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  • iDiet
  • iDave
    Free Member

    just came across this article[/url] which makes interesting reading, and in many aspects is similar to the iDave diet

    it’s not exactly the same but has similar elements and also contains some rational behind cutting out grain based carbs

    i await the damnation of the great nutritional gurus, ton and sfb

    Full Member

    idave, yoyu do seem very bitter for some reason……………
    a lot of skinny feckers ARE like that……….. 8)

    Free Member

    iRedThunder diet.

    Eat less and exercise more.[TM]

    Remember for fatties it’s a gland problem…..the mouth gland 😉

    Free Member

    Can you eat fruit on the iDiet…. and donuts?

    Full Member

    just been out for my son’s 19th and my mum’s 70th joint birthday meal.
    4 pint’s of black sheep
    chicken liver pate and oatcakes
    chicken and ham pie, veg, few spuds
    bread and butter pudding
    black coffee
    sherry…………………..now stuffed.

    oh, and to date i have lost 2 stone and 8lbs……………..not following the atkins idave diet plan……… 😉

    Free Member

    It’s an interesting read, while there are points where both diets agree there appear to be as many which don’t e.g legumes and fruit.

    It has, however, started me on a new mission. Today for some unknown reason my asthma seems to have cleared up and the gluten free aspect of Robb’s diet is quite interesting, but I still eat alot of food which is off the list e.g quinoa, lentils and pizza (homemade). So thanks for that.

    Yet another point of view.

    Everyone has their own take on the perfect diet and my conclusion is everything in moderation

    Free Member

    Can you eat fruit on the iDiet…. and donuts?

    Strawberry jam donuts count as one of your 5-a-day.

    Free Member

    ton, knew you’d bite, you ‘big boned’ types are so predictable 🙄

    Full Member

    ‘Big Boned’ people always bite – that’s the problem…

    Full Member

    i couldn’t resist………. 😆

    i do like to be entertained.

    Free Member

    everything in moderation

    The only sensible thing posted here or in that link

    Free Member

    Everyone has their own take on the perfect diet

    Except the people who really study physiology and diet – they have possibilities and suggestions of things to try.

    I’m beginning to understand the thing about refined carbs – it’s interesting stuff. And not because of TJ’s over-simplified traditional ideas.

    Also heard a lot of interesting stuff about gluten and other health problems.

    Free Member

    Hmm, just read the article, and the insistent tone really put me off. He really sounds like a salesman not a scientist.

    I don’t quite understand this either. Surely if all our guts were inflamed, this would show up when we get endoscopies for other things? I’m sure some or many people are intolerant of gluten etc but everyone? Just doesn’t seem to make sense.

    And wtf is this paleo business? Why would we want to eat like we did in paleolithic times? Back then people only lived 30 years, didn’t they?

    Plus I’m very sceptical about the grains evolving a ‘don’t eat me’ response. Grasses are eaten all year round whether or not they are seeding. Plus they create tons of seeds which itself is a protection strategy. Not to mention the fact that grass covers the ground without self-seeding.

    Actually – another thing that makes it even more nonsensical is that the only thing that grass would need to deter from eating it is large herbivores, and they eat nothing but grass mostly and clearly thrive on it.

    Free Member

    Strawberry jam donuts count as one of your 5-a-day.

    So a bag of ten donuts is probably overkill?

    Free Member

    No- thats you for the next two days.

    Free Member

    Oh….. but I’ll probably be hungry tomorrow. How much fruit in an apple turnover?

    Full Member

    I would like to know why for many decades I was able to eat white bread but now have to avoid like the plague. Yep, no baguettes, no pizza etc etc.

    I am convinced that grains have been ‘interfered’ with for maximum yield, along with pesticides etc etc.

    Remember for fatties it’s a gland problem…..the mouth gland

    Believe me, it ain’t funny. Thyroid that is. 🙁

    Full Member

    The talk of ‘poisons entering your blood through your intestine’ kinda misses out the fact that all the blood from your gut passes through the liver, where ‘poisons’ are effectively removed (in healthy livers).

    Secondly, isn’t this chap just talking about coeliac disease, it’s symptoms and the associated conditions (note associations, NOT consequences) of this auto immune condition? A condition that has gold standard methods of diagnosing it – thus if you don’t have it, you are not ‘allergic’ to gluten???

    Also, I hate this statement:
    A recent study looking at children with type 1 diabetes (an autoimmune condition) found that a significant number of them had overt gut pathology, i.e., celiac. Some had a positive antibody test for celiac, but a number of kids were negative on both the WGA antibody test (a common blood test for celiac) and on an intestinal biopsy. So doctors would think there was no gluten influence in their condition. Interestingly, however, nearly all the kids showed antibodies in the deep tissues of the microvilli to . . . transglutaminase.
    So, the test WAS positive then……?!

    Anyway, I’m giving up grains and taking up smack and fags, just to be safe…..



    Free Member

    And wtf is this paleo business? Why would we want to eat like we did in paleolithic times? Back then people only lived 30 years, didn’t they?

    …because back then the food was natural and had not been interferred with, processed with added sugars etc, plus it was harder to get hold of so not as easy to eat too much of it. In many ways the stone age diet is the perfect diet.

    The reason people only lived ’till 30 odd years old is because I imagine there were alot of very insecure people wondering around tooled up and nobody to say… errr excuse me, you can’t do that it’s against the law… plus health & safety hadn’t really been thought of.


    Free Member

    The reason people only lived ’till 30 odd years old is because….

    ….they hadn’t discovered the real benefits of adding preservatives to your food.

    Free Member

    So a bag of ten donuts is probably overkill?

    Nah, you will just be 2x as healthy.

    Free Member

    iDave, sorry, I seem to have missed something here but what exactly is the iDave diet?

    Free Member

    because back then the food was natural and had not been interferred with, processed with added sugars etc

    Everyone understands that heavily processed and sugared foods are bad. However this guy is advocating the removal of some pretty big food groups that involve fairly un-processed and ostensibly pure and wholesome stuff. Unless you consider cooking to be ‘processed’.

    Free Member

    Do Waitrose sell stegosaurus steaks?

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