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  • iDave Diet Joinee
  • IanMunro
    Free Member

    Ian – have you got the Spinal(Power)Tap edition? 5 is definitely the limit.

    No No, No No No No, No No No No, No No There’s No Limit!

    Free Member

    explain how your body is in the minority

    I’m a sprinter. At school I cleaned up at 100/200/400m. Even then there were only a couple of other lads who could compete, everyone else was miles behind.

    Most cyclists I speak to say they were rubbish at sprinting and into distance events at school.

    Free Member

    No No… No No No No… No No No No.. No No There’s No Limit!


    Does the 310 have first beat? http://www.firstbeat.fi/en/training-effect

    MOlly – Usain Bolt often eats a Maccy D’s before an event so for your sprinting you’re proabably doing the right things.

    Free Member

    I was rubbish at sprinting at school, mind you I was rubbish at distance too 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m a sprinter. At school I cleaned up at 100/200/400m. Even then there were only a couple of other lads who could compete, everyone else was miles behind.

    Why are you trying to force your body into marathon running then? Get to the velodrome and sprint.
    I do endurance stuff and could never compete with the out and out sprinter, nor would I want to.

    Free Member

    I’m a sprinter. At school I cleaned up at 100/200/400m. Even then there were only a couple of other lads who could compete, everyone else was miles behind.

    Aye !, I was a sprint king at my schools.

    IIRC, at around 14 / 15yrs I did the 100 in 12s.
    No training, whatever, whatsoever.

    Frustratingly, when invited to join the atheltics team, the swim team, whatever.
    I was forced to decline.

    I could have been…… yeah, an also ran.

    Oh, hang on !

    Free Member

    My question was simply: is it an all or nothing effect (follow the diet to the letter or see little or no effect), or does following it partially result in a partial effect. What does the dose-response curve look like?

    Well clearly my body is different to yours but I have been following the diet but not 100% as I still take a splash of milk in my coffee. I’m not sure all of the falafels I’m munching are 100% compliant either.

    However, I have dropped approx 4kg over the past 4 weeks and the only exercise has been my short commute to work each day and rides on weekends. Nothing extra than usual for me.

    I’m pleased with a the weight loss, purely from changing my diet, so far and if I want to loose a bit more I’ll ramp up the exercise, which I expect I’ll do anyway as the weather improves and I spend more time outside.

    Plus side for me is I love red wine and the types of foods you are recommended to eat. Never been a huge fan of fruit but love veg, beans, pulses etc and grilled lean meats and fish.

    Free Member

    I’m a sprinter. At school I cleaned up at 100/200/400m. Even then there were only a couple of other lads who could compete, everyone else was miles behind.

    Doesn’t this sort of depend on the type of school you went to and the competition you were put up against? 😀

    Free Member

    Doesn’t this sort of depend on the type of school you went to and the competition you were put up against?

    He was probably sprinting for his county.

    Free Member

    Does the 310 have first beat? http://www.firstbeat.fi/en/training-effect

    Yes, but..

    Nevertheless the point still stands that I’m 3.8 better than than awesome 🙂

    Free Member

    don’t have the cheat days

    thats quite a statement for me.
    as someone thinking very strongly about taking on the iDave plan, I have an instruction to eat what I want for 1 day per week, and that this is VERY important.
    I havent yet found an explanation as to why this is important.

    If you (iDave) are not partaking in the ‘free’ day, could you please explain why.

    Is there somewhere I can obtain more detail as to the science behind the iDave diet? as id like to be confident in explaining how it works when under scrutiny.

    Full Member

    I’m a sprinter. At school I cleaned up at 100/200/400m. Even then there were only a couple of other lads who could compete, everyone else was miles behind.

    I was the best fighter in my class between primary 5 and 7.

    Free Member

    Why are you trying to force your body into marathon running then?

    Well MTBing is fun, which is why I started it. I would love to hit the velodrome but despite trying to find out I’ve got no idea how to do it. Plus it needs a new bike.

    Doesn’t this sort of depend on the type of school you went to and the competition you were put up against?

