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  • iDiet day off
  • zilog6128
    Full Member

    Currently seeing great results on the iDiet – lost almost 2 stone in 3 months. Becoming increasingly disillusioned with the “cheat day” though so I was wondering if it had any scientific basis, e.g. allows the body to recover/recharge somehow or contributes to some physiological process – or is it purely psychological (i.e. helps you stick to the diet by not wanting to cheat for the other 6 days). The reason I ask is that I feel great during the week but after my cheat day at the weekend I feel rough and I think I would prefer to stick to healthy eating 100% of the time. Or is that the intention? To train the body to reject unhealthy foods!?

    Free Member

    what about this cheat day

    Full Member

    I think it’s the baked bean for dinner that’s stalling his weight loss!

    Full Member

    i dont bother with the cheat day. why do all the hard work through the week, then spoil it all by eating rubbish for a day.

    Full Member

    i dont bother with the cheat day. why do all the hard work through the week, then spoil it all by eating rubbish for a day.

    This is the view I’m coming around to! Been reading through Mark’s Daily Apple and it makes a lot of sense to me – why not eat healthily 100% of the time? I was just wondering if the cheat day had any scientific basis, or is just there to stop people from falling off the wagon!

    Free Member

    In my view the day off is for a few reasons.
    1. It gives you a target day when you’re struggling with temptation – ‘I can have a pie/chocolate in 3 days’
    2. There is evidence that the large boost in energy intake actually enhances fat loss
    3. I believe that we should avoid routine eating patterns

    When you get to your target weight I’d say it’s no longer necessary

    ton – not doing it could explain your failure to lose more this week, stick at it!

    Free Member

    I don’t feel the need to go mad and over eat on my day off, but is nice to have a few treats, no big deal, enjoy it!

    Full Member

    The self-loathing you get from pigging out on the off day, and the bloaty feeling from the bread and toast makes it easier to stay focused in the week ahead.

    And the realisation that the stuff you crave ain’t all that anyway.

    Free Member

    Gert big chunk of Roquefort for breakfast. Colossal pizza and beer in the evening. 4Kg lost this week. I don’t think the day off is causing me too many problems.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the reply Dave. I’ve lost 2 stone v quickly & easily (3 months ish) on your diet but I feel I’m at the point now where I can lay off the “cheat days” and lose the rest at my leisure.

    The self-loathing you get from pigging out on the off day, and the bloaty feeling from the bread and toast makes it easier to stay focused in the week ahead.

    This is true, but now it feels ridiculous to voluntarily do this to myself!

    Full Member

    So I had a quick look on the App store, and found five different iDiet apps – can anyone point e in the right direction for getting started with this? Is iDiet a generic thing, or are you all using a specific one?

    Free Member

    I have nothing to do with any apps – it was called the iDave diet here, then seemed to change into the iDiet.

    Email me for a copy of the diet these threads refer to. And it’s free.

    Full Member

    I’m really not enjoying the cheat day anymore. I guess I’ve become disengaged from junk food and I’m enjoying the healthier food much more.

    Two weeks ago I had a pizza. Pre iDave I was a pizza fiend, but I really didn’t enjoy this one.

    On Friday I had a black pudding supper, and again I really didn’t enjoy it.

    Full Member

    This is exactly how I feel – which is why I’m edging towards the “primal” diet, which is actually quite similar to the iDiet in a lot of respects, except it is 100% “on” (no cheat days) and slightly less restrictive.

    Free Member

    I love the day off..

    huge (and I mean huge) bowl of berry dorset ceral muesli with added granola bananas and honey (about two noral bowls worth), with a very full mug of cappucino (and chocolate!)

    However it wasnt much of a cheat on the main with cauliflower and macaroni cheese with pork chops with veg…

    and tbh I sometimes ‘extend’ it to a full weekend.

    I hope no ones skipping these days in fear of putting on weight as tbh I may put on a pound over the weekend but by weds it’ll be gone…

    Free Member

    IMO the ‘primal’ way is great once you lose the weight if you’re pretty active.

    Full Member

    iDave – Member

    I have nothing to do with any apps – it was called the iDave diet here, then seemed to change into the iDiet.

    Email me for a copy of the diet these threads refer to. And it’s free.

    So there’s no messing about with apps, and it’s free, and there’s a helpful bloke called Dave behind it all?

    Sign me up.

    Full Member

    I hope no ones skipping these days in fear of putting on weight as tbh I may put on a pound over the weekend but by weds it’ll be gone…

    It’s not the weight for me as you’re right, it goes again v quickly (just water weight from the extra sugars I guess). It’s more that the sugary/stodgy food that I’m not eating during the week is actually unappetising and makes me feel rough/ill!

    IMO the ‘primal’ way is great once you lose the weight if you’re pretty active.

    Yeah this makes sense to me. FWIW I’m really pleased I found the iDave diet and it has really kickstarted my “new dawn” of fitness. I would (and do) recommend it to anyone trying to ease in to a healthier lifestyle. So many thanks for sharing it with everybody!

    Free Member

    And it’s free.

    Somewhere, possibly Bristol, a rugged Irishman cries.

    Free Member

    There are iDiet Apps?

    I think I first used that. I need some royalties. If only I knew a Irish Richard Gere-a-like in the Bristol area.

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