Here’s a challenge for those who have to drive on motorways. Try and maintain the 2 second rule for any length of time in the outside lane of the motorway. Its impossible, as all the morons think thats an acceptable gap to jump into!
Is it acceptable to just sit in the outside lane?
I think , unlike A simon*, the highway code is pretty clear on this one
Neither is great driving IMHO
Being overtaken. If a driver is trying to overtake you, maintain a steady course and speed, slowing down if necessary to let the vehicle pass. Never obstruct drivers who wish to pass.
I assume we all agree the car is being/about to be overtaken so I think your quote disproves your point….they should have slowed down to let them pass not pulled out which obstructs the pass.
Beina a 60 mph inside lane pootler my main problem is the middle lane hoggers who get upset when I pass a truck by using their lane. About 3 or so a week go mental , when they eventually reach me, even though the third lane is completely empty