I was diagnosed gluten intolerant two years ago, so I essentially cut out bread, pasta, cereal literally overnight. The withdrawl symptoms were bad, but no where near as bad as i had felt in the 10 years prior to that.
I was also diagnosed dairy intolerant at the time too, so cut out milk, chesse and switched to goats yoghurt.
As I said on another idiet thread, I lost 22lbs in 3 weeks! Worrying at the time.
However, over the last year or so, i have started eating cows cheese and yoghurt again without issue and the odd bit of processed carb has snuck in, e.g. GF pasta once a week.
I would say that my diet was fairly good and fairly well matched to my metabolic type. But I am probably still 1 to 1.5 st over “my” ideal weight.
I dont race and am not looking to become a super athlete, but just want to eat as healthily as possible, but without becoming too obsessed with what I eat.
I do really enjoy cheese, yoghurt and berries, so was just wondering whether any gain will be worth the pain.