the local “family who knows what to do with animals”), and fairly capable of realising what’s going to survive and what’s unlikely. In most cases animals that will survive will drag themselves away unless they have many broken limbs, so those that remain in the road are usually either JUST hit that second or pretty much for the chop, but it would still be a tough call and I’d usually take the cautious side and take it to the vet.
If I were out on my bike I’d call a family member to come and collect me and it and would happily stump up the cash for it being repaired, whether the owner re-payed or not – I can’t understand anyone who wouldn’t/who’s mind thinks about costs before helping an animal in pain. If it was clearly near it’s end (I’ve seen a few cats with large parts of skulls missing meowing silently to the sky, haunts my dreams sometimes) I’d dispatch it with whatever I had to hand, car wheel, seat post, penknife, rock from someone’s garden – jesus, Id knock on someone’s door and ask them for stuff.
It’s just common sense and empathy.