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  • Idiot on A1 Caught on film. What you think?
  • captaintomo
    Free Member

    We were driving down to England (A1 20mins east of edinburgh) on christmas eve and this happened. Reported it to the police but haven’t heard anything back. . Also the idiot had two kids in the car with him, seems like a very strange thing to do. Wasn’t any other traffic on the roads. We believe it was an insurance scam. Once he saw me filming him he blasted past us and went into the distance.

    What made us record him was that he pulled up along us on the duel carriage way and started to swear madly at us over his kids. He then pulled swiftly into our lane and caused us to brake sharply. So this is where we started recoring.

    A1 Idiot Youtube

    Full Member

    Police very unlikely to do anything, no evidence of what happened prior

    Full Member

    Does prior matter? There’s no excuse for it.

    That well looks like my car, it’s definitely not me! I’d have made sure you were dead.

    Free Member

    Got to admit though, What a ****!

    Free Member

    As you can hear from the video we were trying to figure out what might have caused him to be like this? As my mum said you over took him in a 40mph zone. We believe he was screaming and shouting at us to put doubt into our mind of what my dad did, so if we did crash into the back end of him, it would be entirely our fault and the insurance company would pay out to him.

    Free Member

    Female voice in your car = very sensible. No one listened to her.
    But yeah, clearly something going wrong in the other driver’s brain.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    A straight up admission of guilt right there. Would you like me to pass on your fathers name, address and licence details to L&B Polis for you?

    Free Member

    Yawn. Does it really need documenting? Some people are just dicks.

    If he was asleep while going 190 mph in reverse however…

    Free Member

    Well yes we did at like 50mph but it was a standard over take that put no danger to him or his family

    Hmmm, by virtue of you breaking the speed attributed to that road based on the safety of drivers it’s possible he was annoyed at you.

    By no means a suitable reaction from him though, a very stupid thing to do. This is why I have an in car camera, surprising how much of this goes on.

    Free Member

    I think the guy just had small engine syndrome

    Full Member

    No one comes out of that looking good, if I was a police officer and you came in with that, I would be having a word with you about your own irresponsibility.

    It also fails on an entertainment level, it’s just not up to the standard of even the most mundane Russian dash cam footage.

    So you and your family acted like cocks on the road, because someone else was also a bit cockish, and did it in a rather dull fashion. Not really worth exposing on the internet is it.

    Free Member

    How else should we expect people to drive on a

    duel carriage way


    Free Member

    So, I’m guessing the Op has had a change of heart and removed the video. Perhaps there was more than one idiot on the A1.

    Free Member

    haha woo

    Free Member

    Disappointed. Wanted to watch video!

    Free Member

    Please OP. Let us see. We’re asking really nicely.

    Free Member

    .?? Why remove OP?

    Free Member

    Probably reported to the youTube police for being filmed in portrait

    Free Member

    Didn’t have Daddy’s permission…?!

    Free Member

    He he, that’s funny.

    Panicked and removed the video and admission of speeding eh ?

    Good work OP.

    The fail is very strong in this one. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Please put the video back

    Free Member

    I must admit I flipped at someone coming out of Edinburgh. Car dawdling, so I overtook…and the car accelerated to match me. It was either slam on and back in or a head on. Thats the only time I’d punch someone on the road. Utterly pathetic.

    Yours is different though- did you cut back in too soon to prove a point or overtake in a bad place?

    Free Member

    “L&B Polis”

    Gaunnae go back in time? :p

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t worry about not seeing the video. I watched it and it’s a minute of my life I will never get back. Use your minute more wisely.

    Free Member

    I think this would be an adequate replacement video… NUTTTTTEEERRR!!




    Free Member

    On the last clip the driver with the cam could have lifted off as he/she KNEW what was going to happen so just as **** stupid.

    I hate those ‘must shut the door asap types’ as much as the change lane to hug the bumper of the car infront asap.

    Full Member

    Haven’t seen the OP, but in both of those videos by DezB, the drivers of the camera cars aren’t driving in a considerate way.

    In the first, the camera car shouldn’t be in the overtaking lane unless overtaking. Their speed was identical to the white van.
    I’ve no time for undertakers as it’s simply dangerous, but it’s easy to see why people get frustrated.

    In the second, if someone indicates to change lane, you are obliged to give way to them. AFAICS the silver focus is indicating through the whole clip.

    Free Member

    In the second, if someone indicates to change lane, you are obliged to give way to them.

    No you aren’t. An indicator isn’t a priority. Just like those who come barrelling down the slip road think its their god-given right to join asap. In the case of the above its wise to lift off as the driver has driven right upto the car infront/its a potential hazzard to carry on/cover your lane as the idiot will change lanes anyway.

    I see LOADS of moves like this on the M60 every evening. LOTS of multiple rear-ends too funnily.

