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  • Identify these cyclists please.
  • zippykona
    Full Member

    The company we buy the bags from don’t know .
    To be fair they probably don’t care either, they’re just olde fashioned cyclists.
    Normally their bags feature pugs sitting on deck chairs.

    Full Member

    Er, whilst singletrack attracts a special audience isn’t ‘who are these champions of the road’ the purview of some other forum?

    Free Member

    Good shout TiRed. Don’t have a clue without a bit of a Google.
    I do know that by 1960 they still all wore National jerseys, but had sponsorship across them, so definitely 1950’s as there is no trade names.

    The oldest guy I ride with was a pro about then for Holdsworth and rode for Gt Britain he would probably just know.

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