MRI scan – it’s a horrible experience – noisy shaking claustrophobic machine – I wouldn’t ever want to go through it again.
Its only claustrophobic if you have claustrophobia, you’re just in a small space for more time than you’d volunteer too, with the accompanying nagging worry that everyone can see up your gown while you’re in there. As a way of getting examined and diagnosed there are experiences you’d want to repeat less, involving anywhere they might want to poke an endoscope for instance.
Depends what you have scanned though, having you’re knee scanned is less bothersome than having your head clamped up and having your brain scanned.
On which point I have a final question – what exactly happens after I’ve had the scan?
If you’re not already seeing a consultant then you’d go to your GP for the results, if they’re unable do determine anything from them (or the scans haven’t already been interpreted before they get them) then they’ll refer you to someone who can.