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  • I don't handle crap jobs very well
  • crikey
    Free Member

    I’m not offended, just comically exasperated that you can grumble about being paid for doing something that sounds easy.
    Mrs grips is also missing a trick; you should be going home to a list of domestic drudgery as long as your arm!

    Free Member

    The CV entry for these last few jobs is embarassingly short, cos there’s f all to report!

    Whilst I would never condone lying about anything on a CV (you look like a complete dick if you get found out!), I’m sure you’ve got the ability to elaborate plenty about your recent acheivements, and make them sound more important than they actually were… Your CV is a sales tool, the more interesting you can make it sound (even if the work was dull), the further it’s going to get you…

    Oh, and I can sympathise about the job, I’ve had both extremes in the past… Too much work, too little time, too little money, and the opposite of being paid a decent wage to do not very much with almost no pressure. And in the latter, it can be quite difficult to maintain discipline too, and get stuff done, because you begin to feel like there is no consequence to not doing the work satisfactorily and that you don’t make a difference anyway.

    I’ve been there – I can imagine how hard it is to understand for those who’ve never experienced that sort of procrastination hell.

    Killing 40 hours a week, in the workplace, waiting for things to land at your feet or tasks to do is soul destroying! MUCH better if you have the ability to “work from home” when you want to, cos as we all know, with the prospect of doing your own things at home (riding bike, watching TV etc.) we all manage to compress 8 hours “work” into less than 2 hours.

    Free Member

    Yeah it’s perverse. Things are too easy. I want an insoluble problem with a critical deadline…

    Free Member

    Perhaps TSY can do a course for you?

    Not as stupid as it sounds Junky… I’ve been contemplating a move into consultancy…

    Free Member

    I’ve been there – I can imagine how hard it is to understand for those who’ve never experienced that sort of procrastination hell.

    IME, it’s made worse by the fact that you know you’re being a pathetic whiny **** about it. 🙂

    Free Member

    Hahaha we don’t do domestic drudgery in this house.
    Mol and I are both lazy unmotivated creatures unless it comes to hedonistic ‘jobs’

    Full Member

    On the side of the “procrastination hell” posters here.
    Doing nothing meaningful all day sounds great until you do it. It is soul destroying. Believe it or not, being gainfully occupied all day is much easier.

    Free Member

    Mol and I are both lazy unmotivated creatures….

    So he’s like this at home as well???? 😆

    Full Member

    Don’t apologise, sort your life out.

    Free Member

    🙂 We are like this at home (when it comes to everyday chores) yes. Chores so dull aren’t they? And once you do them you really just have to do them again.
    It’s such a pity we all cannot run around naked and do what ever creative fun we want whenever we want.

    Free Member

    TSY you missed the wink
    Actually I have been there but I liked the people. It really could be worse you are well rewarded for this you could do something damn hard for f all instead…every cloud and all that.

    Free Member

    Sounds like the burden of the middle clarses; Boo Hoo, my £40,000, £50,000 job (and the rest…) isn’t exciting enough.

    Give it up then, be a drug dealer?

    Free Member

    Lots of things that you can do a work that would benfit both yourself and your employer. learning to speak German for example.

    Free Member

    Yeah the problem is that if I am seen to be not working it’ll look bad. Some kind of online course might be a good idea though. I normally take my German book down to lunch.

    Free Member

    Junky – I’m serious!

    Free Member

    I use this: http://visitsteve.com/made/selfcontrol/

    Singletrackworld.com gets put on the blacklist 😈 along with facebook etc.

    I’m sure there is a Windows alternative!

    Free Member

    Yeah the problem is that if I am seen to be not working it’ll look bad. Some kind of online course might be a good idea though. I normally take my German book down to lunch.

    Has Mein Kampf turned out to be a good read?

    Full Member

    Can your job and work as a motorcycle courier. We all win that way. Have you ever done a really filthy, dirty, dangerous job? I kind of think everyone should at some point so they have a sense of perspective.

    Or read Andy Cave’s book, Learning To Breathe. It’s ostensibly a climbing autobiography, but the first half is about working as a miner in Thatcher’s Britain, you might just appreciate that while you’re bored, there are plenty of worse places to be.

    And if you don’t like where you are, don’t whine, change things.

    Free Member

    mrsgrips – Member

    It’s such a pity we all cannot run around naked and do what ever creative fun we want whenever we want.

    mrsgrips, you are in germany.. this isn’t thought of as a taboo. get stuck in.

    Free Member

    I agree with molgrips. If you have a febrile brain and are used to intense working, long slack periods are like torture for the soul. Especially when the sun is shining through the window.

    People in our kinds of job should be given time-banks so that the vast amounts of unpaid extra time we put in, we get back as free-time during slack periods.

    Full Member

    Lots of sandy vaginas in here!

    I’m with you Mol – you have my sympathy. I’m in a bit of a quiet period at work at the moment and it’s really starting to affect me. I have lost the motivation to do anything, my self confidence is taking a beating (I like to be busy!) and I’m utterly miserable.

    Free Member

    I have some really spankywanky borders to put into a parquet floor, before polishing and finishing next week. If any IT dudes fancy helping for a day, I’ll lend some kneepads and a facemask 🙂

    Free Member

    I want an insoluble problem with a critical deadline

    I had a serious boredom problem and spent an awful lot of time farting about on here. Then I got an insoluble problem with a critical deadline and I can confirm that it is much better.

    If there is no question of your current employer finding something to amuse you spend your time learning new stuff, then get a new job.

    Or just show them this thread and await compulsory reassignment to the job market. 😀

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    Work is disorganised, unproductive and stupid. This results in low pressure low expectations.

    However, as you can probably tell from my volume of posting, it’s doing my nut! I appreciate idling as much as anyone, but the lack of direction and drive is not doing my state of mind any favours.

    Anyone else trying really hard to care about their tasks at work?

    Couldn’t do that ! insult to my intelligence
    You must be hanging in there because you have to?

    Free Member

    Dam double post

    Full Member

    Junkyard – Member

    How much pressure is there associated with not being under pressure?

    I went mad tbh. After years of never having enough resources to do the job right it turned out I’d forgotten how to function in a sane environment.

    Free Member

    i was the same a couple weeks ago mol

    boss **** off and left me very little work – did some of my core competencys for work and updated the CV. – unlike that lad who went to his bosses boss and complained 😀 – mong

    bored out my tits – he then came back and said – figure out why this doesnt work – which has involved me looking through about 100 different cases for a link to when they worked 90% o the time and **** up the other few times and then making waterhammer maths fit my theory , graphing data and putting together a presentation for powers that be

    much better mood this week 😀 – next week i get to repeat it for other tools we have – joy

    then probably get told in the presentation that im talking shite – but at least i feel like im busy and not justpassing time – was beginning to feel like a prison that i drive my self to and lock my self into during daylight hours 🙁

    – sitting doing nothing all day makes you tired as **** too !

    Free Member

    Chuckle@alpin 🙂

    You must be hanging in there because you have to?

    To be honest it’s easy money, despite the frustration. The folk are good, the canteen’s ok, the commute is good – just venting a bit, that’s all 🙂

    Course it’d be better if it weren’t in Germany…

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