    The point is that only what, 5-10% of us were anything like competitive at sprinting. I’m not saying I’m the greatest sprinter, our school wans’t that good. I seem to remember 11.2s and 23.5s aged 15-16.

    Free Member

    I was the best fighter in my class between primary 5 and 7.

    I’d’ve still robbed you of your marbles. Maybe not Molly though.. he’d have run away.

    Free Member

    “If you (iDave) are not partaking in the ‘free’ day, could you please explain why”

    Because I’m not over weight.

    I have the odd cheat meal, usually after a log hard training session.

    Free Member

    If you (iDave) are not partaking in the ‘free’ day, could you please explain why.

    I understand that the free for all day is included to help with fat loss, therefore if there is no need to lose fat, there is no need to binge on crap.

    Full Member

    I havent yet found an explanation as to why this is important.

    2 reasons as far as i can tell

    it gives you a day to look forward to

    it shocks your metabolism

    Free Member

    so im more confused.
    how will the binging on crap help me to lose weight? (my priority goal)

    Free Member

    it shocks your metabolism

    in what way is the metabolism shocked? ”oh goody here’s some nice sugary food, lets…lose weight?”

    science please

    Full Member

    This is covered in the Four Hour Body I believe.

    Free Member

    I havent yet found an explanation as to why this is important

    My impression is that while on iDave diet, you have now sussed your body’s fat making system and can get a grip on how to avoid putting on more weight and also getting rid of what you don’t need.

    But !, if you persist with low GI only, I think your body can switch to something like Famine mode which moves the goal posts.

    So, if every 7 – 10 days you do a carby day, whether your thing is bread, fruit, cheese, whatever.
    Then your body doesn’t switch to its Famine mode, and you can continue to adjust your body weight down to about 12 percent BF.
    Mostly through diet, but you should always exercise too.
    Its the way we were made ( most of us ).

    Furthermore, once I reached a better body weight.
    I could shift slightly to a tiny bit like Primal, where once you’re comfortably lean.
    You just eat differently to before, forever.

    Free Member

    It also counters the tendency to limit calories, which some people subconsciously do, which is not a good way to lose fat.

    Free Member

    Its the way we were made ( most of us ).


    Free Member

    science please

    Have you actually thought about trying to see what happens rather than relying you read.
    Salesman’s dream.

    Free Member

    It also counters the tendency to limit calories, which some people subconsciously do, which is not a good way to lose fat

    Here, Here !.
    One of the best parts of the iDave diet.
    You maintain sensible, proper, portion sizes.


    Free Member

    Have you actually thought about trying to see what happens rather than relying you read.
    Salesman’s dream.

    Ive lost over 70 lb recently, and am constantly looking for new motivation in order to help shift the remaining surplus.
    I like to know what im about to embark on and gauge the chances of success before I take the plunge.
    But thanks.

    Free Member

    It also counters the tendency to limit calories, which some people subconsciously do, which is not a good way to lose fat

    Here, Here !.
    One of the best parts of the iDave diet.
    You maintain sensible, proper, portion sizes.

    I didnt see the bit about portion size, how much emphasis is there on calorie counting (if any)?
    I know modern thinking is leaning toward debunking calories all together, but its very hard not to focus on calories having previously suceeded on a calorie controled diet..

    Free Member

    I like to know what im about to embark on and gauge the chances of success before I take the plunge.
    But thanks.

    Use the search button to see the experiences of your peers.
    You’re welcome.
    EDIT: I see you haven’t even read the iDiet instructions before looking for scientific evidence. 🙄

    Free Member

    why? I like this semi live format. mostly.

    Full Member

    I didnt see the bit about portion size, how much emphasis is there on calorie counting (if any)?


    Free Member

    I like this semi live format. mostly.

    IMO this thread has been a lot of fun today.

    Thanks Molly et al.

    Free Member

    I didnt see the bit about portion size, how much emphasis is there on calorie counting (if any)?
    I know modern thinking is leaning toward debunking calories all together, but its very hard not to focus on calories having previously suceeded on a calorie controled diet..

