Home Forums Chat Forum Idiocy on the roads this week – what have you seen?

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  • Idiocy on the roads this week – what have you seen?
  • miketually
    Free Member

    emac65 – you do know that you only need to stop for red lights when it is safe to do so don’t you?

    Presumably the lights went to amber when you were still a distance from the line, so you could have started smoothly braking before then? You should drive slower and elave a bigger gap ahead of your vehicle if someone’s tailgating you, so i can’t see when you would ever *have* to go through a red.

    Free Member

    Well why didn’t you say that?
    Crossing the line is hardly running a red light….

    My better half works in traffic btw 😯

    Rudeboy so was I 8)

    Free Member

    BTW – my definition of running a red light is passing the stop line…..

    Which is slightly different to how the offence is described which is described as:
    ‘The offence is committed if “any part” of the vehicle crosses the stop line when the red light is showing.’

    Do you make your own laws up for everything?

    Full Member

    You lot fall for it every time 😆 Smee = Glupton and he is always deliberately vague on his statements, usually to promote folk to make assumptions. Guess he is writing an essay on it again…

    Free Member

    Really, or maybe he makes a fool out of himself then tries to make out it was a wind-up & everyone fell for it.
    Think about it 8)

    Free Member

    Miketualy – No I had stopped at the lights, but noticed a car coming up behind me that would not have been able to stop which appreciated, and used, the extra space.

    Emac – my missus is a physio – doesn’t mean that I know much about her specialist area of expertise.

    PDF – which is what I said – just worded differently.

    Stu – Not writing an essay, just sitting another test shortly….

    Full Member

    I was driving my artic to work and had to overtake some nonce in a car driving slowly in the inside lane just because there was a little bit of icing sugar on the roads 😉

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