    Free Member

    I hate those ‘must shut the door asap types’

    I had somebody try to do that to me in a shiny Merc whilst I was already halfway into their lane in our less-than-shiny works Nissan Patrol. Not quite sure what he was trying to achieve, but it was quite amusing whilst he tried. When I first checked, signalled, and began the manoeuvre, he was more than five car lengths back – he must have booted it to attempt to get alongside.

    In the second, if someone indicates to change lane, you are obliged to give way to them.

    Well, you’re not (see merging onto the carriage way – the dashed lines are give way lines), but if it is safe and convenient to do so, it certainly makes everyone’s lives easier

    Free Member

    “if someone indicates to change lane, you are obliged to give way to them”

    Please put my mind at rest you don’t actually drive do you?

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Please put my mind at rest you don’t actually drive do you?

    Strange comment – you think that being considerate is dangerous?


    Being overtaken. If a driver is trying to overtake you, maintain a steady course and speed, slowing down if necessary to let the vehicle pass. Never obstruct drivers who wish to pass. Speeding up or driving unpredictably while someone is overtaking you is dangerous. Drop back to maintain a two-second gap if someone overtakes and pulls into the gap in front of you.


    Be considerate. Be careful of and considerate towards all types of road users, especially those requiring extra care (see Rule 204). You should

    try to be understanding if other road users cause problems; they may be inexperienced or not know the area well
    be patient; remember that anyone can make a mistake
    not allow yourself to become agitated or involved if someone is behaving badly on the road. This will only make the situation worse. Pull over, calm down and, when you feel relaxed, continue your journey
    slow down and hold back if a road user pulls out into your path at a junction. Allow them to get clear. Do not over-react by driving too close behind to intimidate them

    So what do you think the considerate thing to do in that case above then? Certainly not what he did and creep forwards even though he could see the focus was coming out anyway.

    Full Member

    In the first, the camera car shouldn’t be in the overtaking lane unless overtaking. Their speed was identical to the white van

    at the start of the vid he was going faster then at 11 seconds the relative speeds change presumably due to white van driver giving it some go pedal to overtake whatever that dark coloured car is. What do you want to him to do speed up to “close the door” on white van man? pull into left lane then no doubt get blocked in behind the dark car? Bearing in mind the blue van driver may be rapidly closing in the left hand lane by this time.

    He may not have been rapidly “making progress” but he wasn’t exactly dawdling.

    Free Member

    Nice excerpts. They don’t exactly explicitly oblige you to yield to an indicating car though, do they?

    Free Member

    Oh dear oh dear. Those videos were just supposed to fit the description of a boring video – Both showing alledged NUTTERS doing stuff you see on the motorway EVERY SINGLE DAY. Weren’t supposed to cause an argument or “in that video you can clearly see…” comments.
    Sometimes I forget I’m on STW I supposed. 😆

    Full Member

    Strange comment – you think that being considerate is dangerous?

    there’s being considerate and being a doormat. Agreed in the second vid the best thing to do would be ease off the gas pedal and let the focus in but there are much worse cases happen everyday where a driver just sticks on his indicator and moves straight across expecting to be let in to a gap that isn’t there. Indicator does not equal right of way.
    Also kinda rankles that being a considerate driver ie backing off at the merest hint of idiocy around you, means dickhead drivers get to do what they want on the roads and everyone else lets them. Hell, the police haven’t enough resources to properly prosecute people who cause accidents let alone deal with arseholes who almost cause them (and if they were dealt with surely we’d have less actual accidents)

    Full Member

    D0NK – (to your first post) I see your point. It may have been that the camera car allowed the white van to pull out.

    I guess my reaction was more due to people seeing outside lanes as somewhere you can safely carry out an overtaking manoeuvre, versus somewhere you can drift along at a certain speed.

    Zokes – Again – I see your point, I did go searching thinking that I would find an explicit example. I interpret it as part of being considerate – especially given the rules in 168.

    I guess unless we have a motorway driving instructor/tester in our midst we’re not going to know what the recommendation is in those circumstances. Personally I think the only safe thing to do in that instance was to hang back as soon as you realise that someone wants to enter your lane.

    Full Member

    Oh dear oh dear. Those videos were just supposed to fit the description of a boring video – Both showing alledged NUTTERS doing stuff you see on the motorway EVERY SINGLE DAY. Weren’t supposed to cause an argument or “in that video you can clearly see…” comments.
    Sometimes I forget I’m on STW I supposed.

    Sorry 🙂
    Yes you do see it on every single motorway journey. But I guess that’s why it irritates so much. I just think the safest thing to do it let the idiots get on with being idiots and not do anything that makes the situation more dangerous.

    Free Member

    Here’s a challenge for those who have to drive on motorways. Try and maintain the 2 second rule for any length of time in the outside lane of the motorway. Its impossible, as all the morons think thats an acceptable gap to jump into!

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