    Just follow the instruction in the Doc, if you want to.
    I’d have expected that your initial Qs would centre around what foods and recipes people are enjoying.
    Thats what most newbies ask.
    Then you get types like Bagstard, who seem to be a bottomless pit of recipe recommendation.
    His curry, Bhaji and keema peas from last week sounded very good.
    And Ton has approved those recipes.

    Free Member

    I’ve been watching these diet threads with interest for some time but not contributing. If you provide your body with what it needs in the way of vitamins, proteins, carbs fibre etc., does it really matter what they’re in? I just eat the convenience food I enjoy: Bread (lots of it), pizzas, müesli, bananas, kiwis, pasta (in large doses) beef, pork, cheese, chocolate (a 100gm bar a day). And I eat it when I feel hungry. I rarely eat any veg because I consider it animal fodder and prefer fruit. I eat between meals, I sometimes miss meals. In fact I do just about everything these threads say I shouldn’t. The result:

    Madame (her ski boot is broken BTW hence the odd stance and difficultly getting around the turn).

    I’m the one wearing sandals

    Free Member

    “does it really matter what they’re in?”

    Yes, it does funny enough. For many many reasons.

    What’s the relevance of the skier?

    I assume you’re slim under your big ski clothing, maybe you’re very active, maybe you’re less insulin sensitive, you mention skipping meals too.

    However your thinking that all calories are created equal is a myth that more knowledgeable people/boffins than I would totally refute.

    Free Member

    The skier eats the same as I do in slightly smaller quantities, isn’t exactly fat as the pic shows and has been competitive at a high level for years.

    Anyhow, sometimes an alternative view is useful, I’ve found trying to eat “properly” as in the “iDave” approach and found it counterproductive. It doesn’t work for me.

    Training when not fully fueled up is less effective and more likely to result in injury and fatigue. If you don’t fuel up with easily digested carbs after a taining session you won’t recover as quickly. So, eat, drink and be merry, train lots too and you won’t get fat, and you might find yourself on the podium.

    My favourite shop:

    Free Member

    “Training when not fully fueled up is less effective and more likely to result in injury and fatigue. If you don’t fuel up with easily digested carbs after a training session you won’t recover as quickly.”

    I know, that’s why the plan says to take carbs during and after intensive sessions. Did you actually read it or just pick out the bits that suited you?

    Free Member

    iDave – Member
    It also counters the tendency to limit calories, which some people subconsciously do, which is not a good way to lose fat.

    Puts hand up: this I guess is me. I’ve been cutting back but telling myself its that I’m cutting out the crap (snacks) and being hungry helps me make proper meals for a change.

    I’m not exactly limiting my portion sizes really and tend now to have an ‘extra’ half helping of whoever I’ve just made…

    So I should be eating more???

    Free Member

    more than what?

    you should eat enough not to be hungry

    Free Member

    I’m saying eat carbs all the time in generous quantities not just after intensive training sessions. Do you agree with that, iDave? I do something every day but intensive things only every couple of weeks. Only half an hour swim today, I still munched half a bar of chocolate and a banana on the ride home though.

    Free Member

    Maybe not Molly though.. he’d have run away

    That stood me in good stead when I was a kid 🙂

    So, eat, drink and be merry, train lots too and you won’t get fat

    Sigh.. here we go again.. the annoying prick who thinks that just because he’s not fat then everyone else can do the same thing and get the same result.

    If you’ve really been reading the diet threads you’d realise that not everyone’s made the same way. I ate, drank, was merry and exercised a lot – net result, 90kg. Not a biffer, but not slim enough.

    (I expect you to assume here that I was filling my face with pies and cakes constantly and thinking a monthly bimble round the nearest trail centre was good training)

    Don’t make the mistake of assuming we’re trying to tell everyone how to eat. The plan is one pretty effective way of eating that can produce weight loss and stability. It’s not the only way, and not everyone needs to switch from more traditional styles of food to lose weight.

    I’m saying eat carbs all the time in generous quantities not just after intensive training sessions.

    That makes many people fat. If it doesn’t do it to you, then great, you’re fortunate.

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