Sheldon brown guide, you could just copy a wheel, but you’ll be there all day trying to figure it out, and probably miss several important bits like:
1) All(most all) rims are asymmetric.
2) There’s sound logical reasons why pushing/pulling spokes are laced either inside or outside, know these reasons and argue to the death over them (pulling spokes inside all the time for me, stops chains getting jammed, and the pushing spokes pull the spokes in under braking which can buy some critical clearance from the brake caliper)
3) There’s a lot more to it than just lacing and tensioning, none of it is difficult, but each step needs doing.
A tension meter and decent stand makes life easier, not essential, but takes the guesswork out of the equation. It’s perfectly possible to build a good wheel without one, it’s equally possible to build a perfectly true wheel with no stiffness, spokes so loose the nipples unwind and falls apart despite twanging the spokes and determining they were all within a couple of octaves of D-flat.